
Part 1: The first Week
Part 2: The Second Week
Part 3: The Third Week
Part 4: The Fourth Week
Part 5: The Fifth Week
Part 6: Week Six & Seven

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The First Additional Week

So, 30 day were not enough. Maybe Dennis was a bit too optimistic. Maybe we can blame the SAGE. And working on the Demo. But on the other side, SAGE was a big marketing push with Streamers playing the demo. Heck, even the Sonic account tweeted about Eversleep. The wishlist did not grow that much. It grew to over 1000. So that’s okay, but far from having major influences on the Steam algorythm. Still, especially the Sonic Fan scene now knows about Eversleep and that could do some magic later on.

From a development perspective, Dennis managed to finish the the last Stage. So every Stage has now one act at minimum. Most of the second acts are still missing. But now all the assets are available. And that should speed things up.

Plus the demo caused some additional changes which needed to be made. Bugfixing sometimes delays work more than you might imagine.

Overall the week was quite productive, yet there needs to be put some more work into the game. One week or two. That should be doable.

The Second Additional Week

The weekend was not very productive. Dennis decided to play some games (also to get some more attention for Spindle, which needed to hit its funding goal on Kickstarter. And it did. Yay.). To give something back to SAGE as well. Tons of Sonic fangames or original games there you should check out.

Anyways, work is now continuing. We have also replaced the Steam artwork. And in addition to that, the Demo for Eversleep is now also available on Steam. More than 1000 people have downloaded it on its first day. The wishlist is currently at 1300.



Dennis 🦊 A Grumpy Fox

Wishlist #Lunistice: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1701800/Lunistice/ - Technical Producer @Deck13Spotlight | #Mastodon: @AGrumpyFox@mastodon.gamedev.place