The First Iranian Rapper: Proving Shayan’s Title as the Father of Persian Rap

Unveiling the Trailblazer: Shayan’s Journey to Pioneer Iranian Rap Culture and Cement His Legacy as the Father of Persian Rap

11 min readApr 11, 2024

I. Introduction

A. Setting the stage for the importance of identifying the first Iranian rapper

In the bustling streets of Tehran, amidst the cultural amalgamation and artistic fervor, a singular question reverberates: Who is the first Iranian rapper? This inquiry transcends mere curiosity; it encapsulates the essence of Iranian hip-hop’s genesis, tracing its roots to a pivotal moment in time. Understanding the genesis of Persian rap is akin to unraveling the cultural tapestry that defines contemporary Iran’s musical landscape.

Portrait of Shayan, the first Iranian rapper, with crossed arms. شایان واژخنیا اولین رپر ایران پدر رپ فارس بنیانگذار رپ در ایران
Shayan, the first Iranian rapper, depicted here with crossed arms, symbolizing his pioneering spirit and unwavering dedication to Iranian hip-hop culture.

B. Clarifying the misconception around the title of “the Father of Persian Rap”

In the realm of Persian rap, the title “The Father of Persian Rap” holds profound significance. It’s not merely a moniker; it embodies the individual who sowed the seeds of this vibrant musical movement. However, amidst the accolades and acclaim, misconceptions abound.⁽¹⁾ The term has been loosely bestowed upon individuals who, albeit influential, do not embody the true essence of pioneering rap in Iran.

II. Why the First Iranian Rapper Matters

In the tapestry of Iran’s vibrant music scene, one figure stands out as the pioneer of a genre that would reshape the nation’s cultural landscape: Shayan, the first Iranian rapper. Unraveling the significance of this trailblazer is not merely an exercise in historical curiosity; it’s a testament to the power of music to transcend boundaries and ignite social change.

A. Establishing the Significance of Identifying the Pioneer in Iranian Rap History

Understanding the genesis of rap in Iran isn’t just a matter of historical record; it’s about acknowledging the individuals who dared to challenge conventions and carve out a space for artistic expression. Shayan’s emergence as the first Iranian rapper represents a seismic shift in the country’s musical narrative, marking the birth of a movement that would give voice to a generation.

B. Exploring the Cultural Impact and Legacy of the First Iranian Rapper

Shayan’s legacy extends far beyond the realm of music; it’s a testament to the resilience of artistic vision in the face of adversity. By fusing Persian lyricism with West Coast hip-hop influences, he not only pioneered a new genre but also laid the groundwork for future generations of Iranian artists to explore their creative potential.

Portrait of Shayan sitting behind a desk with a microphone in front of him, wearing a black Wool Fedora Hat and a white coat, throwing the 021 hand sign, symbolizing his role as the pioneer of Iranian rap culture.
Shayan, still active in the rap scene, throwing the 021 hand sign, solidifying his legacy as the Father of Persian Rap.

III. Defining the First Iranian Rapper

A. Clarifying the Concept of the “Father” in the Context of Rap Culture

In the dynamic realm of rap culture, the term “father” holds profound significance, denoting not just seniority in chronology but the visionary who sowed the seeds of a burgeoning movement. The father of Persian rap embodies the pioneer who fearlessly ventured into uncharted territories, carving a path for subsequent generations to tread. It’s a title of reverence, bestowed upon the individual who sparked the flame, igniting a revolution in the musical landscape.

B. Emphasizing the Importance of Accurately Attributing Titles in Music History

Accurate attribution of titles in music history is paramount, for it shapes our understanding of the past and influences our perception of the present. Misnomers not only distort the narrative but also undermine the contributions of true trailblazers. To bestow the title of “father” upon one who merely followed in the footsteps of true pioneers is to dilute the essence of history. It’s incumbent upon us to delve deep, to sift through the annals of time with discerning eyes, and to accord recognition where it’s due. Shayan’s legacy as the first Iranian rapper demands acknowledgment, not only for the sake of historical accuracy but also out of respect for his indelible mark on the rap scene in Iran.

