Attacks and Aids

Eggies World
5 min readAug 2, 2019


You can go directly to our list of Current Attacks, Healing, Buffs and DeBuffs by clicking on the links for each one.

Image from: Johnny

You can find your Monster’s Attacks and Aids on their Monster Page. When your Monster first hatches they will acquire more as their Experience grows until all four slots are filled.

Attack Slots: Eggies World

What Attacks/Aids are there?

There are multiple Attacks and Aids, which are constantly tweaked, updated and added to, in order to keep Gameplay balanced and interesting.

What Types are there?

Generally they fall into four different categories. Although some will be a combination and you may find an Attack that also Heals, or a Healing that also Buffs. The categories are:

Attacks: These do direct Exp Damage to an Enemy Monster/s. You can read about the Current list of Attacks here.

Healing: These will directly increase the Exp of friendly Monsters. Loyalty is a particularly important Stat for those that wish to become Healers. You can read about the Current list of Healing here.

This will remove a Teammates DeBuff: Eggies World

Buffs: These are Positive effects that stay with your Monster for as long as the Buff is in place. One sub-type of Buff is shields. Buffs may last for a set amount of Ticks or until they are removed by an enemy. You can read about the Current list of Buffs here.

SleepShamen has a DeBuff: Eggies World

DeBuffs: These are Negative effects that stay with your Monster for as long as the DeBuff is in place. Teammates can use certain Healing spells to cleanse you. Or the DeBuff may wear off after a certain amount of Ticks. You can read about the current list of DeBuffs here.

How do I make an Attack or Aid?

You can Attack/Aid until your AP runs out

Each one costs ORBZ and a certain amount of AP (Attack Points). You can see how many you have by looking on your Monster Page or at the bottom of the Battle. AP regenerates over time, dependent on the current Battle Mode and your Monster’s Evil Stats.

Image from: Eggies World

If you have enough AP, you select either an Enemy or Teammate and click on the Attack/Aid button on their Monster Page. You will then be given a drop down menu with a selection of your Monster’s current attacks/aids.

To read more about ORBZ go here.

Can I see what Attacks and Aids are being performed in a Battle?

The Icon in the Top Right Corner will show you Attacks and healing

Yes! And this is important tactically so you can see what Attacks your Enemies have and what Heals your Teammates have. First select the Monster Log Icon in the Top Right Corner. Then scan down to see who is attacking and helping you. You can also toggle here to see any Rewards you have won in previous battles. You can see other Monster’s Attack logs too.

Your Attack Log: Eggies World

My Attack failed or My Healing was low. Why?

There can be a variety of reasons for this:

  • You Need to Improve your Monster Stats. Read more Here
  • Their Monster has very Good Stats and Dodged your Attack. Check their Stats
  • They had a shield which gave them one-time protection. Check their Buffs next time
  • They have an Item that helped protect them or minimise damage
  • They have a Buff, or Debuff, that mitigated your action
  • You were just unlucky. Some attacks/heals have a success rate and some fail more than others.

When I Attacked/Aided I sometimes received a reward. Tell me more?

When you perform an action on another Monster, you may gain Exp, Loot, ORBZ etc. Sometimes you will receive nothing. You can read more about Rewards in Eggies World here.

I do not like my Attack/Aids, can I change them?

ReRoll Token in Prof Eggies Hideout

Yes! You can buy a token from Professor Eggies hideout. This gives you the chance to ReRoll for a new Attack/Aid. Buy the Token (with Trx or ORBZ), then select the Attack/Aid you wish to replace and keep your fingers crossed you receive one you like more.

Read more about Professor Eggies hideout here

What is a Tick?

A Tick is a certain length of time until things likes AP, Exp, DeBuffs etc get updated. You can read more about it here.

Do all Monsters have the same Attacks/Aids?

Each Monster will end up with four attacks from the current list. They may then ReRoll to get another attack/aid. So it is possible for some Monsters to have the same attacks. In the future Monster specific and Role specific Attacks and Aids may be introduced.

Also, although Monsters may have the same attacks their Stats, and luck, will determine how successful they are. So damage and healing can vary from Monster to Monster.

Read about the different Monster types here.

Can I read more about Battling?

You sure can! Go here

Eggies World is a game based on the Tron Blockchain. Want to Know More?

Go to D.I.T.O for more information on how to play the game: Here

Open Beta Launch: End Feb 2019



To buy a ZEZEEGG: How to Guide: Coming Zoon



Seed Germinator:



Eggies World

Hatch, Train & Fight your own Unique Monster in this Online Game based on the Tron (TRX) Blockchain. All Articles by SubZeroGal.