Shawn Cullen
13 min readDec 10, 2019

Did you know

“My exhibit on Helios family nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidenced and evidences that policy makers and policing persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages. That weighed in on my reporting of wide open material not blocked and not addressed for months and years. (((They are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers.))) This was said in QB court room 412 2019. Canadians and people world-wide need to know I Shawn said this in court!

Strangely shockingly, unjustly and unconstitutionally that Edmonton trial Judge named “Jerke” did not answer to that !!!

That corrupt prosecutor named my great final report which was the title to my 2009 earliest report sent to federal system persons and to sociopath politician Brian Mason. Not any in court spoke of the nature of the earliest report which was and is, proof there is a great matter of incest, which weighs in on my later public report exhibit on Alberta’s Helios.

What the Hell did you think you were doing James Rowan. Are you totally mad ???

A FURTHER PARAMOUNT POINT EVERY ALBERTAN AND ALL NEED TO KNOW, WHAT YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO KNOW Youth nudism photos and videos are legal in every city, every state and every county inside the United States, protected by the First Amendment and are not subject to local obscenity laws or ordinances. The depiction of adults and children nude in the visual media has enjoyed constitutional protection in the United States since 1958, when the Supreme Court vacated a Court of Appeals finding that Sunshine and Health magazine could be obscene (Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372). The right to depict adults and children in nude poses has been upheld without a pause for 60+ years. In case after case, the Supreme Court and lower courts have always upheld the constitutionality of nudity of youth, specifically referring to the nudist depiction as a fully constitutional form of expression, websites widely visited in all of Asia, Europe, South America, (((Canada))), Australia and Africa.

Family nudism is legalized adult and youth pornography for youth and children, and it is legalized youth pornography for older people. How do we know? First you need to understand that the reason any are ignorant is that they are being fed disinformation and misinformation that has caused them to not be truthfull or sound in ways everyone need. We know family nudism is legalized pornography because what that nudism is saying is that it is only pornography if youth detect a chemical change in naked older people, as is detected viewing online porn, and therefore, people that need information need to know that as eye specialists know, every eye organ is a messenger and superior camera slightest motion detector, and faster than you can utter a word a eye message or body motion can trigger hypothalamus sex hormone, faster than a second. Therefore we know eyes and slightest physical motions can at that speed turn a naked person into a porn person that youth detect. At any turn without even trying, attraction can fire up like crazy in ways drug addiction fires up. All that can act as a false reward system for ways people think. Every person possesses conscious and subconscious vision that can. By this we know, by nature eyes and slightest physical motions turn family nudism into a pornography haven for youth, and into a youth and child pornography haven for older people. This reasoning knowledge exposes that by family nudism people possess great power to act out public pornography and not be caught. And by the way, contrary to what people are told testosterone increases libido in women and pretty much every person. By this on the eye, we know family nudists are lying, and by this unprecedented knowledge I have given I warn that if systems persons are not totally mad and cursed they will see the need to reopen the constitution. This is the revealed truth with respect to Alberta family nudism and all family nudism, and this is not a time for personal incredulity !!!

Canada’s Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. And 15 minutes from downtown Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach which by family nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in 12000 to 14,000 visitors daily. In that link a Mother talks about letting her naked children exercise their own critical thinking. And in Toronto is Bare Oaks that has a children’s playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes. In Alberta is Helios family nudism by Edmonton that in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is pondering how to call more youth to be naked there where a street sign is marked Hooters Blvd. Helios admits priests head out there, some government officials, nurses and people that appear common. Its Helios board voted to hand out pamphlets to Edmonton’s gay citizens. They say they don’t put up with people acting strange yet Helios that likewise has a playground possesses home surveillance advantage, and in my 2015 report I recorded that the most educated respected people were later exposed as repressing interest in material and youth. And there is a concept called believing your own lies and what is the illusory truth effect, ,which fits with that anti sine qua non truth affect matter, point # 8 I have written of. It is most extremely entirely unfair that while I am the proven author I am that all this appears knowing I have had all my Canadian Charter Rights and free speech systematically targeted, trampled and tyrannically, left as vulnerable as supporters of mine know. This is 100% totally not acceptable !!!

**First know; A greatest matter I must record is** that of dis-information and mis-information of persons running systems, a matter which is that of persons managing information guilty of robbing people of their story rights, a matter of persons managing information, by that guilty of robbing people of their stable power to choose a non-secondary security, security founded a way founded in hope of life, a matter of persons managing information that are guilty of robbing people of; their power to choose to and their will to, not head to what is unbearable, a matter of persons managing information, guilty of robbing people of their story right to not be trapped. Causing effects to your story rights and robbing you of your story rights is not the same. By nature people face and pass through troubles, tribulations, and trials, yet it is not that matter I expose here. No, it is not affordable sacrificing that we face. No, it is not that we are enduring being misdesigned, surviving effects, enduring to pass into being savable, servicable. No, what matter we face is not that !

