The Politics of Stupidity

What Has Happened to America’s Politicians?

5 min readFeb 27, 2016

There is some kind of strange disease that circulates through America every four years where the entire nation seems to be caught in a never-ending cycle of stupidity as we are bombarded by people who want to be President.

I mean if people were to take their ideological blinders off and just look at the facts — not one of these people are actually qualified to be the “leader of the free world.” American elections have now become about which candidate is the lesser of two evils.

Hillary Clinton —

Clinton does not want people to talk about this anymore. (Source)

Hillary Clinton is a criminal. Now a sizable number of you have simply stopped reading. You are the people I am talking about in the first paragraph. You have no willingness to think for yourself on anything.

If you actually look at the words she, Obama, Susan Rice said about the attack on Benghazi and then place them on a timeline — any reasonable person with a modicum of independent thought has to say “What the hell?!” They could not even keep their stories straight — it was a video, it was a terrorist attack, it was the video.

“What difference — at this point, what difference does it make?”

Do we really want to elect another president who wants to play semantics with the lives of Americans hanging in the balance? I don’t.

Popular meme circulating Facebook.

Then there is the email ‘scandal’ that Democrats want to blow off as nothing more than partisan politics. The problem is look past the nonsense for two important things —

  • They are not debating whether or not she had a personal server.
  • They are not debating whether or not they she received government information on her personal server.

Think about that one for a moment. She cannot be inconvenienced with actually using the government email she was given as Secretary of State and everyone had to use the personal email address she preferred. The ethics — not to mention the legality — of the situation should cause people to have some trust issues with her.

What other types of information were on the server? There were 22 emails on there that can NEVER be released to the public. Yet, Democrats say we need to give the nuclear codes to someone can’t be trusted to do it the right way as opposed to her way.

Wonder what would happen if some country that truly despises us were to get their hands on the nuclear codes? Anyone remember this?

OK. Maybe that’s overly dramatic…maybe it’s not. Are you that much of a gambler? Do you want to trust Clinton and her personal server with anything vital to the country?

It seems a number of people are a little too stupid for their own good.

Bernie Sanders —

Then the other option on the “Democratic” side is the socialist — Bernie Sanders. Now the Democrats who have managed to stay with me this far are now apoplectic that I have called Sanders a socialist.

“He’s a Democratic Socialist.”

Think about that for a second. If you have to correct people on what he is, that should be a problem for people right off the bat. As I mentioned here, actual socialists believe that true socialism has NEVER existed.

So, Sanders’ supporters believe in something that DOES NOT exist. It is a fairy tale. But the hilarity only continues.

Should sound kind of familiar to someone we all know? (Source)

Sanders’ proposals sound like every day is Christmas and all the good little boys and girls are going to be able to do anything they want. He has made so many promises —‘free’ college, ‘free’ healthcare (single payer), eliminate income inequality, ‘free’ retirement, ‘free’ pensions, and so on.

He has raised the ‘free’ goodie bag to the point that Clinton has had to start promising free stuff so she can keep up with Sanders.

Cause if you didn’t know, Hillary will tell you in a moment —

I have always been a 74-year-old socialist.

But the stupidity cannot be explained by anyone. Let’s start with income inequality — a major campaign talking point of Sanders.

A free thinking man would say if there is income inequality and the billionaires of the world should be forced to share their income with the rest of us. Wouldn’t that imply that there is a finite amount of money that we all have to share? If so, why is Sanders lying when he calls it ‘income inequality’? Shouldn’t it be called ‘wealth redistribution’ which is what it really is? And if there is a finite amount of money, then how in the world are we going to come up with $20 trillion in new taxes to pay for all of the free stuff?

There is no such thing as free. (Source)

For any socialist to explain or defend one as plausible, they have to contradict themselves on the other one.

(I am not going to even touch the fact there is no government program in the history of this country that has actually controlled costs much less actually saved money. In other words, the costs of the ‘free’ stuff would increase each and every year.)

So, let’s recap. On the Democratic side, we have a criminal and a failed politician who believes in what amounts to fairy tale. Yet, people want to tell you that this possible, or as Joy Behar put it —

I’d Vote For A Rapist As Long As They’re Liberal

That folks is what is wrong with our political system today.

Author’s Note: This is part 1. I will be posting part 2 soon.

