ModulTrade Partners with Hu:toma ai to enable the first blockchain-based conversational commerce solution driven by AI

3 min readJun 11, 2019


ModulTrade Partners with Hu:toma ai

ModulTrade and Hu:toma ai will unite efforts for the development of a blockchain-based conversational commerce solution. With advanced machine learning, businesses can inexpensively set up a ready-to-go conversational webshop, with all the conversation patterns needed to provide a rich and engaging experience to their audience. Combined with escrow via smart contracts and blockchain-based certification of product authenticity, this solution will enable businesses to disrupt the way end customers interact with their brand.

The synthesis of Blockchain value add for commerce is available 👉 here.

LONDON, June 11, 2019 — Having your products go unnoticed online or discovering your end customers aren’t engaging with your brand may no longer be your major e-commerce headache. ModulTrade has established a partnership with Hu:toma ai, a conversational commerce platform, aimed at combining AI and Blockchain-based solutions to help businesses reach an international scale and disrupt the way end customers interact with their brands, ultimately enabling them to take back their brand visibility.

An unintended consequence of e-commerce is that end customers tend to be less engaged with brands. ModulTrade and Hu:toma ai will provide businesses with the opportunity to change the game by reinventing digital marketing and disrupting the way end customers interact with their brands. In this way, every business will be able to inexpensively open a webshop on the MT Market and take back control of their brand visibility.

  • In just one internet minute, there are now 2m Google search queries, 100,000 new Tweets and 6m Facebook views. End customers are swamped with information online, and their attention is often grabbed by the products proposed by traditional e-commerce platforms, ultimately losing contact with your brand.
  • To help solve this pain point, ModulTrade and Hu:toma ai are developing a solution on the MT Market where every business can inexpensively open a webshop while taking back control of their brand visibility, reaching an international scale of operation:
  • Thanks to Hu:toma’s AI, businesses will be able to engage end customers in conversational commerce, boosting sales and loyalty. All the conversation patterns needed to provide a rich and engaging experience to their audience will be automatically created and they will be able to establish a direct line with their community via messaging apps, like Telegram or Facebook Messenger. This will add value to every part of the customer journey, ranging from when a customer makes their first order to answering a product-related question instantly.
  • By opening a webshop on ModulTrade’s MT Market, businesses can gain visibility in multiple geographies to new potential customers with a high propensity to spend, as well as experiment with innovation and with high technological skills by engaging new blockchain communities. Furthermore, blockchain-based certification of authenticity and supply chain tracking act as an affordable way to reposition their brands.
  • In addition, on ModulTrade’s blockchain-based platform, businesses will be able to manage trade-related risks at a lower cost with smart-contract escrow services and blockchain-based certification of goods authenticity — for example, overall sales fees on the MT Market are about 1–4.5% vis-a-vis 8–20% of traditional marketplaces.

Such AI & blockchain combined solutions can give rise to multiple use cases in many industries, including, for example, wine & spirits, luxury & fashion, art, etc. For example, in the wine business, the two most important people arguably are the winemaker and the wine drinker. By opening a conversational webshop on the MT Market, winemakers could:

  • Reach end customers directly on a global scale among a 300k+ buyers community, without having a substantial part of their margin eroded by intermediaries, thanks to a new, streamlined distribution model.
  • Minimize sales costs while establishing a 1:1 relationship with every end customer, adding value to every part of their purchasing process with AI-driven conversational marketing and commerce (chatbots).
  • Protect their brand and communicate its value to the end customers directly with a blockchain-based certification of authenticity, ultimately improving product pricing.

To learn more on the next generation of e-commerce, you can download here the free guide to e-commerce on blockchain.




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