Knights of Cathena: Unleashing Mass Adoption on the Entity Launchpad

Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine
6 min readJul 13, 2023


It’s official: Knights of Cathena will be the first-ever Entity Launchpad project! Discover what makes this Web3 game so special, how $CGO will become increasingly scarce over time, and what comes next for Entity, KoC, and the MultiversX ecosystem!

GameFi Summer has arrived

Yesterday, Knights of Cathena (KoC) announced they will be launching their $CGO token on Entity to help take their exciting Web3 gaming project to the next level.

The main reason this addictive and highly engaging blockchain game was selected for the Entity Launchpad: its massive potential to kickstart blockchain mass adoption and drive new users to MultiversX!

With a balanced yet rewarding economy, easy onboarding, and a marketing strategy laser-focused on hypergrowth, this is your chance to get in early on one of MultiversX’s hottest launches yet.

In this article, we will explain a few of the X Factors that could make Knights of Cathena a top GameFi project in all of Web3:

Then, we will explain what comes next and how to prepare for launch!

Onboarding the next billion to Web3

From day one, Knights of Cathena has built their game to be irresistible to both blockchain natives and crypto-skeptical Web2 gamers.

Knights of Cathena’s entertaining turn-based gameplay takes inspiration from chess and goes way beyond the Play2Earn paradigm of repetitive grinding for tokens and NFTs. In the world of Altea, players must think critically, develop clever strategies, and outsmart their opponents to succeed.

While the heartbeat of KoC is powered by MultiversX for a truly next-generation gaming experience, the game is also fun and dynamic enough in its own right to appeal to the 2.7 billion gamers worldwide. The game is totally free to start playing, without any pre-conditions such as creating a new wallet or buying an expensive NFT.

With an advanced on-chain inventory system and in-game economy, KoC is already live with thousands of regular users playing on MultiversX Devnet Alpha. Shortly after launching their $CGO token on Entity, we expect this game’s player base to grow exponentially — unleashing a new wave of users and on-chain activity on the MVX Mainnet.

Leveraging MVX to the fullest

Since exceptional gameplay isn’t the only thing you need to succeed in the highly competitive Web3 gaming space, the Knights of Cathena Team chose to build on the most powerful layer one blockchain in the world — MultiversX!

All rewards in the game will be delivered in precious $CGO (Cathena Gold) tokens, and every in-game item and loot box is represented by its own NFT. MultiversX’s lightning-fast transaction times and minimal gas fees are both crucial in making this supercharged in-game economy possible on chain.

To help the 2.7 billion non-Web3 gamers get in on the action, KoC makes onboarding a breeze. The game seamlessly creates a wallet for each new user in the background, with the option to move to a fully non-custodial wallet later on. This gives users the best of both worlds: easy onboarding, plus all the power of the world’s most scalable blockchain!

The innovative tokenomics of $CGO are a careful balance between creating demand through valuable in-game utilities, and driving user engagement through attractive rewards. $CGO also uses a clever deflationary model where the value and scarcity of the token automatically increases with every new player.

Powered by relentless builders

Knights of Cathena is powered by a top-notch group of technical and creative experts with the shared goal of unleashing Web3 gaming’s full potential.

Based out of Southern Germany, Knights of Cathena’s founders are highly active in the blockchain community — both in real life and in the metaverse. CEO Lukas Anetsberger has shared the power of KoC and MultiversX at a range of high quality events recently, such as Consensus 2023, the Crypto Valley Conference, the Entity Builders Forum, and more.

Overall, the team at fivefingergames has all the development skills needed to get the most out of the Unity game engine and the MultiversX blockchain, and also all the marketing and artistic skills to deliver a vibrant world for players with a rich story and lush visuals.

Enter the immersive world of Altea

To create a loyal fanbase, it helps to build an enchanting universe filled with adventures and new possibilities.

A unique fantasy world is a key ingredient for many of the top media franchises like Lords of the Rings, Star Wars, and Game of Thrones. Knights of Cathena has taken on this challenge, and is already a leader on MultiversX and the broader Web3 ecosystem when it comes to high quality lore and worldbuilding.

The game’s setting, known as Altea, features a brutal conflict that pulls each player into the heat of battle. Combined with KoC’s addictive gameplay and lucrative on-chain rewards, this immersive experience truly sets KoC apart from its competition.

Focused on community growth

This multiplayer game is all about forming alliances and battling for on-chain domination. Want to work together with your friends and conquer the world? KoC has got you covered!

The game’s next-level Noble Houses will deliver a highly engaging clan system where players can team up to pool resources, share rewards, earn in-game perks, and beyond. These decentralized guilds each work like a kind of mini-DAO, and will also encompass several important use cases for the $CGO token.

The focus on in-game community also includes friends lists, item renting, different chats for activities like trading, and more. KoC also already has vibrant Discord, Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram communities ready for you to join!

Additionally, KoC is laser-focused on executing their community growth strategy. This includes activating next-level partnerships, major exchange listings, Twitch streams, paid ads, and more — all with the mission of constantly bringing in new players to support the game and contribute to the overall vibrancy and visibility of the MultiversX blockchain.

And while KoC is already listed on top-tier platforms like Epic Games, Apple, and Google Play, this is only the beginning!

Get your EGLD ready

The Entity Launchpad is honored to host such a dedicated and talented team for our first-ever launch. Our fully-compliant launchpad is designed to host public sales in the most accessible way possible to create an enthusiastic and decentralized community of holders from Day One.

Besides helping ensure a successful token launch, Entity is also ready to provide KoC with expert support in a range of key business areas.

Stay tuned, since the Entity Launchpad page will go live soon with further info including launch dates. Details about KoC’s tokenomics, staking tiers, and more are also right around the corner.

What we can already confirm: this launch will use staked $EGLD for snapshot tiers, and KYC for Knights of Cathena will begin shortly after the Hatom launch!

Prepare for liftoff

For more details about KoC and their launch on Entity, check out Knights of Cathena’s official announcement blog.

And to keep up-to-date with all the latest information about KoC and other Entity launches, make sure to join Entity on Twitter and Telegram!

Enhancing the MultiversX Ecosystem

Entity is a Launchpad and suite of cutting-edge tools for Web3 builders and investors. Entity is focused on catalyzing growth in key areas such as DeFi, GameFi, NFTs and real-world blockchain applications.

MultiversX is a highly scalable, secure and decentralized blockchain network created to enable radically new applications, for users, businesses, society, and the new metaverse frontier.



Entity: Cross-Chain Growth Engine

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