ACompleteBattle — UnityGameDebut

How Do I manage to understand a Complete Battle Game#00

Published in
4 min readFeb 26, 2018


Children are inquisitive and ask lots of questions. So Am I:

How do I program a 3d Game? 

Indeed the next 10 posts are all about it: 3DGAME! Even children can keep up with me in this endeavor…I hope so and believe it!

I’m a kind of person that has a persistent condition to think I’m a programmer that I had been trying to handle in therapy for ten years :/

Anyway, Here I share my Trajectory for My First Game Ever.

How do I understand, how do I intend to use it and how to move forward! and more…

To which software did they go to learn the basics of 3-d games?

Unity was my choice and the credits go to Jayanam in his awesome tutorial that I worked out:

Making a Game with Unity (1–9) : Basics

Thanks, JNM, you’re the best indie game dev tutor on Youtube!

Btw, what’s for learning 3-d games?


A game is all about simulation. And simulations are all I wanted now as an electronics experimenter. As simple as that…

So, let’s get it on!

first things first…The GAME!

Running the game.
A scene from BR.Sniper — 3WaterTowerAssalt-The Game

Here is my first approach to it: a big-picture graph of the game’s concepts:

Game’s concepts

Each orange box is game’s object that will end up as C# scripts:

Animation of the game’s concepts

Crosshair.cs > responsible to trace raycast;

Soldier.cs > responsible for managing each enemy behavior;

EnemyController.cs > responsible for the troop of enemies behaviors control;

ShootHandler.cs > responsible for the damage done by rifle shots;

HUD.cs > info about the gamer’s health&Ammo status;

GameController.cs > the main class, responsible to assemble all the functionality for running the game. It's like a game’s framework.

Singleton.cs > restricts the Instantiation of a class to one object;

Wait, Singleton?

Single What?
I don’t know what a Singleton is, but probably should…

A Singleton is a script that cannot be an Instanced or Duplicated. It is, well… Single.

It is recommended using Singletons for things that do not need to be copied multiple times during a game. Such as an Inventory System. Typically, the player only needs one Inventory, so we don’t want to call Instances of it, we only want one. And when we call it, we want to make sure it doesn’t get duplicated.

We intend to use it in this series as a factory of our GameController gameOject. So when we find ourselves calling a controller, mainly for updating our HUD, Singleton will be there…single and ready!

There are many ways to create Singletons, but this method is often used because it’s simple: access wiki UnifyCommunity Singleton page, copy and paste Singleton.cs to your project and…viola!

During the game’s development, it is better to use the views arranged like this: Scene and Game together (it does not default perspective). Believe me: This helps a lot! Here is how to set it up:

Scene + Game Views Together

In the next posts, I want to do the step-by-step until the final implementation of the game offering all the files and codes needed. Follow me and I promise The Horse That I Bet on Won the Race ;)

Bye for now! See you soon!

If you Follow my these Series, share it or leave your comment below. What you’ve got so far? If you will :) It’s free so are you and I’m sharing for learning better not to impress anybody…btw it is JNM’s free hard work🏆, see…

# 0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10

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References & Credits

Making a Game with Unity (1–10): Basics by Jayanam

Unity User Manual (2017.3)

Unity version 2017.3.1f1

Revised on 10/07/2019 by J3:)




Published in KidsTronics

Get children evolving with Arduino, Rpi & PIC using MIT App Inventor 2 & Lego.


Written by J3

😎 Gilberto Oliveira Jr | 🖥️ Computer Engineer | 🐍 Python | 🧩 C | 💎 Rails | 🤖 AI & IoT | ✍️

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