The Changing Landscape: Top Tech Trends 2020 — Part 1

The expected technology trends for 2020 have given way to the tech trends of necessity brought on by COVID-19—here they are.

Heading into 2020, those in the tech world had their usual predictions for what was to come in the following 12 months. We were no different, posting two articles on what to get excited for. Then COVID-19 came and everything changed. So here we are, many months into 2020, deep into a pandemic, and it’s time to reevaluate.

The tech trends now and for the rest of year will shape themselves around COVID, and their results probably won’t mark any drastic evolution in tech, as much as an adjustment or acceleration of preexisting technologies. Many of the most important trends are going to be simple, minor tweaks for a world that has to contort itself around the impositions of a pandemic.

This week, we at Innovexa Solutions outline several of the most important tech trends in 2020.

Robot Deliveries

With the most important thing during a pandemic being stopping its spread, technologies have had to accommodate to this while still attempting to give us some semblance of our normal way of life. With the massive growth of and dependency on e-commerce—or the ordering of goods online—making sure we can receive our deliveries safely has been a hurdle companies have had to solve.

One solution has been to take humans out of the equation. Companies are doing this by having robots deliver their goods. This includes driverless robotic vehicles or even drones. And, if these kinds of deliveries prove to be successful, expect them to become a permanent fixture.

Contactless Payments

Continuing with the theme of ensuring no physical interaction without disrupting our normal services comes contactless payment. Something that was already picking up a great deal of traction, it is now set to see even further growth. Whether its through machines that don’t require card insertion or e-wallets, this kind of technology enables you to pay without contact.

Handling money or even a credit card can not only be unhygienic due the amount they’re passed around, but in the time of a pandemic, it simply isn’t sensible anymore. In addition to contactless payment, there’s also just online payments, which were already widely available but might see even further availability in the future.

Digital Education

We’ve heard a great deal about working from home and remote work during this pandemic, but what about our youth? It’s critical that our children's’ education isn’t put on hold regardless of what happens with COVID going forward. Thus, education going digital seems to be the logical way for schools and universities to proceed.

This has already happened with classes taking place online through video conferencing technologies or recorded lectures. However, online learning could go well beyond that, with numerous technologies primed to make digital education a more engaging and robust experience. These technologies include virtual and augmented reality, as well as supplementary AI teachers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Takeaway 1: In order to allow eCommerce to continue to flourish, expect to see the number of companies offering robot deliveries to rise.
  • Takeaway 2: Traditional payment methods can be perfect mechanisms to spread disease. As such, contactless payment will continue to surge during these times.
  • Takeaway 3: So that schools and universities can continue to function, education will stay online and that will allow for other technologies that facilitate learning to gain traction.

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