What we are trying to do with Knowledge Officer

Ahmed El-Sharkasy
2 min readJun 16, 2016


I have mentioned in my last post that a team of smart and highly talented people and I are working on launching a Unique Knowledge Discovery Platform tailored for Professional Millennials in the technology sector. I have also shared before how we thought about the idea and why we think our approach is totally unique than any existing solutions which solve completely different needs.

Here is how we define our Product Values and what drives us to work every day on this product planning to launch a closed beta by August.

And more importantly, this is why we think the world needs a “Knowledge Officer”:

1- Time is even more precious than Money for Professionals

We are living in an era where writing and sharing knowledge is easy and accessible to everyone and while this is amazingly great, it adds a huge problem: How can we manage the Quality of the Published Content? A lot of time is wasted reading low quality content and professionals and specially those in the tech sector don’t have this time to waste and hence they are looking for solutions to help them make sense of it all. This is a necessary and not a luxury solution because one video, article, course, book, podcast can literally change their life and help them achieve their daily goals!

2- Hidden Potential

The amount of knowledge that can be unveiled by expanding your network and listening carefully to only what matters can help professionals take better actions and more informative decisions. By connecting professionals to what really matters and to authors, writers and publications they trust and gradually increasing the quality of the content, this problem will be solved.

3- Revolutionized Experience

Reading and Sharing knowledge does not have to be thought of as a Feed-Surfing boring process! The process needs to be redesigned in a way that makes the experience of gaining knowledge both beneficial and amusing at the same time.

4- Audience Targeting Done Right!

Content curators and Publishers find it very hard to target their specific niche audience as there is not a direct way of reaching them in any existing platform without the surrounding noise. Connecting authors to the audience to which they really care to reach is a necessity!

5- Startups Professional Knowledge Network

For startups and software companies, it is really hard to share knowledge inside teams in an effective way other than sending emails, closed FB groups, slack channels, whatspp, ..etc. At the same time there is no existing solution to explore the potential of sharing knowledge in a Network of connected Startups! Although lots of companies are starting everyday and they are facing the same problems that others companies have already faced! This sharing of Knowledge can save them both time and money.

It is really clear that these problems exist and some of them are really painful while some although can be wrongly seen as vitamins, they are unveiling an opportunity to create a Professional Quality Knowledge Network once right!

Stay tuned for more updates soon and the Launch of the Closed Beta in September!

