Go to 6 Album Sunday
6 Album Sunday
Extracts and highlights from my weekly b(log) of listening.
Note from the editor

Not one for mp3s and digital downloads I’ve always preferred my music physical and tangible. Not only for the feel and look but also I think the art form of an album presents a sum greater than its parts. Would we have had a “Sgt. Pepper’s” or “Astral Weeks” without the concept of an album? Yet I can see the advantages of having an endless stream of music that a digital playlist can provide. So several years ago when my CD player expired I replaced it with a 6-CD magazine changer I found on ebay for around £30. Providing not an endless stream of music but a good 5 hours worth (plenty enough for a weekend). It has been one of my best ever purchases. Then one weekend I was shuffling through my 6 CDs and realised my current choices were what I would consider atypical of my usual tastes. How did I get here I thought to myself? Would this be symptomatic of a permanent change in taste or were there good temporary reasons for my choices? So here the idea of a journal of listening was born — a musical journey via the contents of my magazine changer logged every Sunday. I hope you enjoy my journey and perhaps discover some new music along the way.

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Eddy Bamyasi
Musings on Music from 6 Album Sunday