Kryptoria gameplay: Fight (3/3)

7 min readNov 18, 2022


Two factions, the Degens and the Kryptorians fight for supremacy in this new world.

Kryptoria is an innovative, long-term business building Web3’s #1 4X/RTS game. Utilising NFTs, players have true ownership of all in-game assets and entry into a sophisticated ecosystem, one connecting Web2 and Web3, where ownership is decentralised and control democratised. They can play an immersive RTS game, one with deep lore and complex game mechanics. For an overview of our gamified experience and ecosystem, please see the Introduction to the Kryptoria Ecosystem.

As a 4X/RTS game, Kryptoria is centred around resource location and management. High-level strategy, logistics and resource management are all rewarded. Gameplay in Kryptoria is broken up into 3 elements: Build, Trade and Fight. Each element is a way of obtaining precious in-game resources, ultimately used to upgrade your dynamic Kryptoria NFT or increase your exposure to our innovative ecosystem.

This article will explore the third and most significant gameplay element: Fight. Fight allows you to wage bloody war and raid other players for their resources. It combines with the first two gameplay elements: Build, the passive accrual of resources through the staking of your assets, and Trade, the cooperative exchange of resources with other players.


Your game strategy will be informed by your in-game holdings, with complex variations available.

The Unity-built world of Kryptoria consists of 10,000 map tiles, populated by 10,000 Alpha Citizens, armed with 10,000 Weapons. Ownership of Land, Alpha Citizens, and Weapons is denoted by a unique Kryptoria dynamic NFT.

Once you’ve staked your Alpha Citizen, Land and Weapons into the ecosystem and assigned them to each other, you will control all the necessary assets to start building your empire in Kryptoria. Your Land, a plot in the gameworld. Your Citizen, a character with which to work that land for resources, defend it, and raid others. Your Weapon, a lethal force multiplier in the hands of your Citizen. For an overview of staking and yielding in-game resources, see our article on Build.

N.B. Land without a Citizen assigned cannot be attacked. Staking shows us that a holder wants to enter the Kryptoria ecosystem; assigning is a holder’s indication that they want to play the game.

Step by step

In Fight, you raid other players, battling to steal some of their precious resources. An overview of a raid would be:

  1. Within your player profile, select the Alpha Citizen you want to attack with. Each Citizen can only conduct one raid per 24 hours.
  2. Select a Land to attack. Just as Citizens can only attack once per day, Land tiles can only be attacked once. A number of factors affect your chances of victory and the spoils you could walk away with, so think hard when choosing your target. They are:
    - The attack + defence stats of the Land
    - The attack + defence stats of the Citizen attached to that land
    - The attack stats of the Weapon attached to that land
    - Whether the land has any additional defences on it
    - The opponent’s total resource holdings of that particular resource (accrued from all their Land, not just the one you’re attacking)
    - Whether the Land is owned by a member of your faction or the opposing faction
  3. Click Attack Land. Whether you are successful in your raid will depend on your own Citizen and Weapon’s attack and defence stats, and whether they can best your opponent’s Citizen, Land and Weapon’s attack and defence stats.
  4. Victory or defeat. Should your raid be successful, a % of your opponent’s total balance (of that land’s resource type) will appear in your account, found within the Dashboard. Which resource you steal is dictated by the type of the land you attacked. For example, attacking a grassland tile will mean you steal Binary Code, the resource generated by that type.

Attack vs Defence

The outcome of raids is decided by the attacking player’s attack + defence stats and the defending player’s attack + defence stats, plugged into a linear damage formula, built and tested in our own Monte Carlo simulator.

  • Attacking player stats are stacked from the attack + defence of their Alpha Citizen, plus the attack stat of their Weapon. As the ones instigating the raid, they always attack first.
  • Defencing player stats are stacked from the attack + defence of their Alpha Citizen, the attack stat of their Weapon, and the attack + defence of their Land. This reflects the fact they are fighting on home turf, with all the associated advantages.

These stats are then input into the Base Damage formula:

The Base Damage formula was built and tested in a custom Monte Carlo simulator.

We then add a Critical Damage multiplier to the Base Damage. The Critical Damage multiplier is a random value between 0% and 100% of the Base Damage and simulates the element of chance in battle.

Base Damage is added to Critical Damage to get the final Real Damage. The Real Damage is calculated for each hit in the battle process. The resulting damage is subtracted from the target’s defence which acts as their health stat.

All battles will play out automatically once an attack is launched. When a battle commences the attacking player will always strike first, because they are initiating the attack. The battle will then play out in turns. First the attacker strikes, then the defender and so on. The first player whose total defence drops below zero, loses.

N.B. Attacks happen, in effect, instantaneously. This means attacking players cannot be attacked when they are attacking others.

To the victor, the spoils: taking resources

If an attacker is victorious in their raid they will take some of the defending player’s resources. The resource raided will always be the resource present on the tile that was attacked. The percentage of resources raided will come from the defender’s total balance of the resource yielded by the tile being attacked. The number of resources that can be won in an attack is dependent on a number of factors including:

  • Tile rarity
  • Reinforcements
  • Defences.

See table below for a full breakdown of the scenarios for raiding.

Should you be victorious in a raid, the % of your opponent’s resource will appear in your balance. If you are defeated, you do not lose any of your resources, but you do waste a valuable turn. Only in another 24 hours will that Citizen be able to attack again.

It’s important to note that only battles that you instigate and win go towards your promotions. Winning a battle that occurs after someone attacks you goes towards your Battle Record but not your promotions.

Attacking and defensive reinforcements

The armies of Kryptoria have access to unimaginable technologies that they use to wreak havoc across the world.

Attackers and defenders will have the ability to add reinforcements to their forces. Each reinforcement lasts for one active turn. If your Land is not attacked within a 24-hour attack cycle, your defensive reinforcements will remain on the land until you are attacked. Similarly, if your Alpha Citizen has been given attacking reinforcements, they will be retained until you actively attack another player’s land. Even if you win your raid, your reinforcements will expire after that active turn. In V1 of Fight, reinforcements will be paid for via in-game resources — all integrated into the workflow of the Fight.

Each Land can be allocated one of two defensive reinforcements:

  • The Titan Sentry Gun. Attaching a Sentry Gun to your Land will provide a +50 boost to a defending player’s attack stats. This will increase their chances of repelling raids.
  • The Automated Defence System (ADS). This will reduce the quantity of resources a defending player will lose, should they be raided.

Each Citizen can be allocated one of two attacking reinforcements:

  • Mech Warriors. These hulking metal suits provide Citizens a +45 boost to attack stats of the attacking player.
  • Sentinels. These wily, semi-sentient mechs increase the amount of resources attacking players can steal in the event of a successful raid.


Each Citizen can only attack once per 24 hours and each Land can only be attacked once per 24 hours. The team designed V1 of Kryptoria to be a game that holders can play and succeed in, without grinding away for hours. We understand that holders have many commitments in Web3 and irl, and have intentionally made the time barrier to success in Kryptoria V1 low. As the team iterates into V2, game mechanics will condense years of worldbuilding into hours or days.

Looking to the future

Taking inspiration from the likes of Age of Empires and Sid Meier’s Civilization, gameplay, graphics and other elements will be iterated in 2023 and 2024.

In conjunction with ongoing 3D modelling in Unity, dNFTs and other ecosystem innovations, Kryptoria will be developed from Web3’s #1 4X/RTS game, into a AAA-level game that uses blockchain to seamlessly grant players ownership of their in-game assets. Hold your hats and prepare for war!

