Answering the job interview question: “Why should we hire you?”

4 min readJul 16, 2022


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One of the best questions you can be asked in an interview is the “Why should we hire you question?” because the interviewer is basically giving you a chance to pitch yourself to them. If you are unprepared and stammer through an answer, the chances you’ll get the job are low. However, if you deliver a strong and well thought out answer, not only will you impress the interviewer, you may convince them to hire you on the spot. So, let’s get you prepared.

Variations of this question

“Why are you the right fit for this position?” · “Why should I hire you over anyone else?” · “What can you contribute to this job?” · “What are your strengths?”

What the hiring manager is looking for

Remember, the hiring manager wants the best person for the job. They are looking for very specific skills, experiences, and motivations. When they ask this question, they are looking for the person who fits their expectations best.

What your goal should be

Your goal should be to discover the top skills and abilities the hiring manager is looking for and to persuasively describe how your experience, strengths, and qualification align to those.

Preparing for this question

Start by reading through the job description and picking out the top 3–5 qualifications you think the hiring manager is looking for. (Another helpful exercise to discover these qualifications is to speak with people who work at the company or in the role you are applying for.) Of the qualifications you discovered, pick the 2 or 3 that fit your skills and experiences best, these are the ones you will share in your answer. For each of the qualifications you picked to use for your answer, come up with a few data points to help you communicate how strongly qualified you are. If possible, try to be unique and share things that will set you apart from another candidate.

Answer Structure

Your answer should be no longer than 2 minutes and cover the following pieces:

  1. Start by listing the capabilities you discovered to be the most important for the job. Doing this shows you have done your research, which makes you look capable and interested in the position. This should take no longer than 15 seconds.

    Example: “From the research I’ve done on this role, it appears like you are looking for an experienced sales manager who has strong marketing and presentation skills.”
  2. Next, explain why you are qualified for the first capability you listed. Since anyone can say they are amazing at anything. Make sure you give specifics so the hiring manager can visualize how qualified you really are. This should take 30–45 seconds.

    Example: “I have 5 years of sales management experience, selling SAAS products for tech companies of various sizes. I have managed to become a top sales manager 4 of the past 5 years and have sold over $100M worth of product.”
  3. Rinse and repeat for the other capabilities you listed, but remember to only present a maximum of 3 so the hiring manager doesn’t lose interest. Keep your entire answer to 2 minutes.

    Example: “I also have a lot of experience in marketing. Not only did I graduate with a marketing degree from a top university, but I also worked as a marketing manager for 3 years before switching to sales. My background in marketing has come in quite handy when preparing my presentations. I am constantly being asked by my peers to help them with their presentations, which I’m always happy to do. In your job description, you mentioned you need someone who can pitch the company to VP/C-level audiences. In my current position, I was hand-picked to pitch our product to the biggest client we’ve ever had. I’m happy to report that they signed up and have brought in a bunch of other partner businesses as a result of my presentation to them.”

Extra tips

  • If you want to share a specific story for one or more of the qualifications, try using the S-T-A-R method, which will make your answers concise and powerful.
  • Don’t be modest. Remember, this is your time pitch yourself. The hiring manager is expecting this so give them the best you have!
  • Don’t use superlative phrases like, “I was the best salesperson at my previous company.” Instead, just state the facts — “I have been the number one sales rep the past 5 months in a row.”
  • Be specific. Responses that are too generic like, “I’m a great salesperson.” will not convince anyone.
  • Check out a related article: Answering the job interview question: “What are your strengths?” and Answering the Job Interview Question: “What motivates you?”

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