The Hero’s Hold #3 — Nov. 29, 2021

7 min readNov 29, 2021


The Hero’s Hold — A DeFi Kingdoms Hero Report


Well met, adventurer — welcome to The Hero’s Hold! In this series, we track the summoning of new heroes in DeFi Kingdoms, with news, statistics, metrics, and more!

The snapshot for all of this week’s data was taken on 11/29 at 8am ET.

Welcome to the Hero’s Hold, adventurer!

In this Issue:

  • Heroic Happenings (News)
  • The Summoner’s Circle (Stats)
  • The Adventurer’s Guild (Wallets)
  • New this week: Gen0 Wallets!

So, let’s dig in!

Heroic Happenings

This had mostly been a slow week — and then everything exploded right at the end, and there’s quite a bit to catch up on:

New Blockchain Expansion

During the AMA at the beginning of the week, we heard from DFK Business Development Lead, Dreamer, who laid out the details of the expansion plan to other blockchains in the future. While these reports aren’t focused on the financial details of JEWEL and the other Power Tokens, there were a couple important bits of hero-related information.

  • Each of the four expansion chains will introduce 2 new classes for a total of 8 new classes and 16 total.
  • Once all four chains are released, this will expand the summoning tree, creating 4 new Advanced classes, 2 Elite, 1 Exalted, and a new “ultimate” tier that would be summoned by a DreadKnight and the new Exalted class.
  • New Gen0s will be released for every new class at approximately the same numbers as the current Gen0s. This would amount to 250 new Gen0s per class, or 500 per blockchain expansion.
  • Along with new classes will come new quests, resources, buildings, npcs, pets, and more!

New Info on Genetics

Shortly after I released my new article on Advanced+ Class Summoning (which I hope you read!), DFK Game Mechanics Designer Hubert Cumberdale dropped a ton of new info on genetics in Discord. You’ll want to read Samichpunch’s brand new Volume 4 of the Lost Annals of Gaia to get the details.

A few notables:

  • All heroes have one dominant (shown on the hero card) and three recessive genes for every genetic ability (Class, Subclass, Profession, etc.)
  • The recessive genes (R1, R2, R3) appear in decreasing frequency
  • Recessive genes can be the same as the dominant gene
  • Genes can swap places when passed on during the summoning process

And don’t worry, we’ll do a Deep Dive on all of this new info soon!

Quests Enter Beta

And of course, the biggest news of the week is that the first full quests have finally dropped and are currently playable on the beta site! If you’d like a getting started guide, check out this Quick Guide from Sarah.

We’ll dig into everything we can find out about fishing and foraging soon, but along with this release, we also saw a reworking of the profession gene (the one shown in green on the back of your hero card).

This Profession boost had long been described as a (very approximate) +10% to rewards from doing that profession. However, it now also significantly reduces the stamina expended by these quests, and also grants a 5x greater chance of finding rare runes needed to level your heroes.

This was initially a very controversial change, as many players had bought their heroes with the understanding that the profession bonus was nice, but not as important as other stats. In response to this feedback, before quests went live, stamina usage was also adjusted for regular heroes (from 10 to 7, compared to 5 for boosted heroes), and regular heroes are now able to find those runes at a reduced rate (they initially weren’t at all).

Hopefully major changes like this will be announced by the team with additional warning in the future.

Hero of the Week

Calvin Driftbasker #41795 (Wankee)

And finally, I’m never going to get tired of posting pictures of these DreadKnights. Today’s Hero of the Week goes to Calvin Driftbasker — our very first Legendary DreadKnight! With double stat boosts to Strength, this guy is going to be an absolute beast on the battlefield. Congratulations to Wankee on the amazing summon!

The Summoner’s Circle

Let’s take a look at some statistics for all of the heroes that have been summoned so far!

Total Heroes: 47,898

Hero Growth

Hero growth continued to slow significantly again over the course of the week —both as the cost of summoning outweighed benefits and likely in part due to the U.S. holiday. But yesterday that shot up dramatically, likely in response to the release of quests. The total number of heroes nevertheless increased by over 6,000 this week — around 15.2%.

