KoC & Entity: Building the Ultimate Web2.5 Game

Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine
6 min readJul 20, 2023


Last week, we introduced you to our first Launchpad project: Knights of Cathena! Today, it’s time to dive into how exactly the game leverages the best parts of Web2 and Web3 to create the next “must-have” game for all types of different players. Let’s go!

Bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3

Web2.5 Gaming means combining the very best aspects of traditional games with the revolutionary power of Web3 technology.

Rather than creating a token model first and then working backwards, the team behind Knights of Cathena started their project with quality gameplay as a top priority from Day One.

This means building exciting game mechanics with compelling growth opportunities that keep players engaged and fired up.

And to take this unique gameplay to the next level, KoC features an extremely dynamic and scalable in-game economy where gamers can take on different roles to earn $CGO, increase their might, and have fun.

Uniting the game’s Web2 and Web3 elements: the innovative $CGO token, which will ignite the Knights of Cathena ecosystem and incentivize the next wave of growth for Web3 and MultiversX.

Chess on steroids

If you’ve ever played chess, KoC’s core game mechanics will be relatively familiar.

Each player starts on opposite sides of an arena and must take turns commanding their troops to try and conquer their opponent. Like chess, there are different units with different specialties:

  • Knight: a ‘tank’ with a short attack range
  • Archer: skilled at sniping enemies from a distance
  • Mage: unleash ancient sorcery to deal area damage
  • Cleric: can attack foes, or heal your allies
  • Commander: protect them at all costs!

But this isn’t your grandfather’s strategy game. The team behind Knights of Cathena, fivefingergames, leverage the Unity game engine and MultiversX to take turn-based strategy into the 21st century and beyond.

Collectable pets are yet another exciting reward for top KoC players

You can upgrade your army with collectable NFT items as you rise through the ranks as a commander. KoC’s full release will also feature a range of lush environments that serve as battle arenas. Plus, there a number of other milestones and incentives to make your adventure even more thrilling.

Collect valuable chests, unlock achievements, collaborate with other gamers, and activate powerful battle passes. All of these carefully balanced features work in harmony to make KoC extremely replayable and addictive!

Plus, with special commanders now available, pets coming soon, and many more cool features on the way, there are a ton of reasons to keep coming back to Altea beyond just grinding for tokens.

A dynamic economy built for growth

Here is where the power of MultiversX comes into play: supporting a revolutionary in-game economy.

To vanquish your foes, it’s essential to upgrade your troops and optimize your formation

The inventory and marketplace of Knights of Cathena work very similarly to any Web2 RPG you may have played before. As a Commander, you can collect, upgrade, and trade items seamlessly. And now, you can truly own your inventory and use it to generate real-life income!

The user experience is as smooth as butter, since no blockchain experience is required and players don’t have to stop and sign every individual transaction. Found a rare item you don’t need? Then you can easily sell it for $CGO and buy something you really want.

Or, you can become a Weapons Dealer! This means you can hold onto your valuable items for the long run, while earning short-term passive income by renting them out to other warriors.

Want to start a clan that’s like a mini-DAO with bonus rewards for you and your friends? Pay some $CGO to become a Noble House owner!

Noble Houses will unite the community to work together and share bonus rewards

By leading a Noble House, you receive passive income for every match played by each of your house members- plus a cut of their marketplace transaction fees. These mechanics provide a strong set of incentives for Noble House owners to recruit new players and maintain an active and engaged player base.

Lore and artwork are also an important part of making this game as immersive and interesting as possible. So, Knights of Cathena will offer rewards to talented NFT Artists who contribute to the ecosystem!

As you can see, there are a lot of different roles you can play within this dynamic and well-balanced economy. This is also one of the primary ways that KoC will drive revenue to continuously uplift their gaming ecosystem. Opportunities like acquiring powerful items or founding a Noble House incentivize users to either convert other tokens to $CGO, or seamlessly buy $CGO with fiat from directly within the game.

Stay tuned for more information about this upcoming on-ramp system! We can already say, however, that we think this will be quite a game changer for driving new liquidity to KoC and the overall MVX Network.

Driven by sustainable tokenomics

The cleverly designed $CGO token is the perfect bridge between Knights of Cathena’s exceptional gameplay and its powerful economy.

Whether you are a Noble House Owner, a Weapons Dealer, an NFT artist, or just a Commander in the world of Altea, $CGO is the way you will accumulate real value for your time and contributions.

Unlike many other Web3 game tokens, however, $CGO is carefully balanced to maintain its value and grow in scarcity over time. As more users start playing, the rate of $CGO emissions will remain fixed. So, each token becomes more valuable with each new player!

A percentage of $CGO will be burned with every marketplace transaction

This offers greater rewards for early adopters, while also incentivizing gamers and influencers to spread the word and onboard more users. It also makes the $CGO token more resistant to volatility and macro conditions by tying the token value to usage and not just market speculation.

Furthermore, a percentage of $CGO will be burned with almost every in-game transaction! The team estimates a 90% burn rate over time, which will further kickstart the value of Cathena Gold as more players join the ecosystem.

As KoC kicks off some high-energy marketing campaigns and launches its token to provide immediate rewards, $CGO could grow rapidly.

At Entity, we of course do not offer financial advice.

But just think about how a major wave of new users, with additional token burns every time they engage with the KoC economy, will help supercharge the MultiversX ecosystem and the power of $CGO!

Stay tuned for the public sale token price and more!

For more details about Knights of Cathena as the first Entity Launchpad project, stay tuned for more info and a full timeline coming soon.

And to keep up-to-date with all the latest information about KoC and other Entity launches, make sure to join Entity on Twitter and Telegram, and Knights of Cathena on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord.

Enhancing the MultiversX Ecosystem

Entity is a Launchpad and suite of cutting-edge tools for Web3 builders and investors. Entity is focused on catalyzing growth in key areas such as DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and real-world blockchain applications.

MultiversX is a highly scalable, secure and decentralized blockchain network created to enable radically new applications, for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

Entity is building the first comprehensive cross-chain interoperability solution: https://entity.global