Need Hearing Aids?: Here’s How to Choose the Right Ones

Nano Hearing Aids
6 min readMar 22, 2019


Need Hearing Aids?: Here’s How to Choose the Right Ones

Do you need to hearing aids, but aren’t sure which ones to buy? Read on to learn how to choose the right hearing aids.

Keyword(s): hearing aids

The statistics are shocking: almost 30 million Americans are living with some degree of hearing loss. Left untreated, hearing loss can cause depression and feelings of isolation.

Hearing loss and ringing of the ears has also been connected to dementia. If people with hearing loss don’t get treated, they are at double the risk for memory problems later in life.

Getting hearing aids is a great way to step back into a full and productive life. But reading hearing aid reviews online may not be the best way to choose.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best way to find the right hearing aid and help people get started with the buying process.

Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash

Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a progressive condition, which means that people might not realize they need a hearing aid. They may have long-term exposure to noise from their job or from listening to music at top volume.

There are some red flags that often signal hearing loss. If a person has trouble filtering out background noise in a restaurant or other social setting, they might be a good candidate for a hearing aid.

Another cause for concern is not being able to decipher high-pitched sounds like some music and the voices of young children. The ability to perceive the high notes is often first to go in the event of a hearing loss.

People might also feel like they’re underwater or that they have a stuffy nose. They might feel confused during social situations or even feel panicked if they can’t follow the conversation.

Finally, watching television or listening to the radio on top volume could signal a hearing loss.

Visit an Audiologist

If the above symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to visit an audiologist. Experts recommend taking a friend along for any hearing test.

Having a friend or family member along does more than just reduce stress. It also guarantees that the person with hearing loss doesn’t miss any vital information.

After some initial paperwork, the audiologist will typically administer three tests. They will check for blockages in the ear like wax and foreign objects. They will also check for fluid in the eardrum.

Finally, they will test for the amount of hearing loss. Typically, patients wear earphones and are asked to raise their hands each time they hear a sound.

The sounds range from low-pitched to high-pitched, and audiologists use the results to recommend treatment options.

If hearing loss is detected, audiologists work with their patients to find a suitable hearing aid. There are several different styles of hearing aids designed to work within people’s comfort zones.

Focus on Features

Before committing to a hearing aid, people should talk with their audiologists about hearing aid costs and features.

Some people are more comfortable with discreet hearing aids. There are hearing aids that nestle securely in the ear canal, remaining out of sight.

There are also hearing aids that go over the ear. They’re more visible, but they might be the best option for cases of more profound hearing loss.

Nowadays, people can expect hearing aids with advanced features. There are hearing aids that are designed to cancel out background noise, as well as ones that run on rechargeable batteries.

Some hearing aids are also Bluetooth-capable. They can detect the sound of a phone or doorbell and funnel it directly into the user’s ear.

The type of hearing aid that’s best for a child may not be the best for an adult. One size does not fit all when it comes to hearing aids.

Children may be more reluctant to go to an audiologist, but it’s a key step for their long-term health.

In general, an audiologist can help narrow down hearing aid options. When it’s time to buy, it’s a good idea to look online for excellent deals.

Getting Good Deals on Hearing Aids

There are dozens of hearing aid companies online, but which has the best deals? It’s important to find a company that gives its customers a trial period.

Hearing aids don’t fit all people the same way, and it’s vital to know that the hearing aids can be returned.

Other perks to look for are online tutorials and videos, positive customer reviews, and easy access to tech support. Companies like Nano often have 2-for-1 specials and are able to offer discounted hearing aids to their clients.

When people order hearing aids online, the best thing to do is to get them professionally fitted in person. An audiologist will be able to make sure the hearing aids are situated properly.

Another way to get good deals on hearing aids is to talk to the person’s workplace. There are often funds available for employees to use on medical devices, but people don’t realize it until they ask.

If the price is an issue, crowdfunding is always an option. Crowdfunding occurs online: people post their stories and the amount they’re trying to raise.

The public at large is able to see the request for funds and donate to the campaign. Crowdfunding is a quick and easy way to raise the money for hearing aids.

Photo by Mikito Tateisi on Unsplash

Taking the First Step

Acquired hearing loss is expected to double in the next three decades. Worldwide, the number of people with hearing loss will soar from 450 million to 900 million.

There’s no reason to wait to get hearing aids, but many people find it hard to admit that their hearing is declining.

The first step towards finding the perfect hearing aids is to talk to a friend or family member about their hearing loss.

It can be a difficult conversation, but it’s important to address it directly. If an older family member has a hearing loss and continues to drive, they could be at a higher risk for an accident.

We offer a wide range of hearing aids and batteries that are suitable for any budget. We offer an extended trial period and dozens of video tutorials.

Contact us by phone or online and we’ll make a recommendation for the perfect hearing aid!

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Nano Hearing Aids

Nano Hearing Aids offers great Hearing Aids at a very low cost to our customers.