Seven Life-changing Reasons to do Transcendental Meditation

3 min readSep 5, 2023


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

I have recently found Transcendental Meditation (TM), and am starting to discover that it is a powerful technique in finding inner peace and mental clarity. Whether you are new to meditation or have been practicing other forms of it, TM holds unique and profound benefits. I feel there are seven noteworthy benefits to doing TM.

What is Transcendental Meditation?

First off, Transcendental Meditation—often referred to as TM—is a specific form of mantra meditation that was popularized in the West by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1960s. It is a simple, easily learned, and highly effective meditation technique that requires no particular belief system or lifestyle changes. Unlike some other forms of meditation, TM is designed to be easily integrated into your daily routine, making it accessible for beginners and experienced meditators alike.

How I Do Transcendental Meditation, and Go Deep Into The Quiet →

Seven Benefits of Transcendental Meditation

There are a number of benefits you can gain from TM. Below are seven notable ones I felt from doing TM this past month.

Stress Reduction

One of the most immediate and noticeable benefits of TM was that ,y stress levels reduced. I started this to help with my stress, and it delivered right with the very first meditation. The deep relaxation achieved during meditation promoted a sense of calm and mental clarity that lasted with me for the rest of the day.

Improved Concentration

I read that regular TM practice enhances your ability to concentrate and focus on tasks. The increased mental clarity and efficiency I experienced has had a positive impact on my work, writing, and daily life.

Enhanced Creativity

TM also claimed to boost creativity and problem-solving skills. As my mind became more settled and less cluttered with stress, I found it easier to tap into my creative potential. I’ve felt like I have been on a creative bender this past month!

Better Sleep

I also read that the relaxation achieved during TM meditation can help alleviate insomnia and promote restful sleep. While I have been sleeping well and benefitting from the sleep / mouth tape, I always feel I have some room to improve on my sleep. And after a few sessions on TM, I did feel I fell asleep faster.

Reduced Anxiety and Depression

TM can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Regular practice can lead to a greater sense of emotional stability and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. I run on anxiety, and it’s been something I have been actively working on. I felt TM has been helping me manage it better.


One thing I rarely ever see mentioned in meditation articles is that I feel it helps teach and encourage patience. With TM, you are repeating a word over and over, and it can be hard for some to be patient with it. I found creative ways to repeat it, and visualize it, and that has helped with my patience.

Improved Relationships

As you become more centered and less reactive, your relationships with others can benefit. You’ll be better equipped to handle conflicts and communicate more effectively. With all of the benefits above, I feel they translate into being a better, more present person in your relationships.

In Summary

Transcendental Meditation offers a simple yet profoundly effective approach to improving mental and emotional well-being. It is a meditation technique accessible to beginners, and its benefits, which include stress reduction, enhanced concentration, creativity, better sleep, and improved overall well-being, are well-documented.

If you’ve never tried meditation before, Transcendental Meditation may be the perfect starting point for your journey toward inner peace and self-discovery.




Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.