How To Affect the Global Warming in a Good Way

💚Clock is ticking

3 min readJan 8, 2023

Global warming is the battle of our century.

It’s characterized by the increase of temperatures on the surface of our planet.

Scientists are unanimous on the climate emergency we are facing, and studies show us a result without appeal.

Let’s look at the following two graphs :

Variation of Temperature during the last 40 years (Source: Futura)
Variation of CO2 in the atmosphere during the last 30 years (Source: Notre-Planè

These two graphs show us easily and quickly the correlation between the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and the rise of temperatures.

The drop in CO2 levels during the last two major crises allows us to deduce that humans are responsible for this increase.

Rising Temperature Means...

The melting of the ice

The melting of ice leads to a rise in sea levels. The United Nations estimates that 680 million people live on the coast.

Such modifications on the geographical level will mean humans migrating toward the land.

Here is a map to simulate rising waters, find your city and change the level of rise!

The ice caps are very important in the phenomenon of albedo.
Albedo: White surfaces reflect light and dark surfaces absorb it.

We understand that the more we have ice on Earth, the more the Sun’s rays will be reflected.

So the more the ice melts, the more the Earth will absorb these rays and increase the temperature. It can quickly become a vicious circle unstoppable.

Affecting biodiversity

Global warming goes naturally hand in hand with climate variation*.

This temperature variation can affect some species that will disappear due to non-adapted climatic conditions, and it is the whole food chain that will be affected, and in the last place, is humans.

In addition, the vegetation will be affected, the drought and the arid climate will cause forest fires, destroying more and more people.

*We say climate variation, not climate change. The climate has already changed throughout the Earth’s History. Climate change is due to external factors like astronomy. Climate variation is due to internal factors such as humans. If you want to know more about the effects of astrology on climate

Rising water temperature

Some civilizations live by fishing. Some of them can do it thanks to the coral reefs, which can give us a calm lagoon and great biodiversity for food.

But the increase of the water temperature means death of the corals, and of the coral reef. Again, the food chain will be affected and the human will suffer from it.

What We Can Do :

Stop overconsumption

Less consumption also means less pollution. Resources on Earth are limited (fossil fuels, minerals, water…). Saving them is essential for our future.

The more we consume, the more the industry needs to increase and the more we produce, the more we pollute.

It’s up to the consumer (us) to change his behavior. Repairing our objects instead of replacing them, and selling them second-hand can be the first examples.

Greening our cities

Plants are essential for the survival of our planet. Thanks to photosynthesis, they can capture CO2 from the atmosphere to transform it into energy for themselves and create oxygen that they release into the atmosphere.

Vegetating cities and urban centers is essential for the coming years, to reduce pollution and temperatures

Buying locally

Buying your stuff in a short-circuit store will be good for the climate. No need for a picture.

Buying tomatoes in your region is better for the climate than buying them on another continent. Also, eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Thank you for taking the time to read my work! See you in another story.

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Earth’s forces are untamable — best we learn to coexist 📘 Author of The Essential Guide Through Nature's Fury