Dalarnia Multiverse Part 3: Dalarnia Nexus

Dar Open Network
3 min readApr 23, 2024


Good day, Dalarnians!

You’ve reached the third part of the DAR Open Network Series #2: Dalarnia Multiverse. In case you missed the previous articles of this series, here’s a recap:

  1. DAR Open Network Explained Series #1
  2. Dalarnia Multiverse Part 1: Mines of Dalarnia
  3. Dalarnia Multiverse Part 2: Dalarnia Legends

Today, we’re sharing a little bit more about Dalarnia Nexus.

If you’re curious about the name, “Nexus” actually refers to a connection or a central point of focus. It can also denote a link or a bond between different elements. So, imagine a gravitational force within the Dalarnia sector, pulling together gamers from all corners of the Dalarnia Multiverse — this force, this nexus, is Dalarnia Nexus.

Now, how does Dalarnia Nexus really come into play in the Dalarnia Multiverse? Let’s dig in.

Game Loop

Dalarnia Nexus isn’t just another platform; it’s an entry point into a universe of endless possibilities in our gaming multiverse.

To understand it better, think of it like a giant clubhouse open for all gamers, where people can:

  • Build and customize their own personal space which we call BASE
    - Use NFTs from other games
    - Unlock Dalarnia Nexus exclusive customization items
    - Craft new items by using MoD resources
  • Create and customize their own Avatar
  • Invite friends to visit their own BASE or visit other’s BASE to get a glimpse of the owners’ achievements.
  • Unlock new features by completing quests within the Dalarnia Multiverse and earning points , and more.

With all that being said, Dalarnia Nexus serves as a customizable space designed to connect players across all DAR platform games where belonging and ownership go hand in hand.

Now, let’s discuss the main features of Dalarnia Nexus.

Key Features

  • Base-ownership: Every player creating a DAR ID will have access to his own, private BASE.

    Note that this is not like LAND in other WEB3 games that needs to be purchased.
  • Asset Interoperability: One of Dalarnia Nexus’s key features is its ability to seamlessly integrate game assets across the platform. From commodities to NFTs, everything has a place within this interconnected multiverse.

    With this feature, Dalarnia Nexus also allows players to customize their space and utilize NFTs from other projects like Mines of Dalarnia’s Canar-es, Apes, Equipments, etc. for cosmetic purposes.
  • Progression System: As players engage with various games across the platform by completing quests and earning points, they increase their DAR ID account level, granting access to new features and content within Dalarnia Nexus.
  • AI Agents: Within Dalarnia Nexus, players will encounter AI agents each with their own purpose, objectives and needs.

    An example of this would be DAR-B, our Mines of Dalarnia Tutorial Bot, hovering around ready to answer your questions about the Dalarnia Multiverse.
  • An Autonomous, Community-Driven World: At its core, Dalarnia Nexus is a world shaped by its players — its destiny is in the hands of the community! Its entire appearance and outcome are crafted by the players’ vision and actions, from base-customization to user-generated content, the community holds the reins of this virtual realm.

And that’s the end of our Dalarnia Multiverse 3-part series. We hope you grasped the idea of Dalarnia Nexus. If you want to learn more about Dalarnia Nexus, hop on our Discord server. We’re all ears for your questions!

Coming next in the DAR Open Network Explained Series, we’ll explore how you can join and thrive in this ever-expanding multiverse. Stay tuned!

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Dar Open Network

The open infrastructure for the future of web3 gaming 🎮