I am Investing in Container Shipping Over Bitcoin and Stocks

Riley Davies
2 min readNov 29, 2017


Because I believe Wall Street is overvalued and bitcoin is in its infancy, I am recommending hard, tangible assets over stocks, bonds, and bitcoin.

The investment climate around the world is warm and inviting. Investment seekers are awed by the steady rises on Wall Street and the rapid growth of bitcoin. Albeit these opportunities seem attractive, there are some investors — like myself — who believe stocks are overvalued and bitcoin is still in its infancy. Because of these two factors, I am choosing to stay away from both.

By eliminating bitcoin and risky stocks from my portfolio, I have opened the door to a plethora of alternative investment options. These include hard assets, like commodities (i.e. shipping containers) and collectibles (i.e. fine wine). My decision to pursue this category of investment was based upon my interpretation of the investment’s risk versus the reward. Let me explain …

I recently invested with Davenport Laroche, a container leasing company that manages shipping containers for owners and investors. My investment in a small fleet of shipping containers pays a monthly income and performs in harmony with the global economy. Economic growth around the world fuels growth in the container shipping industry, and in turn delivers profits to container owners like myself. Thus far, the results have been positive.

My decision to avoid risky investments, like stocks and bitcoin, is based upon caution. I clearly remember the global financial crisis of 2008, when stock markets crashed and investors lost their homes and savings. I was a time of fear and uncertainty for many. In eliminating unnecessary risk from my portfolio, I am confident I can avoid a financial crisis.

I encourage you to follow my lead, and remove investments from your portfolio that pose a risk to your financial well-being. For myself, it has opened the door to new investing opportunities and given me a strategy to avoid a worst-case scenario. For the moment, I am recommending hard, tangible assets over stocks, bonds, and bitcoin.



Riley Davies

After years of disappointment with investing in stock and bond markets, I have turned my attention to alternative investments and business opportunities.