Total Heroes (Weekly Change / % Change)
• Nov. 29: 47,898 (6,318 / 15.2%)
• Nov. 22: 41,580 (9,743 / 30.6%)
• Nov. 15: 31,837 (13,182 / 70.7%)
• Nov. 8: 18,655 (8,292 / 80.0%)

Hero Stat Breakdowns

Very few changes to note this week, though Gen3 heroes continue to slowly catch up to Gen1s.

The Adventurer’s Guild

In this section, we can track heroes as they’re held in various Harmony wallets. This week, we’re also taking a look at Gen0s specifically!

Total Hero Wallets: 8,284*

* There is a small hole in the API graph data that prevents viewing the owners for 27 heroes, so the numbers in this section do not include those heroes.

Hero Wallet Growth

Hero wallet growth also slowed quite a bit this week, increasing only by 12.5%, perhaps an indicator that even with low hero prices, the general slowness of the week wasn’t enough to draw new players in. We’ll see if this picks up again next week now that quests are here.

Total Hero Wallets (Weekly Change / % Change)
Nov. 29: 8,284 (917 / 12.5%)
Nov. 22: 7,367 (1,874 / 34.1%)
Nov. 15: 5,493 (2,277 / 70.8%)
Nov. 7: 3,216 (993 / 44.7%) — Note: this snapshot was taken a day early

Hero Wallet Stats

This week the average number of heroes held per wallet increased slightly to 5.78, while the median wallet held steady at 2 heroes.

A few key hero wallet metrics

The share of hero holdings by the Top 50 wallets also decreased by another 2.6%, even as the number of heroes increased by 12.1%. Similarly, 35.2% of wallets now hold only one hero, a slight increase in share from last week (1.9%). With slower adoption this week, however, only 370 additional wallets hold one hero.

Last week, many of you asked for additional charts to get a sense of where you stand in the hero wallet rankings. Note the logarithmic y-axis scales, and that this first chart groups wallets holding 75–99, 100–200, and 200+ heroes.

Gen0 Wallet Stats

This week, we’re also checking in on Gen0 wallets, in order to keep an eye on potential consolidation.

Total Gen0 Wallets: 851* (-10 from last week)

Note: As with the broader hero data, there is one Gen0 (#1052) whose ownership status is unknown, so it is excluded here.

While the number of Gen0 wallets decreased slightly this week, it appears that the consolidation happened not among top holders, but rather lower in the rankings, as the number of Gen0s held by the Top 50 decreased by 5 and the number of wallets with 10+ also decreased by 1.

Key metrics for Gen0 wallets

Despite the general and slight decrease among top wallets, one stood out in major acquisitions: Space Cow acquired seven Gen0s this week, bringing their total to 18.

Whale Watch

Finally, let’s check in on our hero whales. There is one new name to this list — a brand new account. The number of wallets with 100+ heroes has also grown from 19 last week to 24 this week.

Account Name / Hero Count (Change)

  1. Veilvi / 411 (+32)
  2. BiGsy / 201 (-92 !!)
  3. dirtydan / 189 (0)
  4. Dunsparrow / 185 (+23)
  5. Wouter / 123 (+53)
  6. Pikul / 170 (+20)
  7. Gilraen / 165 (+24)
  8. Oort Cloud / 155 (+155 / New Account)
  9. Le Ogre / 152 (+21)
  10. holmes / 143 (+10)

Total held by Top 10: 1947 (+126 / +6.9%)

Thank you Hero Whales for your support of DeFi Kingdoms!

That’s it for today! Thanks for reading, and please subscribe and stick around for future editions of The Hero’s Hold. If you like what you’re reading here, I’m happy to accept tips at: 0xf543311360d1072873D627B06ffe85587e8fc41a.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Send them to me at MrZipper#7564 on Discord or @MrZipper7 on Twitter.

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