Individuals hold more power than ever to transform the world

Francisco Santolo
3 min readApr 29, 2018


My new public profile quickly reached 15.000 followers, then 25.000, and when I intended to express my gratitude to people from all over the world I reinforced this article´s title conclusion. Let me share it with you:

“An honor, and a great responsibility!

The world we live in, with all its disparities, inequalities, and terrible things we as humans continue to allow, is going through a moment (and I believe this trend will only grow stronger) in which every individual has more power than ever before (power to accomplish, to transform, to influence) . We haven't yet grasped this idea completely, but we will soon be immersed in it. This individual expression, leads to inspiration, to common purpose, to the important belief that dreams can be real (and they certainly can!) and derives in the surge of communities. And communities, without any doubt can have world changing impact!

When 25.000 people from all over the world choose to follow me, get to know me better, read my articles, watch my videos, share or enrich my thoughts by interacting with me, I feel immensely grateful, and as an individual, I reinforce my desire and responsibility to share experiences, knowledge and tools I believe can transform your reality, as they did with mine, for you to inspire others towards the generation of new communities, world changing, world transforming. I believe entrepreneurship methodologies, understanding networking as an art of giving first, and relating authentically to diverse new people, developing leadership skills, and managing financial basic principles, within other topics I will share, can be of great importance!

Your impact is greater than you know, and it will be even greater very soon. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, what you feel about your accomplishments right now, or how far you feel from your dreams. Look forward, just try to be better every day, take care of your relationships, discover new people, give first, listen, learn something new every day, develop new skills, follow your purpose, disrespect fear a bit!

Technology will give us soon possibilities we never imagined before. The world will be an unknown land 5 years from now (exponentials!) and what we will become as a race (remember we are all Homo Sapiens, the most destructive one that ever existed on earth), depends entirely on our values and our daily actions from now on. We can decide to take care of others, embrace diversity, build together, see the best in difference, collaborate, or we can continue our path alone, looking for our self interest in expense of others, competing, and living within closed limited groups.

Those individual decisions, more than ever, will drive communities, and every decision will be more impactful and more far reaching than ever.

It's on us. Thanks for this vote of trust! Looking forward to know more about you!”


Francisco Santolo

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More on Francisco Santolo, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO Scalabl, Board Member & Co-Founder at over 40 companies

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Individuals can transform the world like never before. Google Images.



Francisco Santolo

Global CEO at Scalabl. Serial Entrepreneur & Speaker. MBA Professor. Executive education at Harvard, Stanford, Singularity University, Kellogg & MIT.