IV: Shayan: The True First Iranian Rapper

Shayan’s legacy as the first Iranian rapper is irrefutable, supported by a wealth of evidence and testimonies from key figures in the Persian rap community. His pioneering contributions laid the foundation for the thriving rap scene in Iran today, cementing his rightful place as the Father of Persian Rap. Let’s delve into the endorsements and acknowledgments that solidify Shayan’s position as the trailblazer of Persian rap:

1. Evidence from Reza Pishro’s Testimony

  • Reza Pishro, a respected figure in Persian rap, has openly praised Shayan’s influence.⁽²⁾ In a 2022 interview, Pishro hailed Shayan as one of the most influential rappers, emphasizing his impact on the genre’s early days. Pishro’s admiration for Shayan’s work underscores the significance of his contributions to Persian rap’s inception.

2. Yas’ Account of Shayan’s Influence

  • Yas, in a podcast interview, shared a personal anecdote highlighting Shayan’s pivotal role in inspiring him to venture into Persian rap.⁽³⁾ Witnessing Shayan perform solo tracks in Persian ignited Yas’ passion for the genre, marking a transformative moment in his artistic journey. Yas’ testimony underscores Shayan’s influence on shaping the trajectory of Persian rap.

3. Hichkas’ Acknowledgment of Shayan’s Existence

  • Hichkas, while acknowledging Shayan and Yashar’s presence in the early days of Persian rap, inadvertently underscores Shayan’s precedence in the scene.⁽¹⁾ Despite downplaying their contributions, Hichkas’ acknowledgment of Shayan’s existence validates his status as a pioneering figure in Iranian hip-hop.

4. Ho3ein’s Cover of Shayan’s Song

  • Ho3ein’s cover of Shayan’s song “Bara Ine Ke Migiram Kam” serves as a testament to Shayan’s enduring influence on subsequent generations of Iranian rappers.⁽⁴⁾ Although the adaptation lacked proper credit to Shayan, it highlights the resonance of his music within the Persian rap community.

5. Hossein Tohi’s Mention of Shayan in Rap History

  • Hossein Tohi’s inclusion of Shayan in rap history alongside other significant figures, in his song “Tashakkor-e-Sorkhpoosti”, underscores Shayan’s enduring legacy within the genre.⁽⁵⁾ By acknowledging Shayan’s contributions, Tohi reaffirms his pivotal role in laying the groundwork for Persian rap’s evolution.

6. Amir Ghiyamat’s Recognition of Shayan’s Contribution

  • Amir Ghiyamat’s reference to Shayan in his song “Tārīkhcheh-ye Rap-e Fārs” further solidifies Shayan’s place in Persian rap history.⁽⁵⁾ By acknowledging Shayan’s pioneering efforts, Ghiyamat pays homage to the roots of Iranian hip-hop.

7. Putak’s Confirmation of Shayan’s Role

  • Putak, a prominent Persian rapper, unequivocally states Shayan’s status as the first rapper in Iran, affirming his groundbreaking contributions to the genre.⁽⁵⁾ Putak’s confirmation adds weight to Shayan’s claim and reinforces his position as a seminal figure in Persian rap.

8. Rez’s Testimonial on Shayan’s Songs

  • Rez’s testimonial on Shayan’s songs highlights the profound impact of Shayan’s music on the Persian rap landscape.⁽⁵⁾ By recognizing Shayan’s pioneering tracks as the first Persian rap songs he encountered, Rez acknowledges Shayan’s foundational role in shaping the genre.

9. Shayan’s Own Assertion of Being the First Iranian Rapper

  • Shayan’s own assertion of being the first Iranian rapper carries significant weight, given his firsthand experience and involvement in the early days of Persian rap.⁽⁶⁾⁽⁷⁾ His claim, supported by members of Vaajkhonyaa, underscores his authenticity and integrity as a pioneering figure in Iranian hip-hop.
Collage featuring Shayan and Vaajkhonyaa members (formerly known as Barobax 021), along with cover arts from their new rap tracks, showcasing the evolution of Persian rap culture.
Shayan and his group Vaajkhonyaa (formerly known as Barobax 021) have been actively involved in Iran’s underground music scene since the beginning of Persian rap, continuing to release music.

V. Hichkas and the Misconception of Title

A. Hichkas’ Self-Attribution of “the Father of Persian Rap”

Hichkas, a prominent figure in the Persian rap scene, has self-attributed the title of “the Father of Persian Rap” in his songs and interviews. In tracks like “Man Vaystadam” and “Pedar Khandeh,” he explicitly refers to himself as the progenitor of Persian rap.⁽⁸⁾ However, this assertion raises questions about the accuracy of the title, considering the historical context and the emergence of rap in Iran.

