Top Stories published by 500 Stories in 2014

Activate or Die: 10+ Ways You Can Improve Your User Activation for SaaS — Part 2

Today’s post comes from Justin Mares, 500 Distribution Hacker-in-Residence, co-author of Traction Book and formerly the Director of Revenue at SaaS developer tools company Airbrake (acq’d by

International Marketing for Startups — 3 Steps to Improve Your Visibility

The following post was contributed by Anji Ismail, co-founder of DOZ.

After a successful seed round, my cofounder Faouzi and I decided it was time to start thinking…

Sales Best Practices that Separate Heroes from Zeros

The following post was contributed by Mo Yehia.

Companies that sell software to businesses (SMBs) have it all wrong.

  • Marketers focus on the top of the funnel and don’t personalize…

These were the top 10 stories published by 500 Stories in 2014. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2014 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

500 Stories
500 Startups is a global venture capital seed fund with a network of startup programs. Headquartered in Silicon Valley and #500Strong around the world.
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