Battling — Eat, Fight, then Eat again!

Eggies World
4 min readJul 21, 2019


Battles can take place anywhere!

Monsters love to fight and compete for the chance to earn Trx! Over time different Battle scenarios have emerged and no doubt new ones will be developed in the future too….

Currently the popular way for Monsters to Battle on Eggies World is the Death Matches. Where they can team up in designated fighting rings or find a patch of earth in the Jungle and do battle.

Close Match!: Eggies World

How do I join a Death Match?

In order to participate in Death Matches your Monster must be fully fed. It is hard to battle on an empty stomach. You can then select the Players Icon at the Top of the Home screen to choose the DeathMatch option and pay any Entry Fees

How do I fight in a Death Match?

You will be able to use your AP (Attack Points) to both Attack and Aid other players. Select the player you wish to battle and check for Buffs and Debuffs before using one of your Attacks/Aids. Each Attack/Aid will cost ORBZ.

Any Attack/Aids you have available will be shown in the drop down menu.

Your current amount of Attack Points can be seen at the bottom of the Battle Page

AP Shown at bottom of Battle

Can I choose which team to be in?

No, Players are added to each team at random.

The match does not have all the Players, can I attack?

Yes! Sometimes joining a Death Match early can give you a tremendous advantage

Is there any Strategy involved?

When you first join it is a good idea to size up your opponents and get to know your own team.

Do they mainly have attacks? Can someone Cleanse you and remove a Debuff? Can you heal a team mate?

You can then use emotes for basic communication to taunt or request help. Some players opt to have their telegram handle available and this can also be used to communicate strategy….keep it friendly!

Need Help? Emote!

How long is a round?

The length of a match can vary in hours. You will know when it has finished as Professor Eggies will announce it in the Eggies World Telegram channel.

In the game you will be advised that your Monster needs to feed again.

Then all rewards will be distributed.

What Attacks and Aids are available?

Read about the current list of Attacks, Aids, Buffs and DeBuffs here.

How do I get more AP?

AP regenerates over time with each Tick. Those Monsters with a a Higher Power Stat will regenerate AP more quickly. There are also some Items that can help with extra AP.

How can my Monster be more effective?

A Monster’s ability to Attack and Aid is often based on the Stats that you can find in the Monster page.

Think about what kind of Monster you wish to raise and do your best to develop those Stats through Feeding and Training

I do not like my Attacks/Aids, can I change them?

Yes! You can buy a ReRoll Token in Professor Eggies Hideout for ORBZ or Trx. Once purchased you select the Attack/Aid that you wish to replace and you will be sent another random attack. If you do not like that one, you can ReRoll again.

You can buy ReRoll Tokens at the Hideout

My Teammates are not playing, what can I do?

It ca be frustrating when this happens. Although if the match has lasted 8 hours they may simply have gone to bed. Fight as hard as you can for your side and know that in the next Death Match you will get a new team.

Those who do not participate enough may not be eligible for rewards.

I did not get my Reward?

Wait a little while, sometimes the blockchain is slow to update.

Or it may be that you were considered too inactive in the match to get a reward.

That was Fun, will there be more Battle Themes introduced into the game?

You betcha!

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019



To buy a ZEZEEGG: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.