B. Examination of Hichkas’ Fans’ Perspective on His Title

Many of Hichkas’ fans uphold him as the Father of Persian Rap, echoing his self-proclaimed title. They admire his contributions to the genre and his efforts to promote Persian rap culture. However, this perspective may overlook the contributions of earlier pioneers and fail to acknowledge the nuanced history of rap in Iran.

Left panel: Hichkas throwing his version of the 021 hand sign. Right panel: Shayan throwing his version of the 021 hand sign.
Hichkas’s assertion as the father of Persian rap and introduction of the 021 code in Persian rap has clouded the narrative of the true first Iranian rapper.

VI. Ethical Considerations in Music History

In the realm of music history, ethical considerations play a pivotal role in acknowledging the contributions of predecessors and understanding the true origins of artistic movements. This section delves into the significance of properly crediting those who paved the way for future generations and highlights Shayan’s remarkable contributions despite the lack of recognition he received.

A. Importance of Properly Crediting Predecessors

It is essential to recognize the pioneers and trailblazers who laid the foundation for contemporary music genres. Properly crediting predecessors not only honors their legacy but also ensures an accurate historical narrative. In the case of Iranian rap, acknowledging Shayan as the first Iranian rapper is crucial for preserving the authenticity of the genre’s history. By giving credit where it is due, we uphold the integrity of the music industry and pay tribute to the artists who shaped it.

B. Shayan’s Contribution Despite Lack of Recognition

Despite facing a lack of recognition in mainstream media and popular culture, Shayan’s contribution to Iranian rap is undeniable. As the first Iranian rapper, he bravely ventured into uncharted territory, defying societal norms and political restrictions to express himself through music. Shayan’s pioneering efforts paved the way for future generations of Iranian rappers, laying the groundwork for the thriving hip-hop scene we see today. Despite the challenges and obstacles he encountered, Shayan’s passion and dedication to his craft have left an indelible mark on the history of Persian rap, earning him the rightful title of the first Iranian rapper and the Father of Persian Rap.

C. Paying Homage to Hip-Hop Influences

Within the rap industry, paying homage to those who laid the groundwork is not just a gesture of respect but a crucial ethical consideration. Tupac Shakur’s track “Old School” serves as a poignant reminder of this principle. Reflecting on simpler times and the artists who influenced him, Tupac’s lyrics pay tribute to legends like Slick Rick, Queen Latifah, De La Soul, and Big Daddy Kane.

The old photo depicts Shayan the founder of Vaajkhonyaa, the first Iranian rapper and the founding father of Persian rap, respectively, in the room where they recorded the first Persian rap song in 2001. شایان واژخنیا اولین رپر ایران پدر رپ فارس بنیانگذار رپ در ایران
In 2000 AD, Shayan laid the foundation of Iranian rap with fearless songs, despite challenging and restrictive conditions.

Acknowledging the influence of pioneers like Shayan in Iranian rap is paramount to understanding the genre’s evolution. Just as Tupac honored his predecessors, aspiring Iranian rappers should pay homage to Shayan’s groundbreaking contributions. By recognizing Shayan as the first Iranian rapper, artists uphold the legacy of those who came before them and contribute to a more robust and respectful hip-hop community.

VII. Shayan vs. Los Angeles Pop Artists

A. Distinction between the evolution of rap in Iran and the contributions of Iranian pop artists in LA

When exploring the roots of rap music in Iran, it’s essential to distinguish between the evolution of rap within the country and the contributions of Iranian pop artists in Los Angeles. While Iranian pop artists in LA may have paved the way for Iranian music on a global scale, their style and influence differ significantly from the raw, street-centered essence of rap as it developed in Iran.⁽⁹⁾

Iranian pop artists in LA often fuse elements of Persian music with Western pop and hip-hop influences, creating a unique blend that appeals to a broader audience. However, their music tends to reflect a different cultural context and experience compared to the gritty, socio-politically charged narratives of Iranian rap.

B. Impact of indigenous influences and socio-political climate on the development of rap in Iran

The development of rap in Iran has been deeply influenced by indigenous cultural elements and the socio-political climate of the country. Iranian rap emerged as a form of artistic expression, providing a voice for the youth to address social issues, cultural identity, and political dissent in a repressive environment.

