APYC Season 1 — Episode 2: CAVE

7 min readSep 8, 2022


266SurvivorApes — the bodied and shadowed — weave through the thick forest in search of refuge. No fear is greater than losing any more of each other. Because beyond their vicious nature and unworldly strength, the Survivor Apes understand the importance of brotherhood.

One cannot exist outside the circle; they are strongest when together. Safest, too.

It’s getting late.

The sunlight slicing through the towering trees’ foliage is slowly becoming thinner… weaker. The Survivor Apes need to move fast if they want to lie on Mother Nature’s bosom and sleep soundly tonight.

Otherwise, they risk a battle with rabid creatures whose only goal is to prove they are the king of the forest. Not to mention, they are an obvious target of the wildness of this land. They are, after all, strangers to all of its residents.

So, they walked, and walked, and walked some more. It’s hard finding a shelter for 133 apes and their 133 shadows, especially because staying together is non-negotiable.

Their hope started to dwindle as the sun sunk to welcome the other side of the world. Then, there it was — the perfect place to lay down their worn-out bodies:

A cave.

They were guests to the hostess that is this forest and this is the room they were given. The survivors cannot be tempted to complain. As the apes stepped into the mouth of the cave, they swore they heard a voice say, “Welcome.”

But not everyone was.

Nobody saw more than a huge, hollow rock, but it was a fork in the road — a gateway that filtered the ones coming into it. The bodied apes didn’t notice it until the familiar itch was felt and one of them needed to look over their shoulder.

“The Shadow Apes are gone!” one whisper-screamed.

Were the Shadow Apes swallowed by the darkness of the cave? It wouldn’t be illogical to think so.

But the bodied apes should be more concerned about their own well-being because regardless of what they thought was going to be a restful space, they have just entered the mouth of a mystical beast.

The 133 apes wandered the cave with full vigilance. They knew immediately that if their shadows cannot enter it, there is a force wanting them weaker.

Something must be wrong. No, all of this is wrong.

A voice is crying for help, the echo bounces off the walls around them. It sounded familiar, in fact, too familiar — it was the voice of one of their dead ape brothers.

The Survivor Apes’ worry and anxiety started building up again. They felt a strong desire and curiosity to follow the voice and see who or what it was.

But then a different, familiar voice screamed for help on a different side of the cave.

Then, another.


Soon, everyone was swallowed by the terrifying cacophony. It was the same noise that has been torturing them since leaving their lifeless brothers on the crimson field.


Knowing that they couldn’t kill them inside. But the sacrifices of their brothers will never be for naught.

So, they wrapped whatever cloth they had around their ears to muffle the screams and moved forward. They needed to find the exit.

The only problem was that the cave was suddenly an elaborate maze. They only noticed it after they realized they were just going in circles.

The cave was toying with the apes, and they were desperate for a break from all the walking. So, they reluctantly decided to camp in the strange cave for a while until they figure out a way to get out.

One of them gathered sticks and wood randomly scattered around to make a fire. The apes did not have an inkling that it was going to be a big mistake. As soon as the fire lit up, huge demon-looking bats were revealed lurking around them.

Each bat made an unbearable screeching noise, commencing war against the Survivor Apes. Though beaten up, the apes were quick to grab their weapons and fight.

They were quick to slaughter every last one of the beastly bats too.

When they did, a passage revealed itself and a weak ray of light broke the darkness.

At last, freedom from the cave and reunion with the Shadow Apes.

But little did they know that a part of them was left behind.

133 Cave Apes were left inside the cave.

(To be continued…)


A 133-piece new NFT collection will be released at 0.003 ETH. First dibs go to the OG Apes aka WASD Apes. If the OG Ape doesn’t claim the NFT, the owner of the corresponding Shadow Ape from Episode 1 will get the next dibs. Whoever the owner is can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.005 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops.

In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape nor the corresponding Shadow Ape doesn’t claim this NFT until the deadline (see below), the NFT will be sold to the public at 0.005 ETH.

Here’s what will happen in this episode:

  1. We will be minting all the 133 Apes from Episode 2: CAVE together with the 133 Apes from Episode 1: SHADOW at the announced date and time (see below).
  2. Corresponding WASD Ape holders of the APYC Cave Apes should place a WETH offer at a total of 0.003 ETH PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE.

💡 We will only accept offers from the WASD Ape holder within the alloted time. All WETH offers should come from the same Ethereum wallet where the WASD Ape is held.

💡 APYC Shadow Ape holders (in case a different wallet buys the Shadow Apes quicker than the reveal of the Cave Apes) may then accept other offers or sell on any marketplace of their choice.

💡 Everything is on a first-come, first-served basis. APYC Apes would be claimed within an alloted time (see below). Once the APYC Apes leave our deployer account, holders and the general public are free to trade at the given lowest price or higher.


Episode 2’s Cave Apes are 0.003 ETH PLUS GAS ALLOWANCE for WASD Ape holders. You can resell these NFTs for a minimum price of 0.005 ETH only. Those who sell below the suggested price will stop getting the benefits from the next NFT drops in the next and all future episodes. Owners of the NFT can always list their APYC Ape higher or at their own price as long as it’s not under 0.005 ETH. Other APYC holders or the general public may purchase these APYC Apes to secure a membership to APYC.

💡 Why are these NFTs not free unlike the Episode 1 Shadow Apes? Although most of these NFTs are computer-generated art, we pay people to work on this project (project managers, file organizers, manual metadata editors, smart contract developers, etc.) plus, the utility we’re providing to the members costs money. Royalties will also be set at 5% to finance this project. With the tiny ETH we’re charging, it can still be considered as “almost free” and you just pay gas.


In the event that the holder of the WASD Ape doesn’t claim this episode’s NFT until the deadline (see below), the NFT will be sold to the public at 0.005 ETH or more. Other APYC holders may purchase these unclaimed APYC Apes. Or WASD Ape holders who missed the claim may just purchase the APYC Ape on the secondary market.


💡 Both Episodes 1 and 2 are launching at the same time.


All 266 APYC Apes will be minted following this schedule:

💡 Launch Time: 9PM EST | View EST (New York Time)
*** this is when gas price is proven to be lower in past launches

⚠️ WASD Ape holders will be given ONE HOUR to place the following WETH offers either on LooksRare or OpenSea (official links will be announced on our Official Twitter)

Episode 1: Shadow Apes = FREE! 0 WETH + GAS ALLOWANCE*
Episode 2: Cave Apes = 0.003 WETH + GAS ALLOWANCE*

💡 Gas Allowance will be used by us to accept your WETH offer. You may choose how much you want to add as gas allowance to make your offer accepted faster to initiate the transaction.

💡 To search for your APYC Apes: Use APYC Shadow # or APYC Cave # (the number of your WASD Apes will be the same #

⚠️ After ONE FULL HOUR from minting, all UNCLAIMED APYC Apes will be AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. ⚠️

Whoever holds the following APYC Apes should only list their apes at the following minimum price so the seller and the buyer can still continue in the APYC journey and enjoy the members-only benefits.

Episode 1: Shadow Apes = MINIMUM 0.01 ETH OR HIGHER
Episode 2: Cave Apes = MINIMUM 0.005 ETH OR HIGHER

💡 WARNING: Something will happen to the apes that were sold and bought below the minimum price! So DO NOT LIST BELOW the price posted or DO NOT BUY/BID BELOW the price posted. Watch out for future episodes…

