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A stairway to Heaven
6 min readSep 20, 2016


The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked, “Give our words wings and let them go unto the world.” We’ve tried. There are so many, we thought it would be good to see them all in one collection.

“You have asked…’How high or how low are the spirit of us?’”

See “A gift from one with more love in his eys than anyone,”

Learn as you read articles in “A Stairway to Heaven”.

A great way to learn how the spiritual messengers of God began speaking through a man is to listen to their first recorded words. Enjoy a guided, self-study of how the readings began on the Association of Universal Philosophy Group page. Or see the January 20, 2017 through April 21, 2017, events on the Association of Universal Philosophy page on Facebook, in the Events section.

(1) Would you like to join an on-line study group? Tell us, yes, in an email to or Ask what you’d like to know!

The spiritual messengers of God asked that a club be formed. “Permanent records must be kept.”

What does the Association of Universal Philosophy offer you? Click this link to see.

Also read these lists:

(2) TRANSCRIBED READINGS — The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke through A. Ray Elkins’s unconscious body after he walked up a stairway to God, and they would enter. Here are the transcripts from 1970 to 1989 just as they were spoken. Read The WORDS. Or see The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God, to you.

An artist drew a stairway Ray Elkins climbed when he left his body, as he had upon dying, to stand with God. When Ray reached the top step, the spiritual messengers of God would come down and enter into his unconscious body to speak to man. This is the gift of love that was given.

(3) BOOKS — As Aka requested, we’re written their words for you into many books, which the spiritual messengers of God call the BOOK with Wings. (Learn more about the cherub to see why they may have chosen this name.) As they asked, we have separated their messages into three collections: the philosophy, the life readings, and the health readings. These are titled, Universal Philosophy, Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time, and Angels “See our Needs”.

All the parables in Universal Philosophy are also collected into two separate series so you can enjoy these teachings as beautifully illustrated parables. Study Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Books 1–5) or Angels Tell Parables for Today (Books 1–17). Both series contain the same parables; the second series is only presented in many, shorter ebooks, and is not in paperback.

New books are being added. See all the books at the author pages on, Aka-spiritual-messengers-of-God or A. Ray Elkins.

Here’s another easy way to discover all of Aka’s books.

And they’re in Goodreads by Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” See

(4) VIDEOS AND AUDIO — You can even listen to some of their recorded words! They’re at on the AUniversalPhilosophy channel. One way you can know these recordings are authentic is by the quality, as ordinary people learned how to use a tape recorder in the 1970s. These words were not recorded in a studio on professional equipment, nor read by professional actors. Some may wisely recognize that this actually attests to the authenticity of these recordings. Listen on YouTube to the audio tracks illustrated with inspiring pictures added later. Read “What Did You Come Out to See?” You can also see them on our Facebook website, Association of Universal Philosophy, under Videos.

Aka’s same recorded messages are shared several other channels on Association of Universal Philosophy and The WORDS of Aka.

The Words of Spiritual Messengers of God are also at— and

You can listen to several audio tracks at

Microphones partly block the face of spiritual messengers of God. Can you see them in the photo? Rays of infinite light and being shine down from the Father through all time and planes — through universes, galaxies and worlds beyond worlds — to enter in and speak to man. I took this photo in 1973 while I sat before them listening, feeling their vast, loving presence.

(5) WEBSITES — The transcribed words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, can be see as readings at The WORDS.

Explore the links at the first website of Association of Universal Philosophy. Much of the information is still there. One link to see here is “What is the Association of Universal Philosophy?” Another is “How did an Association form?” And “Why would I like to come to a little church dedicated simply to God, where all faiths are welcome?”

See Association of Universal Philosophy: Listen to Aka, spiritual messengers of God — About us Services we offer

“Seeing the world through the eyes of spiritual messengers of God: Judy’s Story” —

“Listening to Spiritual Messengers of God” (here are some links to a few of our first pages, including the first one shown above, and also the 2009 newsletters. The December 2009 issue tells of a few signs in the sky of Aka’s presence.) — Another early site is

What was it like to hear spiritual messengers of God speak?

“Give our words wings and let them go unto the world.”

(6) BLOGS — Some of Aka’s words are collected for you to read in an article on a topic.

Many are now collected in”A Stairway to Heaven,” in “The Great Sword Is Here,” “Now You Ask, ‘What Is the Great Sword that Cuts Two Ways?’” and in “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

Here are our blogs at

Or see (with the same articles).

“A Tense Moment in the Cold War” in 1983 (Please help us find the web archive of this article) —

“We give you a rose without thorns.” (A rose without thorns is said to be the birth of or preparation for the coming of the Messiah.)


We’re on Twitter:

On Facebook: “Association of Universal Philosophy” page (here) and “Weekly message from spiritual messengers of God

On Pinterest:

(8) NEWSLETTERS — December 2009 “Rays of Philosophy” —,

Here are some links to newsletters to enlighten you. We hope you enjoy them! If you become a subscribing member ($35 USD per family or $25 for seniors or the disabled per year) you’ll receive six issues of the newsletter of the Association of Universal Philosophy each year. Email to ask how to join.

2011–2016 “Rays of Philosophy” newsletters — See the note with more newsletters.

2011 to 2013 “Rays of Philosophy”

2006 to 2010 “Rays of Philosophy” —

2009 “Rays of Philosophy”

Selected articles on prophecies from the 1990s —

Many of the newsletters are also on our Association of Universal Philosophy page on Facebook in the Notes Section, in “Study “Rays of Philosophy,” the AUP newsletter.”

(9) PLEASE VOLUNTEER — Get involved. We need your help. Here are some ways you can help the Association of Universal Philosophy listed at

(10) JOIN THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSAL PHILOSOPHY! Be in an association with the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, and with people of many faiths, beliefs and paths who love our Father.

It’s the very best thing you can do.

Join here.

“Open the door and we shall enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming. But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born….”

“Seek and you shall find.”

“Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.”

“Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you for his coming.”



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.