It’s Called The Declaration of IN-dependence

Not the Declaration of DE-pendence and yes, there is a HUGE difference

4 min readFeb 6, 2016

Since I was up early on a Saturday morning, I started perusing the articles on Medium and came to what should have been a startling conclusion — but it wasn’t unfortunately.

Sanders supporters failed English 101.

There were a couple of articles (here and here) where one flat out paraphrased The Declaration of Independence and the other made a reference to it in principle of equality albeit not directly.


Let’s start with the first one —

“… self evident that all of us were created equal…”

That was it. That is where the author stopped. Now, if you take that at face value — it would give credence to socialism. Here is the full sentence from that post so you can have the full context of the author’s intent.

It is a stewardship of the idea of America and the ideals it was founded upon, the most radical of which was this notion that it was self evident that all of us were created equal.

This idea of “equality” is being construed by socialists, millennials, liberals, and numerous other groups to mean something other than its original intent.

The Founding Fathers did not say everyone will be rich, poor, or even the same as your life proceeds. (I will spare everyone the comprehensive list of items that these people want you to think was guaranteed as a human right when they quote the Declaration of Independence.)

This is what they said in its original and full context

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I am still trying to figure out where the socialists, the liberals, Democrats, and such get all of these other things from that sentence as rights that they are endowed with by their Creator — unless they think the government is their creator which they might and that would be the problem then.

There are only three that are guaranteed and they stop at two at best. The third one is the key to living in this country.

…and the pursuit of Happiness…

Your happiness is NOT guaranteed. You have to define it and then YOU have to pursue it. YOU have to want it more than anyone else because YOU are not even guaranteed to have it. Most importantly, your happiness will not, I repeat WILL NOT, necessarily be the same as everyone else’s.

To think it will or even that it should is the sign of delusional thinking. You would be putting yourself above everyone else and that is contradictory to the very idea you, and Sanders, are putting forth in this election.

Then there is the second post where the author states that millennials have a better understanding of the needs of humanity , or humanity’s story as he put it. But if you take a moment to carefully read his post, he contradicts himself.

Happiness. It’s what we all want and we may be the first generation to fully embrace the realization that money or financial security is not the end goal. Rather, money (what little we have of it) presents opportunity to experience each other in a new and empathetic way.

Money should not be the end goal, but you need to have it to experience each other. Huh?! Can you explain what you mean?

Our lack of fortune in this economy has made us rich in understanding humanity’s story.

Say what? So you have no money, money is not your end goal, but you want money to understand humanity’s story. Can you please make up your mind? Also, can you tell me where you are going to get this money so you “experience each other in a new and empathetic way”?

Then to show total confusion over how the world actually works —

We see your bullshit and we raise you a cup of fair trade…

So, you want to work but work is not the end goal. Why? What purpose would it serve? If you read his post, you would gain no insight or clarity into what the author is actually trying to communicate.

So please…Stop trying to understand us.

The problem is why can’t we understand you since your claim is that you want to experience each other in a new and empathetic way. Do you not believe the very hyperbole you are putting forth? It would seem by that statement that if someone does not belong to the ‘club’ or has the secret decoder ring; then that person is not entitled to what you want or deserve to have at other people’s expense.

My mum worked all her life and she paid taxes so I feel I am getting what I deserve,’

Now, we may be getting somewhere.

Most of these people who support Sanders cannot even come close to telling you what impact socialism actually has on the world. They cannot tell you if or how it works. As I mentioned in this post where I interacted with a self-declared socialist about what socialism is (and they defined here) —

They believe in a fairy tale that does not work but they are dependent on it anyway.