**Therefore what is it that we face?** What we face is that we are being robbed of story rights in ways which are unaffordable, robbed of the right to choose to not be trapped and right to not let your story be designed into a unaffordable fail. There you have the special key for opening your eyes to what that great dis-information and mis-information matter is. It is a matter of identity theft, a matter of forcing people to be of fragmentation if they are on the threshold of carrying on to be real, on the threshold of, beginning-growth points, elementarily arrived at knowledge pathways for who they need to become.** Here you see the leading foundation point of law, the law or legal crux point of my unprecedented paramount report** which weighs in on and is with respect to, civil rights inside of constitutions with respect to criminal codes and all world-wide securites !!! Now you see what I am founded on, and why I have been fighting and working for years to be heard !!! — I am the author of unprecedented insights Shawn Gordon Cullen — 2020–2021

**Photo introduction page**

**Here-are-the-unprecedented-paramount-insights-of-scientist-shawn-cullen-Proof-of-scandal-Proof-shawns-subsection-6-rights-were-sabotaged-and-falsely-maliciously-prosecuted-falsely-branded-labeled-betrayed-persecuted **

**The first part is a introduction on disinformation and misinformation = THE REST IS ON SHAWN G. CULLEN PERFECTLY ADDRESSING JUDGE AND FORCED PROCEEDING = FURTHER PARAMOUNT PROOF !!! 2020**

Scroll down to see part 7, latest threat at my life !!!

**Paramount Creative Intro to Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — Black Eyes — 2020 -New Year —

**Part 1 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my life, knowledge and free speech — **Black Eyes and Earliest Bail Scandal Proof** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 2 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal **to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Paramount Oct 22nd 2015 Proof of Systematic Conspiracy to falsely brand and label** -2020 -New Year —

**Part 3 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal** to falsely brand and label to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — **Remand Suicide Aura, Medical Crimes, Bathroom, telephone, (terrorism)** 2020 -New Year —

**Part 4 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal — First time I got bail was Homeless and Hunted**

**Part 5 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = after getting free from forced phony trial, abducted to ‘attempt’ to stop campaign.**

**Part 6 audio of Conspiracy and Scandal = Shawn speaks to lawyer, lies, false labeling, false brand, Detective Perjury, Powerfull Proofs points said in court, **

**Paramount Audio Proof of Ontario Child Advocate office Conspiracy, fitting with Part 6 of Conspiracy and Scandal**

**LATEST THREAT AT MY LIFE = Part 7 of Conspiracy and Scandal **to false brand and lable to hide me away to bury my knowledge and free speech — 2020 New Year

Right here Shawn gives **perfect proofs which prove persons running systems are attracted to youth and that they legalized youth porn in Alberta and Canada.** How can any see this proof and call Shawn a liar or act as if he is a liar, if they their self are not a cursed liar or totally mad ???

**Added pdf proof **

**Here is paramount proof by Shawn’s own lawyer;**

**Man who works for CBC who said Shawn Cullen is the one with the answers to change the world**, on sick leave …


**MESSAGE TO SATANISTS AND TO SHAWN’S ADVERSARIES** Shawn speaks to scriptures, false belief in Aliens, speaks of supernatural signs. Shawn says;

**Shawn Cullen EXPOSES FALSE Christianity** in Alberta;

Shawn reveals a sense of humor and exposes mad psychiatric corruption by psychiatric persons protecting a market of material and state involved family nudism

**City supporters of Shawn Cullen respond to the exposed scandal;**

**Shawn boldly tells the police what the reality is;**

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

The twitter world needs to wake up ;

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton

Another SONG by Scientist Shawn Cullen of Edmonton


Two hackers were caught at work with respect to this link;

I am loving but I will not be mocked! Violently and illegally stupid people turn and coddle into cognitive dissonance and daintily back-pedal into personal incredulity, which is a unseeming nature that invites any or every air of evil that wants to block or act as a stumbling block to the truths I have raised and resurrected for international and public security.

**In a one minute rhyme** Shawn re-writes the constitution as he gives a long forgotten but resurrected rule of law.

Here is a key public interest report and victim statement by Shawn, which reports that Edmonton Remand **guards admitted their facility is run by** a number of murderers that are sexual child predators, (run by these persons in the name of corrections Canada). Shawn says this is not a theory but is a great matter that must not be kept a secret.

**Watch for this, which is a latest conspiracy** to threaten Shawn and his liberties. If people do not hear from Shawn you need to make noise !!!

Police Chief Andrew Demers jr. was seen groping children. He was the most decorated officer in main‟s history . Police Chief Joe Goggin was seen molesting a 3yrold Police Chief Gary Wayerski was seen molesting teens Police Chief Akins was seen molesting children FastPitch/archives/2010/01/13/kansas-police-chief-michael-akins-charged-with-sex-crimes-against-children Police Chief Carl Smith was accused of molesting five year old girls Police Chief Clarence W. Gregory Sr is accused of molesting. Police Chief Patrick F. Lynch is accused of sexually assaulting a child and accused of stalking according to http://www.nbc15 .com/home/headlines/Former_Fox_Lake_Police-Chief_Arrested_for_Sexual_Assault_of_a_Child_112326044.html Police Chief Michael Meissner was found with youth porn. vendetta/ Police Chief Charles Childers was found with youth porn Police Chief Bradley Evan Morgan was found with youth porn Police Chief William Jacobs was found with youth porn sentenced-18-years-for- sexual-abuse-child-porn/ Police Chief Anthony V. Mangione was found with youth porn Police Chief Ray Monk was found with youth porn /new_2002 0804092.shtml Police Chief Lawrence Woods was found with youth porn Police Chief Hilton Cordero Rosario was found with youth porn Police Chief Robert Geist was found with youth porn /news -regional-berks/ Local/ robert-geist-former-police-chief-pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-charge/25379908 Police Chief James Jenkins was found with preteen pornography /article_5c0a75d7–7793–5e14-b636–92e48d02d023.html Police Chief Gary Reynolds was found with preteen porn /06/ex-winchester-police-chief-accused-of-showing-child-porn.php

Shawn Cullen

I am told that a probation officer named Jill Pfeiffer knows Shawn Cullen is sound and not guilty yet she is pricking up a reminder to Shawn that he must follow