Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Python

Joseph Nielsen
2 min readSep 14, 2016


I walk through step by step how to get the Node.JS MEAN.JS scaffolded site working on a Windows 10 machine. This section is about installing Python 3.x on your local machine.

Go to parent article — Build a robust MEAN website in under an hour for less than $1/day — part 1

Go to previous article —Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Git

If you already have Python 3.5.2 installed AND it’s registered in your PATH then go to the next article — Preparing your Windows box for AWS and a MEAN (Node) website: Install Node 6.3

Let’s install Python in order to use pip and the ElasticBeanstalk deployment tools. We’ll also need Ruby and Sass for running some Grunt tasks on the website we’re building.

Download Python from here.

Not Jake the Snake Roberts Python

Scroll down and click on the Windows x86–64 web-based installer.

Select Windows x86–64 executable installer

Run the downloaded installer file. On the initial screen, make sure that “Add Python 3.5 to PATH” checked. Then click “Install Now”

If you don’t check “Add Python 3.5 to PATH” you’ll have to do it later the hard way

Click Yes if you receive the User Access Control prompt.

Like my GPS, Windows UAC is constantly second guessing me

Your setup is successful, and you now have the power of Python.




Joseph Nielsen

I lead the software engineering and DevOps practice for Slalom, New Jersey. I enjoy building things, endurance running and all things DeepRacer.