My Bootstrapping Journey

Don’t Let Urgency Ruin Your Plans

Week 4 — Retrospective

Emil Bruckner
3 min readJul 25, 2018

Read last week’s article here.

I planned to do quite a lot of marketing this week. I didn’t. That’s a shame.

The App

Bugs, bugs, bugs

Because of bugs, I had to write a lot of code this week. At one point, I shipped an app that couldn’t even create lists (Find Better Question’s main feature).


This bug really got me thinking about writing tests. A way to automatically make sure that nothing about my app is broken before shipping it sounds like a great idea.
I still don’t think that I’ll do it …

My Writing

It’s just hilarious when you think about what I’ve written last week. I told you about my weekly schedule, and how I’ll write for two hours every day. I didn’t write nor publish anything this week. That’s pretty distressing to me.

It Was Urgent …

I planned to do a lot of marketing. I wanted to reach out to prospects and write a lot of content. I’m working on “The Ultimate Guide to Quora Marketing”.

But urgency got in my way. I normally don’t let urgent things bully my schedule, but I guess it wasn’t stupid to do these things first this time. Bugs simply have to be fixed. Product Market Fit first. Growth second.

The Landing Page

It’s not finished yet.
I still want to add a couple of images. I’m on it. I even spun up After Effects for the first time in a while.

(It’s a magnifier and a question mark)

Side Project

This has nothing to do with Find Better Questions. It’s just a hobby, but I still want to document what I spend my time on, so here it is:

I’m building a planter, which also needed a lot of debugging this week.

This is the best photo I could find now

This thing should water itself, but my code on there is buggy too, and the cheap sensor corroded, so the system need’s an upgrade.

Also, the power cable that leads to the pot broke. That took me more than an hour to figure out. How can a power cable break? I didn’t completely rip it apart, so it’s still miraculous to me.


I also spent five hours in Mealime (a meal planning app) this week. I also went out to buy the ingredients, so that’s also a reason why I had less productive time this week.

A Question

I doubt that anyone reading this can or will help me (which makes me sad), but I’ll still ask a question here:

It’s about my Medium stats. They aren’t all that important to me, but I still don’t really understand Medium’s content suggestion algorithm. Back in the days when I did my Zero to MVP in 30 days challenge, I received most of my traffic from Nowadays, they send less than 10% of it. I’m just wondering why …

← Week 3
→ Week 5: Coming at the end of this week. Make sure to follow me 👋

