Tolar — September Retrospective

Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2018

Here is our brief for the month of September.

September 1: Tadej Slapnik joins Tolar HashNET team

Tadej Slapnik, former State Secretary in Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, has joined our team as the Director of Tolar HashNET Slovenia. Read all about his experience and work here.

September 3: Interview with Decentral Magazine

Our CIO, Mario Vojvoda, answered questions about our technology for the Decentral Magazine. The article written by Nini Moru can be found here.

September 4: Tadej Slapnik participated at the OECD Blockchain Policy Forum in Paris.

Tadej Slapnik, participated at the high-level Panel: Blockchain for Better Policies, OECD Blockchain Policy Forum in Paris, together with Mrs. Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of Serbia, Mr. David Burt, Premier of Bermuda, Mr. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Prime Minister, Republic of Mauritius and Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General at OECD. Read more.

September 4: Tolar HashNET and Unibright become partners

Tolar HashNET and Unibright signed a Memorandum of Understading (MoU) to support further expansion and worldwide adoption of Unibright’s framework and Tolar HashNET. Learn all about the partnership.

September 12: Tolar Prototype Presentation

We have held yet another presentation of our prototype, where we have demonstrated the maximum speed of 154,000 TPS on 100 nodes. Make sure to watch the video:

September 13: AMA with ICO gens

Watch the AMA now:

September 17: Tadej Slapnik met with members of European Parliament delegation in Taipei

Tadej Slapnik, Tolar HashNET Slovenia Director, joined members of European Parliament delegation in Taipei and discussed potential of European — Taiwan cooperation in the field of Circular Economy, Blockchain Technology and Social Economy. Read the full story here.

September 18: Review by Suppoman

Make sure to watch @MichaelSuppo’s video on could Tolar do well in a bear market and why:

September 19: Interview with the Crypto Lifestyle

Check out the live interview with the Crypto Lifestyle:

September 20: Tolar HashNET ICO is completed

Thanks to all of our investors and the community for the amazing support that we have received throughout this journey. This is only the beginning. Ahead of us is another journey full of good news, partnerships, conferences and most importantly, HashNET development.

Total amount raised in presale and ICO: 28,807.01 ETH. Unsold tokens will be burned.

September 22: Tolar headquarters in Slovenia will open soon

September 25: Tadej Slapnik participates as a speaker at UNGA in NYC

Tadej Slapnik participated as a speaker at at the 73rd United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Side Event on Social Business, Youth and Technology, chaired by Nobel prize literate and SDG Advocate prof. Muhamad Yunus. The event was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

Watch Tadej Slapnik’s speech:

He also had a fruitful discussion about potentials of Blockchain technology for achieving Sustainable Development Goals with members of the 73th UNGA, Chinese Youth Delegation at Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the United Nations in New York.

September 30: Tolar token release

Token distribution process has started on September 30, 2018 at 2:00 pm GMT. All investors have received their TOL tokens by end of day. Further purchase of TolarZ became available after Tolar was listed on exchange. More info on the distribution process is here.

September 30: Tolar token (TOL) is listed on Hotbit

We are excited to announce that Tolar token (TOL) will be listed on Hotbit starting from September 30, 2018. If you were not able to participate in the ICO phase, you will now be able to buy TOL on Hotbit. More info.

Thank you again for the amazing support so far and we will do our best to deliver more good news to the Tolar community.



Tolar HashNET
Tolar HashNET

Editorial team of Tolar HashNET — DLT that keeps all positive characteristics of blockchain while increasing throughput to 200,000 TPS.