APYC Season 1 — Episode 3: FOREST

4 min readSep 10, 2022


There is more than meets the eye.

A friendly face could be hiding a sickening motive. A boogeyman could be a guardian, ready to rescue. And a safe haven could be a combat zone in disguise.

The apes are the most vigilant and strategized warriors, slaying all that attempt to restrain them. But time has passed, and the land they tread has evolved. Extraterrestrial invaders gained access to an extremely powerful and dangerous weapon: morphing into anything and anyone they want, including the face of the one you trust most.

Then, nature, once again, proved its supremacy over every creature that relies on it for survival. Its forest — this forest — hides a magical booby trap–a cave that masks as a space to rest and feel at ease.

Yet, in truth, it wants to swallow anything that comes into it.

The cave knew about the crimson field and the apes’ dead brothers. Of course, the world’s roots are connected, and everything reaches the forest. So, it used its knowledge to its advantage and toyed with the apes’ minds.

Who could ignore a loved one’s cry for help? But they knew they could never allow their loss to be for naught. There was no other way but forward, and the battle could only be won.

And it was.

Rabid bats revealed their hungry fangs as the light of the fire broke, and the apes were quick to silence their ear-piercing screech. Then, immediately, a passage out the cave exposed itself. They touched the walls of the cave as they stepped one foot back to light and then the other.

The walls… they felt damp and almost fragile. In retrospect, the cave was only as strong as one warrants it to be. And perhaps if one survives its challenges, one will leave with a curious gift.

Once all the apes found themselves out of the cave, they quickly reunited with their shadow counterpart. But they were not the only ones to come out.

The mystical cave must have used its magic because behind the 133 bodied apes and 133 Shadow Apes stood 133 Cave Apes, born straight out of the shallow rock and into the world.

“We are all connected,” said one bodied ape.

“Yes, we are one,” replied a Cave Ape.

The Shadow Apes called out, “Let’s move forward.”

“Where shall we go?”

The Cave Apes, all-knowing of the forest, directed the rest to its very heart.

It was desolate. Lifeless.

In the middle stood a monstrous tree that had a greyish hue. It seemed gloomy even with the bright sun up ahead, like no sunlight can penetrate the darkness that overcame it.

Seeing this, the apes understood the unwelcoming nature of the forest — its heart was poisoned. Without a doubt, they need to heal it somehow and get rid of the beings who are thirsty for blood and fear.

That is if they ever want to make it out in one piece.

The bodied apes and Shadow Apes learned that the Mother of the forest has been waiting for brave and courageous souls to bring her back to life. But rarely do any creature make it there, and when they do, they are proven to be unworthy and weak.

At last, 399 Survivor Apes stand around the Mother Tree with their brave hearts and impenetrable will to triumph over any battle that comes before them!

Without any instruction, the apes closed their eyes and lifted their hands, reaching out to the hostess of the forest. Then, a Cave Ape began chanting in a language none of the others were supposed to know, and yet chimed in. They were calling out to the Mother of the forest, directing their strength and goodwill to her.

The ensemble that they created was enough to send a message: the darkness is over.

Suddenly, the monstrous tree glowed from the inside. It seemed as if it were burning from within. Screams and whimpers were heard from around the tree. Then, the apes saw nothing but bright light before everything turned dark.

The apes entered a dream, only together as one. The Mother of the forest stood before them with her loving eyes. If one looked closely, it appears as if they were trying to say, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

The Mother said, “Thank you. Now, you shall always have a part of me with you.”

She walked away and faded into a mist. Then, the apes went back to their consciousness and were surprised to see 133 Forest Apes standing around the Mother Tree, holding hands.

The Forest Apes chanted in gratitude. The others looked around and saw life back in the forest. Indeed, the darkness was over.

Now, 532 Survivor Apes stand together in the forest. Out in the open. Waiting for what’s next.

(To be continued…)


💡 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 / 9PM EST | View EST (New York Time)

Info: https://medium.com/@APYClub/episode-2-cave-67461beea4b9

9/9 Update: https://twitter.com/APYClub/status/1568443760421535744

9/10 Update: https://twitter.com/APYClub/status/1568553673915273217

As suggested by Caldie after discussions on WASD x APYC, all APYC can only be claimed by ‘We All Survived Death’ Apy holders and not to be sold directly to the public.

Watch out for our APYC (APY Club) channel on WASD Discord. Tag the mods to add you to the channel.

⚠️ WASD Ape holders may or may not sell their Season 1 APYC Apes. When they sell and get themselves their little brothers/sisters as explained here, this kickstarts their APYC journey.

⚠️ APYC Apes from Season 1 stay on the deployer account (and will not be sold) until WASD Ape holders claim them. Unclaimed APYC Apes by the end of Season 1 will be killed and APYC supply will be less.

⚠️ WASD Ape Holders: To claim your APYC Apes, dm us on our Official Twitter only: https://twitter.com/APYClub

