#10 Telemarket Robo call block list

Fred Showker
60-Second Window
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2023

Well here we go again, the next telemarketing block list. They keep coming faster and faster.

So, here’s our BLOCK LIST #10

You can find instructions in our previous posts, plus more lists to add — Do you hate Robo Calls? Spam block list 1, Spam block list 2, Spam block list 3, Spam block list 4, Spam block list 5, Spam block list 6, Spam block list 7 and Spam block list #8, and block list #9.

Start a new contact, that you have blocked and ADD these numbers!


We have called each of these back, and confirmed that they are being used to send telephone spam, robo calls and telemarketing scams. By now you should be building your own block lists, if you wish, just send me your lists and I’ll merge them in here.

Until #11 is finished, stay safe, stay well and thanks for reading!

Always practice good telephone etiquette!

Has your telephone number been spoofed by Telemarketing cartels? Here’s what the FCC has to say about it.

Good luck, and thanks for reading.

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In case you get to read this article, and it’s not censored or blocked by Medium or Facebook, here’s a Facebook / Twitter friendly MEME you can post if you agree that telemarketing calls and robo calls are evil.

Our Memes of Note are provided as a public service. If you have a MEME of Note you would like to share, then please comment or contact us!



Fred Showker
60-Second Window

Design, Typography & Graphics Magazine and 60-Seconds exploring technology since 1987