Joining the DEFY Revolution: NFT Minting Phase 2 Update

Published in
5 min readMar 27, 2022

*This article was updated on 20 April 2022 to reflect changes to Phase 2

Greetings, Operatives!

In the last 36 hours over 1,300 of you have officially joined the DEFY Revolution by either minting your own Virtual Private Mask (VPM) or purchasing one. We thank you for your support in joining the fight against Future Systems and look forward to welcoming you when the Alpha DEFY mobile game launches in April.

The original timeline for Phase 1 of Minting was to last for 24 hours. However, we have since extended the duration by an additional 24 hours due to the rocky start and unexpected delays within the network.

Since our last article about the different phases of minting, we have decided to make some changes to the way the subsequent phases will be carried out for this genesis mint.

While the previous whitelist invitation system via solving Puzzle 3 turned out to be a huge success (receiving over 30,000 submissions), we will be making Phase 2 much more exclusive.

Here’s how Phase 2 will work:

  1. Operatives who minted masks in Phase 1 will receive one Phase 2 Invitation Cards for every mask held in the wallet. An additional nine invites (per mask) will be airdropped as well if the Operative downloads the DEFY app and connects their wallet to sign in. This includes the Phantom Galaxies x DEFY Masks as well. That is a total of up to ten invites per mask!
  2. Every successful redemption of a Phase 2 Invitation Card will return 10% of the minting fee in commission to the original holder of the invite.
  3. The mint cost for Phase 2 will remain the same (160 MATIC), and Phase 2 of minting will take place on the 30th of April, 1200 hours UTC, lasting 12 hours.
  4. Phase 1 Invitation Cards are not eligible for use during Phase 2 of minting.
  5. The snapshot for wallets holding a mask and wallets connected within the DEFY app will be taken on the 26th of April, 1200 hours UTC. Invites will be airdropped to Operatives shortly after then.

Here are two examples to help you understand the changes better.

Scenario 1: Pete minted 1 DEFY Genesis Mask and bought 1 Phantom Galaxies x DEFY Mask from OpenSea and connected his wallet to sign into the DEFY app. He receives 20x Phase 2 Invitation Cards via airdrop. He then chooses to give away 18 of them for free to 18 different users while keeping two for himself to mint during Phase 2.

In the end, of the 18 users, 9 of them successfully minted a mask using their invite. Pete gains 16 MATIC (10%) for every successful minting of a mask in Phase 2 using his invites. This includes the two he used for himself. Therefore, Pete would gain a total of 176 MATIC (11 x 16 MATIC) back in commission.

Scenario 2: Jake minted just 1 DEFY Genesis Mask and signs into the DEFY app by connecting his wallet. He receives 10x Phase 2 Invitation Cards via airdrop. He gives them all out to different users, of which 3 of them minted a mask each. Jake would then receive 48 MATIC (3 x 16 MATIC) in commission for the successful mints.

The idea behind this approach is to encourage existing Operatives who hold masks to share and giveaway their exclusive Phase 2 Invitation cards to others, bringing more users to joining the DEFY Revolution. If the objective is to turnover an invite into a successful mint, it is in the Operative’s best interest to make those invites easily accessible to those who may be interested in minting a mask, as opposed to listing them at an expensive price on the market and ending up having it not be utilized at all.

In view of these changes, we will be extending Phase 1 of minting by an additional two days. Phase 1 will now end on the 30th March 0600 hours UTC, together with the Phantom Galaxies x DEFY mint closing period.

Are there any changes to the minting of Phantom Galaxies x DEFY Masks?

The PG x DEFY Mask minting will continue running for the full four days, after which any PG x DEFY Invitation Cards that are unused will expire and there will be no further minting phases thereafter. The total PG x DEFY Mask supply will be capped at the number minted within the four days.

What about Phase 3? Are there any changes to that?

Phase 3 will begin immediately after Phase 2 (1st of May 0000 hours UTC) and last a full 24 hours (till 2nd of May 0000 hours UTC) only if there are masks left to be minted.

This will be a public minting phase open for anyone to mint, however the mint price will be at 200 MATIC.

Note: Phase 2 Invitation Cards can still be used during Phase 3 if a user missed the initial 12 hours exclusive window, however the mint price would be increased to 200 MATIC instead of 160 MATIC.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

I have minted my mask. How can I see the number of tokens attached to it?
We are currently working on building a page on our website that displays the mask’s attached tokens among other things. This will be live soon, however, for the time being you may find this information by visiting polygonscan (click here for PG x DEFY Masks) and inputting your mask number (token id) under the ‘getTotalBondedTokensForMask’ section and clicking query.

If I purchased a mask from OpenSea, will it still come with the $DEFY tokens attached?
Yes, absolutely! In fact, using the step outlined above you could even inspect the number of tokens in a mask prior to purchasing them too.

How do I redeem the $DEFY tokens attached to my mask?
As mentioned in our original article, $DEFY tokens will be emitted via performing in-game actions (i.e. by playing the game). Further information on this will be shared after our token launch.

When is the $DEFY token launch? Any public pre-sale?
Plans for our $DEFY token launch is currently set for sometime in late May. More information will come closer to the date.

Has the Mask with 100,000 $DEFY token been minted yet?
The big prize has yet to be minted as of Phase 1. Will it be minted within Phase 2 or could it roll over to Phase 3? Only time will tell.

About DEFY Labs

DEFY Labs is passionate about building the next generation tools and platforms that allow users to view and interact with NFTs and other digital collectibles in the real world. DEFY Labs’ vision of the metaverse is one that involves merging the virtual and physical worlds in a compelling and inspiring way.

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