Social Mining will be Live: Earn 2KEY Before TGE!

H. S.
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2019

Communities are one of the most valuable yet underleveraged assets.

Even though blockchain projects aim to deliver decentralized products, they often overlook the opportunity of sourcing the skillsets needed to expand that product from the most accessible decentralized source of human capital: their community.

In order to ensure our community plays a vital role in 2Key’s ecosystem growth, development, and exposure, DAO Maker’s Social Mining is integrating 2KEY tokens.

What is Social Mining?

Social Mining is the most advanced resource to convert any tokenized ecosystem into a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO).

To participate in Social Mining, a project’s stakeholders and community members sign-up on a designated community dashboard. After the simple onboarding process, each community member has the opportunity to add value to the project, whether it be through a simple retweet of the project’s most recent announce or by creating a supplementary software that eases the use of the development, i.e. a blockchain scanner for a native token.

Whenever a value-added task is done, it can be documented on the dashboard. The Social Mining dashboard pulls all reported work into a news feed that is presented to all members of a community, who validate the authenticity of each reported work and then decide on how much value said task generated. Subsequently, each reported work is paid project tokens based on the amount of points the reported work received in proportion to all the points given in a reward period.

Start Earning 2KEY

To participate in Social Mining, add value to 2key in any way you can. Naturally, doing more valuable work leads to greater rewards.

Some examples of work that can be encompassed by Social Mining:

- Social Exposure: Share 2key and discuss it in your social channels.

- Content: Leverage your creativity and skillsets to create content, in any form, to draw attention to any aspect of 2key, what it can do, what it may become, and how others may use it.

- Business Development: 2key Network can be used by anyone to draw attention to anything. Launch your own 2key campaigns or get others to use the network to launch campaigns.

- Partnerships: 2key Protocol can make DApps scalable and instantly accessible with fiat or any Crypto. This can make DApps become as popular as traditional apps; let developers know of this incredible value.

- Bugs: Detect bugs of any scale.

- Suggestions: Use 2key Network and offer feedback on how it can be improved. You may even make suggestions on non-product aspects and simply propose improvements on the website, community engagement, strategy, etc.

The above examples are… examples. You have the ability to add value to the 2key ecosystem in any way you can/want, and then be rewarded for the value you created.

2KEY will be integrated into Social Mining tomorrow.

2Key’s community members have the opportunity to accrue reputation in 2Key’s Social Mining, and this reputation will continue even after the TGE; this highly incentivizes early participation. Also, while each member’s tasks will be rewarded, the top 40 participants will be offered a guaranteed placement on the 2KEY token sale whitelist, thereby ensuring them an allocation.

This is the thirteenth article in 2Key’s 1-Month of Content.

Article 1: 2key in 150- and 300-Word Descriptions

Article 2: 2KEY Token Economy Explained

Article 6: $3,000 2KEY Competition: Make Your Token and Tell the World!

We invite you to have a firsthand experience of our breakthrough solution — Smart Links — on our testnet (; you can be the pioneering drive in the first feasible solution in the scramble to decentralize the web.

