Magic Select & Friends

2 min readJan 10, 2019


Sorted³ provides a bunch of tools to make scheduling and updating your schedule a breeze.

This article will show you a few techniques to change your schedule. Be it due to a change of plans, or simply because you want to schedule in a break.

It all starts with selecting items.

1. Selecting items

Magic Select

One way to quickly select multiple items is with magic-select. Simply start swiping left on an item, then without lifting your finger, continue up or down.

Swift left then continue up or down.

Tap select

You can also tap the left side of an item to toggle selection as well.

Tap the left side of an item to select and deselect.

2. Time ruler

After making a selection in schedule mode, the time-ruler will appear.

Scroll the left edge to shift the time of the selected items by increments of one hour.

Scrolling the right side of the time-ruler will shift items by increments of five minutes.

Scroll left edge of the time-ruler to shift by hours. Scroll right side to shift by increments of five minutes.

3. Schedule tasks

In list and tag modes, select items, open the calendar and then tap a date to assign them that date.

On the iPhone, you can keep the calendar open to make scheduling different tasks to different dates really quick.

Doing the same thing in schedule mode will move the item to the tapped date instead.

Select then tap calendar to schedule tasks.

4. Batch reorder

You can also reorder multiple items all at once. Perfect for ordering your tasks before running auto-schedule.

Select and batch drag and drop items.

5. Pinch time

If you have a bunch of items scheduled too closely together. Select them then pinch-apart anywhere on the screen with two fingers. The items will spread out by increments of five minutes.

Pinch-together to bring items closer together.

Pinch-apart with two or more items selected to spread them out.

Sorted³ helps you schedule your events, tasks, and richly formatted notes into a beautiful timeline. It has been launched to App Store since August 2018.

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Sorted³ — Schedule Events, Tasks, and Notes.

Auto schedule ← PREVIOUS

NEXT → Reorganize





Schedule Events, Tasks, and Notes into a beautiful timeline.