Grand Theory — Supp.6

8 min readMay 8, 2017


Many thanks to Louise, @counterchekist, @twistopherrobbin et al for the inspiration and assistance. As always, edits are ongoing, expect typos.


Supp.4 and Supp.5 highlighted a common mailbox for several seemingly unrelated entities. This sixth supplement will dig a little deeper into this shared mailbox. The purpose is to further identify entities and persons that potentially have a connection to the Trump Org or Campaign. That said, the information presented in this supplement, like with Supplements 1 to 5, is more or less raw data that can be evaluated by future researchers and analysts. Accordingly, you will need to draw your own conclusions from the data.


Supp.4 and 5 identified the following entities that use PO Box 3469, Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110, Virgin Islands as their registered address:

  • Ocean Way Capital Corporation — A/K/A HostKey.
  • Alfa Telecom Turkey Limited — Directly connected to the leadership of Alfa Bank.
  • DECEMBER BVH 2016 — The sibling organization (i.e., common shareholders) to Neil Young Associates — the international ransom, bribery, and kidnapping negotiation firm that is stacked with former intelligence operatives and terrorism experts).

In all, there are approximately 20 companies that use PO Box 3469, Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive, Road Town, Tortola, VG1110 as an address [Hereinafter “PO BOX 3469"]. That seems like too small of a number of companies for there not to a relationship between said companies and/or the intermediary/registered agent company behind said PO Box. Let’s look at two other interesting users of said mailbox.

Notable Co-Tenants

Two other companies that are quite interesting share PO Box 3469:

Faraotis Holdings Limited

Faraotis Holdings Limited is one of two shareholders of Arik Air Technical Services Limited. It is not 100% clear what Arik Air Technical Services (AATS) does; however, Arik Air is a Nigerian airline (largest in Nigeria) that services Western Africa. It was just taken over by a large state-owned Nigerian bank.

What is interesting about AATS is that in addition to Faraotis Holdings, it is owned by Maxim Viktorov.

Maxim is another one of those Russian dudes with their own Wikipedia entry. Here are the highlights:

  • Maxim is a lawyer by trade.
  • Maxim once operated a firm called The Legal Intelligence Group. Maxim’s bio from said firm reveals that he is a former member of KGB’s Armed Forces and that he’s been an adviser to various government organizations.

Born June 22, 1972 in Moscow. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova. From 1989 to 1990 he was an employee of the Prosecutor’s Office Investigative RSFSR. From 1991 to 1992 — service in the armed forces of the KGB and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation. From 1992 to 1996 he worked as an assistant on legal matters Chairman of the Moscow Region Government. In February 1998 he was appointed executive secretary of the Council on banks and banking activities of the Governor of the Moscow Region. In 1998, on the proposal of the Governor of Moscow Region was elected as the Deputy Chairman Mosoblizbirkoma. From 2000 to 2003 — member of Advisory Council on National Security of the Federal Assembly — Parliament of the Russian Federation. From 2005 to 2008, Vice-Chairman of the Expert Council on Mass Communications at the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Since 2006 — Member of the Board of the Foundation of His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. Chairman of the Board of the Fund’s investment programs. Since 2006, member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow Suvorov Military School. C 2007 to 2009, member of the Board of Trustees of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia. Since 2009 — a member of the Public Committee Assisting Russian Libraries Development. Since 2009 — Chairman of the Editorial Board of Union Magazine. He was awarded the state and public awards. Presidential Decree was confirmed as a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Since 2011 — Professor of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics.” Since August 2012 the authority Viktorova M. V. discontinued in connection with the transition to the federal public service.

Andersen Alliance Limited

Andersen Alliance Limited (AAL) is one of eight (8) shareholders in a business called Crovelent Holdings LTD [hereinafter “Crovelent”]. Crovelent, which has its registered address in Moscow, has at least three (3) interesting connections:

  • Starwood Systems LTD (Shareholder)
  • Leyla Alieva (Shareholder)
  • Honest & Bright Company LTD (Intermediary)

Starwood Systems

Starwood Systems LTD is a London-based company owned by what looks like a husband and wife team with ties to Bulgaria. The company is in the business of developing websites.

The husband, Graham, well, he is no fan of the United States or its intelligence community. He does, however, seem to be a fan of Nigel and ZeroHedge (See Supp.1, Note 15(a)). Let’s see some pictures…

It is weird for this dude to care about US media, right?
Here’s Graham defending Wikileaks by throwing shade at CIA
FFS #1
FFS #2
Of course, it was Soros… /s
At his best…
FFS #3

Leyla Alieva

Leyla is the eldest daughter of Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan.

Dad and Mom

Trump has investments in Azerbaijan (See also HERE). Trump International Hotel and Tower Baku is reported to be “a corrupt operation linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.”

Ivanka is reported to have played a key role in developing Trump International Hotel and Tower Baku. Ivanka even bragged about the project on her website before scrubbing the same.

Additionally, Bloomberg reported back in December 2016 that Exxon Mobil had an 8% stake in “Azerbaijan International Operating Co., a consortium of global oil producers with the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan to develop deposits in the Caspian Sea.”

Leyla is married to Emin Agalarov.

The Atlantic has a nice write up about Emin HERE.

Finally, Leyla is quite the socialite and globetrotter. She has lived in London and Moscow. She is also BFFs with Elisabeth Murdoch, which is one of Ruppert’s daughters. You might remember that Ivanka oversaw the trust for Elisabeth’s sisters, Grace and Chloe Murdoch, as trustee.

Honest & Bright Company LTD

Honest & Bright Company LTD (HB) is an intermediary that shows 27 connections in the Panama Papers database. HB’s Moscow address is Crovelent’s registered address. Like with PO Box 3469, 27 connections is quite small.

Besides the connection we’ve already made with PO Box 3469 via AAL and Crovelent, two things are interesting about HB: (1) its owner and (2) its other clients.

Yaroslav Lomakin

Yaroslav Lomakin (YL) is a Ukrainian living in London. YL owns and operates HB, which is head-quartered in Moscow.

YL is an unusual guy, to be honest. First, he is not bashful in talking to the media about what FinCEN in the U.S. would call “structuring.”

  • Note 2 — On Structuring from a FinCEN ruling:

YL also appears to be a fan of exploiting tax loopholes and helping clients avoid audits:

When one digs through YL’s Facebook page, it becomes clear that he is a foodie. For example, he loves burgers:

See also Supp.1, including Notes 12(a) — 12(d) (definitely review the picture gallery just above Note12(a))
  • Note 3 — BB&Burgers lets their food do the talking…
See also Supp.1, including Notes 12(a) — 12(d) (definitely review the picture gallery just above Note12(a))

YL is a lover of literature as well. Check out what he was reading in late July, a few months before the Nov 2016 U.S. Presidential election: — Some kind of spy thriller…

YL also appears to be a fan of Scientology and L Ron Hubbard.

Honest & Bright’s Facebook page is even a little unusual:

H/T — New York Times

HB’s Other Clients

Just to step up the weirdness, lets look at one of HB’s clients other than Crovelent.

In particular, I’m interested in a company called Hiltington Solutions, Inc.

The main director of Hiltingon Solutions is a gentleman named Stephen John Kelly. Mr. Kelly’s name might sound familiar to you as his identity keeps popping up in connection to the Magnitsky matter.
Note the LEO (middle name…. See generally Supp.5)


