Join the DEFY Revolution: Prepare to Mint Your Virtual Private Mask NFTs and Recruit New Operatives

Published in
6 min readMar 15, 2022

*This article was updated on 20 April 2022 to reflect changes to Phases 2 and 3

Greetings, Operatives!

As we approach the day to mint your Virtual Private Mask NFTs, we would like to take this opportunity to share detailed information about our minting process and the invitation system. There are a few differences from minting procedures you may have been a part of in the past, so we will cover everything you need to know in this article.

Minting Your Virtual Private Mask

Before you acquire your Mask, you will need an Invitation Card to the DEFY Revolution. We will show you how to gain one, but first, here are the key dates for your reference. The minting process will take place over several phases:

Phase 1: 26th March — requires Phase 1 Invitation Card to mint
Phase 2: 30th April — requires Phases 2 Invitation Card to mint
*Phase 3: 1st May —minting open to the general public and Phase 2 invite holders
*There will be no public minting phase if all 8,888 Genesis mints have been minted during the first two phases.

These Masks will be essential when you participate in the DEFY Revolution. They will serve as your avatars. You can make upgrades to your Mask as you progress through missions, customizing it to suit your style. Plus, genesis Masks will carry additional benefits for holders (covered below).

DEFY Revolution Invitation Cards

DEFY Revolution Phase 1 Invitation Card

There will be two different designs of the DEFY Revolution Invitation Cards available to differentiate between the first two phases. Think of them as access passes that also function as recruitment tools.

How do I obtain a Phase 1 Invitation Card?

There are three methods to receive an Invitation Card.

  1. Invitation via Solving Puzzles
  2. Invitation via an existing DEFY Operative
  3. Invitation via the Marketplace

Method 1: Invitation via Solving Puzzles

We will issue puzzle challenges. Those who crack the codes will be offered free invitations to join the DEFY Revolution.

The puzzles that are part of this offer — Puzzles #1 and #2 — took place last month. We will release three more puzzles, each one leading up to a new phase for minting Virtual Private Masks. This will give our Operatives more chances to recruit members for the DEFY Revolution.

Puzzle #3 will be released on 16th March and run till 26th March,
rewarding Phase 1 Invitation Cards to individuals who successfully cracks the code.

Upon completing a puzzle, you will gain access to a form. Input your wallet address to receive an Invitation Card for the next phase of our Mask mints.

An Operative may gain multiple Invitation Cards from successfully solving multiple puzzles, for a total of 5 Invitation Cards maximum — one for each of the five puzzles that would be made available.

More information on how Phase 2 Invitation Cards can be obtained can be found here.

Method 2: Invitation via an existing DEFY Operative

When a user successfully joins the revolution by minting an NFT Mask for themselves, there will be a ‘redeemed’ stamp overlayed on the invitation card.

Meanwhile, DEFY will reward the new Operative with additional Invitation Cards that can be used to invite a new recruit to join the revolution during the next phase.

This means a user who mints an NFT Mask (or purchases one from OpenSea) prior to Phase 2 will receive a Phase 2 Invitation Card.

Method 3: Invitation via the Marketplace

The DEFY Revolution Invitation Cards are distributed in the form of an ERC721 NFT, which can be sent, traded or sold on the open market, therefore if an Operative decides to list their unredeemed Invitation Card(s) for sale in the marketplace, it may be purchased and used to mint a Mask.

Benefits for Operatives Who Hold Virtual Private Masks

Apart from owning a unique and exclusive Mask (1 of 8,888 genesis mints) that can be utilized within the mobile game, Operatives will also gain the following benefits:

1. Additional Invitation Cards for Phase 2 (with up to 10% in commission for each successful activation)

2. 10–100,000 $DEFY Tokens attached to every NFT minted (worth up to $10,000 at launch)

3. Early access to Alpha Testflight (DEFY mobile game)

4. Additional $DEFY Token Airdrops

5. Access to exclusive Genesis group on Discord

1. Additional Invitation Cards

If you shared your additional Invitation Card to someone and they used it to join the DEFY Revolution by minting their own Mask in the next phase, then you will receive a commission based on the mint cost for making the referral. This incentivises holders of invites to distribute them to individuals who will use it to mint an NFT mask, rather than someone who may not do anything with it. Operatives will receive 10% of the mint fee for successful recruitment in Phase 2.

Operatives are free to use their Invitation Cards themselves. This will generate rewards in the wallet that was used to mint the first Mask. But please note that the Invitation Cards received from minting masks will only be valid for use during the next phase.

2. Bonus $DEFY Tokens

Every NFT Mask minted will come with a random amount of DEFY tokens attached that may be redeemed via playing the game.

The number of tokens attached would decrease as the masks are minted. This means that Operatives who mint their Masks early stand to gain the largest amount of $DEFY tokens. On average, one in five wallets would receive approximately 1,000 tokens (worth up to $100 at launch price), with token rewards ranging up to 100,000 tokens (valued up to $10,000 on launch!).

Further details on how to redeem your tokens will be communicated after our token launch next month.

3. Early access to Alpha Testflight

Operatives who own an NFT Mask will be granted early access to the mobile game in its alpha testflight. You will be the earliest members of the DEFY Revolution and first participants of the game.

4. Additional $DEFY Token Airdrops

Early Operatives with access to alpha may start earning additional $DEFY tokens via the play-and-earn experience. This will initially come from earning FCOINs, however the ability to swap FCOINs for $DEFY (at a 10:1 rate) and receive the tokens via airdrops at the end of alpha would be made possible.

5. Access to exclusive Genesis group on Discord

Genesis Operatives may gain early sneak peeks at what’s in store for the project and have an avenue to provide input on how we build and improve in-game features.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Will the Virtual Private Masks be minted on the Ethereum or Polygon network?
The minting will take place on the Polygon network.

How much does it cost to mint a Mask in Phase 1?
It will cost 160 MATIC to mint a Mask during Phase 1.

How much can I expect to pay in gas fees to mint an NFT Mask?
This fluctuates, but most Polygon ERC-721 mints have a gas fee of around US$0.02.

Will the gas fee be paid in ETH or MATIC?
Gas fees will be paid in MATIC as we are minting on the Polygon network.

How long do I have to mint the NFT Masks?
Phase will be open for exactly 24 hours.

If you have questions that have not been addressed here, please join us on Discord and share them with us.

We look forward to kicking off the DEFY Revolution with our Operatives!

About DEFY Labs

DEFY Labs is passionate about building the next generation tools and platforms that allow users to view and interact with NFTs and other digital collectibles in the real world. DEFY Labs’ vision of the metaverse is one that involves merging the virtual and physical worlds in a compelling and inspiring way.

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