Archive of stories published by 3 Things I Learned

3 things I learned from Auren Hoffman.

Auren Hoffman joined Erik Torenberg on the Product Hunt podcast and here are 3 things I learned.

1- Timing is a variable in the success equation. “If you’re 6 people, a false positive is so destructive to your company that hiring somebody really bad can be a…

3 Things I Learned from Judd Apatow

Judd Apatow joined Brian Koppelman on The Moment podcast to talk about his book Sick in the Head. If you’ve ever enjoyed the work of people like Jerry Seinfeld, Seth Rogen, or Harold Ramis — go buy this book. The book is a collection of interviews Apatow did with…

3 Things I learned from Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk joined richroll to talk about work, hustle, and his new book #AskGaryVee…

These were the top 10 stories published by 3 Things I Learned; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, and 2017.

3 Things I Learned
Sharing three things learned on the journey of life.
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