How I Do Transcendental Meditation, and Go Deep Into The Quiet

5 min readAug 14, 2023


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

In my recent journey into finding better ways to meditate, I found Transcendental Meditation (TM) to be one of the easiest and deepest meditations I have ever done. And I’ve tried a lot! TM, as it is often called, offers profound relaxation, heightened awareness, and a deeper connection to one’s inner self. In this article, we explore the art of performing Transcendental Meditation and the steps to embark on a journey toward tranquility and self-discovery.

You may hear that you need to be taught TM by a certified TM teacher, one-on-one. While I always find value in teachers, guides and coaches, I did not go this route, and still feel I benefit greatly from it. You may find the experience to be different, and that is okay.

Understanding Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation is a meditation technique that originated from ancient Vedic traditions in India. It was reintroduced to the modern world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s. TM is characterized by its simplicity and accessibility, making it suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds.

I have heard TM described as going deep into the quiet and stillness of the ocean. As one having lots of experience and education in oceanography, I get it—it truly is quiet and still down below the waves. In my first TM meditation, I felt like I was deep down in the ocean, and not in the scary way, but in a calm reflective way with all the world’s noise blocked out. It was heavenly.

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Transcendental Meditation

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. This could be a dedicated meditation room, a cozy corner, or any place where you can sit comfortably for a few minutes.
    🔵 I have a corner of my house that I have been meditating in for years, and I feel that consistency has helped get in the right mindset.
  2. Choose a Mantra: A mantra is a word or sound that you’ll silently repeat during the meditation. Traditionally, TM involves the use of a specific mantra given to you by a certified TM teacher during a personal instruction session. The mantra is a tool to help guide your awareness and facilitate a state of transcending.
    🔵 I feel you can explore TM on your own. Here are some made-up words that you can use: Fluzz, Quibb, Snorv, Glimm, Splinx, or my personal one Luqua (Lou-qwah).
    Why made up words? That way you do not get drawn into the meaning. It’s meant to occupy your mind, but not in a meaningful way. I once used “love” as a mantra, and I started to think about what the word meant to me.
  3. Sit Comfortably: Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position. You can sit on a chair with your feet on the ground or cross-legged on a cushion. Keep your back straight and your hands resting on your lap.
    🔵 I use a cushion from my couch to sit on, and face a window that always felt peaceful. I’ve also done this in the empty bleachers of a baseball field in a nearby park.
  4. Close Your Eyes: Close your eyes gently and take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment.
  5. Repeat the Mantra: Begin silently repeating the mantra to yourself. Let the mantra be effortless and spontaneous, without any effort to control or manipulate it. Allow the mantra to come and go naturally.
    🔵 You can do this a number of ways that work for you. I’ve tried drawing it in my mind as I say it slowly. I’ve tried reading it as large printed letters. I’ve tried not visualizing it all all. Find your own groove and try different things!
  6. Allow Thoughts to Come and Go: As you repeat the mantra, thoughts may arise. This is normal and expected. Instead of trying to suppress or engage with these thoughts, simply allow them to come and go, gently returning your focus to the mantra.
    🔵 I have found that I like to visualize bringing my hand up into my mind’s eye and gently sweeping the thoughts off to the side. If they arte negative thoughts, I visualize sweeping them off a cliff into the void.
  7. Continue for 20 Minutes: Practice TM for about 20 minutes. This duration allows you to settle into a deep state of relaxation and experience the benefits of transcending.
    🔵 Don’t let the often touted 20–minutes deter you! 5–, 10–, 20–minutes, whatever works for you will be fine. Work your way up.
  8. Gently Transition to Awareness: After 20 minutes, gradually stop repeating the mantra and sit quietly for a few moments. Allow yourself to transition back to a state of awareness.
  9. Open Your Eyes: When you’re ready, open your eyes slowly and take a moment to reorient yourself to your surroundings.
  10. Practice Regularly: To experience the full benefits of Transcendental Meditation, it’s important to practice consistently. Aim for two sessions per day, ideally in the morning and evening.

What I Gained From Doing Transcendental Meditation

Your milage may vary, but I found quite a few benefits during and after TM.

  • Better sleep. I’ve done this right before bed, and found I fell asleep faster.
  • Better mood. I’ve done this right before a situation where I felt it would be stressful, and discovered I was more calm throughout the meeting.
  • Better workouts. That was unexpected! I thought I would be too calm or chill to workout, but I feel I had a better workout after TM. Perhaps clearing my mind allowed me to concentrate on it better.
  • More creativity. Like the workout above, I feel a clear mind helps make room for creativity.

In Summary

Transcendental Meditation offers a pathway to inner stillness, mental clarity, and profound relaxation. Through the simple practice of repeating a mantra, you can enter a state of transcending — where the mind settles into a state of deep rest while maintaining alertness. This unique form of meditation doesn’t require complex techniques or extensive training, making it accessible to people of all backgrounds.

As you embark on your Transcendental Meditation journey, remember that patience and consistency are key. The regular practice of TM can lead to a myriad of benefits, including reduced stress, improved focus, enhanced creativity, and a deeper connection to your inner self. By dedicating a few moments each day to the practice of Transcendental Meditation, you open the door to a world of inner peace and self-discovery, where the mind can transcend the noise of daily life and tap into its limitless potential.




Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.