Top Stories published by 7 Bullet SUNDAY in 2017

10th December, 2017 — Chronicle 14

The week gone by was full of Bitcoin Frenzy, got calls from a friend in class 12th and a 60-year old uncle asking me about how to invest in Bitcoin :).Its derby day today and I am all excited to see a rejuvenated Man United team take on a very good (I have to be honest…

29th October, 2017 — Chronicle 8

Busy week, met 2 interesting people running consultancy/services business for FMCG companies, hope to collaborate with them. Here are the 7 bullets of this week:

  1. Consumer products for India- I read this great piece about the Indian consumer…

26th November, 2017 — Chronicle 12

Reading, workout, work, everything was better this week(as compared to last week), hope to continue “getting better”. Here are the 7 bullets of this week

  1. Future of work : Work where people align with your values- Raise your hand if you have…

19th November, 2017 — Chronicle 11

The week went fast and flat, was tied up working on a freelance assignment that is nearing completion. No books read, Exercise schedule took a hit-was unable to get up in the morning so moved the workouts to evening, which in turn led to cancelling for unexpected items…

3rd December, 2017 — Chronicle 13

Here are the 7 bullets of the week :

  1. [Podcast of the week] ShunyaOne- This…

These were the top 10 stories published by 7 Bullet SUNDAY in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

7 Bullet SUNDAY
Best 7 things @pkaura finds on the web every week. New posts appear every 10pm IST on Sunday.
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