Rappers in Iran draw inspiration from their own experiences, incorporating Persian poetry, traditional music, and local dialects into their lyrics. The socio-political climate, marked by censorship and government control over artistic expression, has fueled the rebellious spirit of Iranian rap, giving rise to poignant and provocative verses that resonate with listeners.

In contrast, Iranian pop artists in LA have been more focused on commercial success and assimilation into the mainstream music industry. While they may touch upon themes of identity and nostalgia for their homeland, their music often lacks the raw authenticity and socio-political commentary characteristic of Iranian rap.

In summary, while both Iranian rap and pop artists have made significant contributions to the global music scene, the evolution of rap in Iran has been shaped by unique cultural influences and the socio-political landscape of the country, setting it apart from the endeavors of Iranian pop artists in Los Angeles.

VIII. The Legacy of 021 Clique

A. Origin of the Term “021” in Iranian Rap Culture

The term “021” holds deep significance in Iranian rap culture, symbolizing the roots of the movement in Tehran. Like how American rappers identify with area codes like 213 and 415, Shayan and his clique introduced “021” as a representation of their city. This code became emblematic of their identity, signaling the birth of Iranian rap within the streets of Tehran.⁽¹⁰⁾

B. Shayan’s Role in Forming the First Iranian Rap Group

Shayan played a pivotal role in establishing the first Iranian rap group, known as Barobax 021, later renamed Vaajkhonyaa. As the leader of this group, Shayan brought together like-minded individuals passionate about hip-hop, laying the foundation for the burgeoning rap scene in Iran. Through their collective efforts, they pioneered a new wave of music, inspiring generations of Iranian rappers to come.

IX. The Firsts of Shayan: A Legacy Etched in Time

  1. He pioneered Persian rap with his track “Javoon e Irooni,” the genre’s inaugural song.
  2. Shayan formed Barobax 021, later known as Vaajkhonyaa, marking the genesis of Persian rap groups.
  3. Introducing the iconic “021” code and hand sign, Shayan symbolized the emerging rap culture.
  4. His release of the first rap album underscored his lasting impact on Iranian music.
  5. Shayan and Barobax 021 were the first to incorporate the “021” code and hand sign into their music, signifying their pioneering role.
  6. Shayan presented the inaugural rap album in history, featuring hits like “Javoon e Irooni” and “Bara Ine Ke Migiram Kam.”
  7. His work also marked the advent of underground music in Iranian history, breaking new ground in artistic expression.
  8. Shayan’s repertoire included the first political song within Iran post-Islamic Revolution, reflecting his courage and social consciousness through music.

X. Conclusion

A. Recapitulation of Shayan’s Status as the True Father of Persian Rap

Shayan’s role as the first Iranian rapper is undeniable. Through careful examination of historical evidence and testimonies from prominent figures in the Iranian rap scene, it’s clear that Shayan paved the way for the genre in Iran. His contributions, from creating the first Persian rap song to establishing the first rap group in Iranian history, highlight his significance as a trailblazer in the country’s hip-hop culture.

B. Final Reflections on the Importance of Historical Accuracy in Music Titles

The case of Shayan underscores the importance of accurately attributing titles in music history. While individuals like Hichkas may have achieved success in their own right, it’s crucial to recognize the true pioneers who laid the groundwork for future generations. By acknowledging Shayan as the first Iranian rapper, we honor his legacy and ensure that history reflects the contributions of those who truly deserve recognition.


  1. Unmasking Misconceptions: The Truth Behind Hichkas’ Role in Persian Rap
  2. Reza Pishro’s Admiration for Shayan’s Music
  3. Yas: Finding Inspiration in Shayan’s Pioneering Tracks
  4. The Pioneer of Iranian Hip-Hop and Ho3ein’s Cover Controversy
  5. Renowned Iranian Rappers Honor Shayan
  6. Shayan’s interview with Nasir Mashkouri in 2018
  7. Shayan’s interview with Jarsha in 2023
  8. Hichkas calls himself “the Father of Persian Rap.”
  9. The Father of Persian Rap: Sandy, Hichkas, or Shayan?
  10. Unraveling the True Origins of “021” in Iranian Hip-Hop

