A New York Times Columnist Implores Us, “Have More Sex, Please!” We Agree!

Fuck that special someone — and others, if you’re into swinging like we are — as much as possible!

Married to Lauren
3 min readFeb 14, 2023

Fucking is good for us.

Lauren and I wholeheartedly agree with New York Times opinion columnist Magdalene J. Taylor, who in a recent column implored all of us to have more sex.

Increasing numbers of us, Magdalene says, are lonely, without partners and sexless. This is unnatural for humans. Humans are sexual creatures. As such, her bottom-line point, we think, is dead-on:

“So, any capable people should have sex — as much as they can, as pleasurably as they can, as often as they can.”


Lauren and I realize that we’re a bit of an extreme example of the benefits of sex. Married for 22 years (soon approaching 23), we had sex 378 times in 2022 (we define sex as any sexual experience we shared together 1:1). When you add in other couples and Piper, that number balloons to 502 times in 2022. We’ve had similar outputs in basically every prior year.

We have sex so often that there’s little time for boredom, fighting, aggravation, irritation, jealousy, etc. When we’re having sex, we’re enjoying our individual selves, each other and, if it’s in a swinger situation, others. It’s hard to feel sad, angry, resentful, lonely, etc. when you’re having great sex. For us, sex is how we express our love and gratitude for each other.

During vacations, Lauren and I typically have sex 2–3 times per day: before breakfast (typically after we’ve had our coffee and had our morning shits :-)), after lunch/before dinner and before bedtime. Once, while vacationing in Hawaii for 10 days, we had sex 31 times. It was easy and we enjoyed every second of it. That’s the gift of sex!

Don’t get me wrong: Lauren and I do a lot together that doesn’t directly involve sex. We enjoy skiing, hiking, backcountry camping, cooking, running, working out, hanging out with our son, reading, watching movies and traveling together. But we also enjoy having sex, and typically we have sex at least once per day. Sex is part of our daily routine as a couple. It’s vital to the health of our marriage, our happiness and our relationship. We recommend a life abundant with not just sex but also hot, naughty, kinky and, for us, extremely kinky sex.

But don’t take our word for it. According to Oregon Health & Science University, a healthy sex life supports:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Better immune system
  • Better heart health, possibly including lower risk for heart disease
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Decreased depression and anxiety
  • Increased libido
  • Immediate, natural pain relief
  • Better sleep
  • Increased intimacy and closeness to a sexual partner
  • Overall stress reduction, both physiologically and emotional

So what’s the takeaway? You guessed it.

Fuck. A lot.

Fuck as much as you can. Enjoy sex in all its forms: vaginal, oral, manual and, if you’re kinky like we are, anal.

A couple doesn’t need to bang each other 400 or 500 times a year like Lauren and I do to enjoy a healthy sex life together. The right cadence of sex depends on the couple and what works in their relationship and life situation. For us, we’re a high-volume couple and quantity matters as much, if not more, than quality.

To be clear, we greatly value quality sexual experiences — these would typically fall into the categories of making love or kinky sex that requires a time investment to be fully enjoyed— but we also value quickies, or “express fucks.” We love spontaneous sex. That said, quality and quantity aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. If you have a quickie and you both orgasm, that means you’ve both gotten off and enjoyed yourselves and each other — win!

In summary, sex is one of the greatest gifts, if not the greatest gift, we’ve been given as humans. Enjoy the gift of sexual expression and experiences with others you love and care about. They will make you happier!

Fuck that special someone as much as you can!



Married to Lauren

Married to Lauren, a beautiful Swedish-born woman. We live in the U.S. and have a son. We’ve been married for over 20 years and are swingers.