Good reasons for men to visit escorts and sex workers

John Henry
8 min readDec 18, 2023

As I wrote in another article, there is a stigma about people who visit sex workers and escorts, the most common one being that it’s “pathetic” for a guy (as most clients tend to be guys, but that may not always be the case) to visit an escort because it must mean that he can’t attract women any other way. However, information is coming out that it is apparently increasingly difficult for average men to attract women in general, so it’s not like a guy can just go out, dress well, “be a nice guy” and “voila”, it’s just going to start raining coochie on him. For some men it seems to be a little more… complicated than that. Go figure.

In any case, even when the difficulties of dating due to the modern dating dynamic isn’t the issue and a man does OK with women, there are still good reasons for men (and women) to visit escorts. However, I’ll be talking about the good reasons for men to do so in this article.

It’s pretty straightforward

Photo by Luis Morera on Unsplash



John Henry

I’m just a man simply sharing my ideas based on my perception and understanding of life. As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.