30HG Interviews | Justin aka @justintbao: Travelling hoops fan from Asia

Loz Intransit
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2023


Like myself Justin is an avid hoops fan who travels to experience basketball in every corner of the globe. We found each other due to our shared mission years ago, finally meeting in person at the turn of the year. From his home base in the Philippines, he’s been kind enough to share his story. Enjoy!

Introduce yourself and your connection to basketball?
Very much a late bloomer, I only started watching basketball in high school and first picked up a ball to play pickup in college!

I consider myself to be a huge hoops fan, particularly of the NBA and international ball. This is what pushed me to go on many overseas trips to attend games both as a fan and as a member of the media, where I have covered the game part-time for the past few years.

Any cool stories and connections you’ve made on the road?
Lucky to have met great people from around the sport. Obviously, not everyone will be a dream to work with or simply be around, but I have formed some of my greatest friendships thanks to the sport. Many of them are players, media people, and fans from different parts of the world.

Cool connections you’ve made at home where you’re from?
While I have formed some tight bonds with people in the Philippines, I may have just as many overseas — if not more.

What are your goals with your basketball project and fandom?
I have never fashioned myself as someone who consciously tries to push an agenda on others, but with my limited reach, I try to shine a light on deserving yet lesser-covered competitions and leagues when I can.

Of course, as a fan, I believe we are kindred spirits. The quest remains pretty much the same: travelling the world while seeing as much basketball as we can.

List some of the countries and places you’ve visited and found hoops?
The “basketball tourism” actually started for me when I was vacationing in Sydney and Melbourne back between 2014–15. After attending my first NBL games, I was hooked. I soon went to New York and Brooklyn, Cleveland, Philly, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland to pay the arenas a visit and experience watching live NBA games.

Closer to home, I’ve gone to places not really known for basketball like Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia, different cities around the Philippines as well as several cities in China, all for the sole purpose of attending or covering local/regional league action or FIBA play. Of course, the levels of competition can vary vastly, but they are all unique experiences that I enjoy.

@justintbao and his collection of jerseys from his travels

Do you play streetball or have any other objectives when you travel, basketball-related or not?
I have made it a point to score jerseys and other merch from whatever home team or event that I attend. It contributes to making this hobby more expensive than it already is, but I love having mementos to remind me of the experiences. I don’t count myself as a collector, though I need to do a better job of storing and keeping track of my haul.

As for playing, growing up in the Philippines, I used to play a lot of streetball when I was younger. I have also joined local pickup games in several other countries I visit when possible, though that has never been a priority. I would much rather venture out and sample the local cuisines. And the less touristy, the better.

What are the biggest challenges with your mission to find hoops around the world?
I still try to be smart about my finances as much I as can, while figuring out when the best time to go on these trips. If only I could grow money on trees, I would probably be out so much more

What are some bucket list places for you?
Places, I’m not as particular with. I will continue to hit as many NBA cities as I can to keep ticking off my list, but in the immediate future, I will look to close the loop in Australia by going to see all NBL teams on their home floor.

Having been to the FIBA World Cup and the NBA Finals, I guess next on my bucket list would definitely be the Olympics. Was supposed to go to Tokyo in 2020, but had to cancel after the pandemic hit and it was postponed and then eventually held closed to spectators a year later. Hopefully, I’ll get to attend FIBA events in Europe, South America, and Africa as well.

Follow Justin at @justintbao on Socials

You were at the 2019 FIBA World Cup in China, what was that like?
Of course, as a lifelong Cavaliers fan, Game Six of the 2016 NBA Finals in Cleveland will be the single best game I have ever been to, but the 2019 World Cup could very well be the best overall event I was lucky to have been a part of.

Never mind witnessing one of the largest collections of talent in a tournament, simply seeing the magnitude and the execution of the events, you really have to give props to both FIBA and the hosts, who spared no expense in making it both as grand and efficient as possible.

What are your plans for the 2023 World Cup later this year?
This one is trickier. I was luckily able to hit three Southern Chinese cities (out of the eight total) last time out, but it would be much harder this year, especially with venues in three different countries with longer flights apart.

Not to mention that I’m also embarking on a life-altering journey this year by moving several time zones and setting out to earn myself a master’s degree. But surely we’ll try to figure something out, right?

Here’s hoping I can connect with Justin and more hoop heads when I hit the road again. I have my sights set on attending my first FIBA World Cup in Japan, Indonesia and the Phillipines later in the year. Hope to find y’all there.

FIBA World Cup interviews
- Kelly aka @Kuroemonba: Aussie hoops superfan and artist from Japan Part 1 and 2
- Justin aka @justintbao: Travelling hoops fan from Asia
- Marcus Chu aka @neonmaninaction: TikToker and travelling basketball superfan

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- Dean Lockhart aka @Karl_Malone_collector: Premier collector of Karl Malone trading cards
- Simon Valenzuela aka @dongmegatron: Premier jersey collector of Aussie NBA stars
- Australian NBA Tourism: NBA summer leagues and other pro-am summer events
- Australian NBA Tourism: Planning an NBA road Trip from outside the United States

