How I Got on the Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast 3x

Preston Hall
5 min readAug 12, 2016


The information I learned transformed my vitality.

If you do not know who Ben Greenfield is, click on this hyperlink to watch his ‘About Me’ video.

The opportunity Ben offers is to ask “ an expert in human performance and nutrition. Voted America’s top personal trainers and one of the globe’s most influential people in health and fitness.”

Damn! That is some claim!

No lie — his consistency and results speak for themselves.

My girlfriend’s Brother, who is a real life spartan, serving 2 tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, introduced me to him and 100% changed my life. I’m not a health freak, though learning how to take care of my mind/body was an acquired taste. I still LOVE my Phat Lady and the Great Wall of Chocolate. I am now known to order salads while out to dinner, eat multiple servings of algae and drinks healthy smoothies. It was hearing about ‘Brexit’ happened for the 1st time when my friends heard me order a salad and guac.

So how did this sweet-tooth, mediocre athlete get on a podcast moderated by an elite, endurance expert with probably a negative body fat percentage?

To quote Gary Vaynerchuk, I got on the podcast by “Living”.

I listened for about a year on-n-off until finally a question hit me in the head.


Hit me in the ass.


In the butthole.

I sent Ben my 1st voice message asking him to confirm once and for all the headlines and articles I saw online.

Question #1: What is the deal with baby powder? Will it give me Cancer?

A couple weeks passed. I tend to skip the introduction part of his podcast (sorry Ben). 22 minutes or so into the episode, I hear the sweetest sound in the world…my voice!

The short answer to this question… Yes, that fucking powder will likely deliver cancer right up your hole(s). What to do about it… read this.

I frequently give blood.

Lots of blood.

Specifically because I am O-, plus CMV- which means babies can accept my blood.

About 1/2 a year had passed since Ben answered my 1st question. This time, I had a question which I had never hear him touch on so I thought it would be a nice volley for him to answer on the podcast.

Question #2: Is there anyway to hack my visit to the Blood Bank?

I really should have listened to how I worded my question to him prior to sending it through. I sounded like an idiot explaining my question.

Though there are not hacks per-say, Ben explained, he did share the recovery and vitality facts related to blood donation.

I summed up the tips and tricks he shared in this blog post.

Ben frequently discusses how your genome plays a monumental role in your physical and mental performance.

It makes sense right?!

Your DNA is like the coding and your body is the computer. If you go against your hard wiring, bugs occur. If you optimize your coding, your body runs like super machine.

Over and over again. Here and there. He explains how A, B and C do X, Y, and Z to your body.

Question #3: Can insurance companies discriminate against me and my future children if they get their hands on my the reports from my DNA analysis?

I had recently finished reading a book called Inheritance, which talked about the latest research behind genetic research.

Long story short (but totally worth knowing the long story), no, the companies cannot be biased or charge you more if they know your genome. There are multiple federal statutes in place to protect you.

Step-By-Step: How To Submit a Question

Remember, it’s all about the context of your content.

Do you have a short one liner for him? Is it short-n-sweet? Then the best option is to hit him up on Twitter.




Want to go deep with him?

Does your question require more than a 100 character response?

Can your question provide enormous value to someone, introduce them to new knowledge that could lead to a cure for the medical condition they are living with?

Think about this.

You have the opportunity to not only get YOUR question answered but potentially help hundreds of thousands of other people around world.

How can you relate to as many people with your question? Are you being too narrow or too focused? Okay, yes, maybe that is a good thing to be focused.

To have your question played on the podcast, you’ll need to download SpeakPipe 1st, which you can do by tapping here if you have an iPhone.

SpeakPipe for iOS

Once you have it loaded, search for ‘BenGreenfield’ on the app. Yes, no space between the 1st and last name.

When you speak into the app, you may need to try a couple times before you your question comes out the way you want to hear it. I sounded like an idiot when I asked him about hacking my blood donation visit.

Or you can ask him through your laptop on his website. The button is on the right hand side of the webpage. I have not tried this method, but it probably work.

And there you go!

Thank you, Ben, for taking the time to go through a thorough explanation of the questions I’ve had. It’s hard to find quality that is not a waste of time implementing or focusing on.

I appreciate the team sending along the gear.

If you have an iPhone, download Ben’s podcast here.

