Words from heaven to you!

A stairway to Heaven
29 min readNov 12, 2016
“We have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Open you door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming! (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 29, 1972)

“Behold, I send My messenger, and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant, in whom you delight. Behold, He is coming,” says the Lord of hosts.” (Malachi 3:1)

On December 28, 1969, a South African astronomer (named Bennett) observed a new light in the heavens. In February 1970, the comet neared the borders of the constellations Tucana, Gurus and Phoenix. It crossed the equator on March 25 (which was Good Friday, when many on Earth were remembering the farewell words Jesus spoke at his last Passover). At that time, the brilliant light passed over Globe, Arizona.

A man named Ray Elkins in Globe had just passed on. He went before one who had more love in his eyes than Ray had ever seen, who was even then giving a gift from the Father — as he was also giving Ray a choice to return back to life. If Ray returned, he was asked to give this gift to others in the same manner of love it was given to him.

Who was this one with more love in his eyes that anyone Ray had ever seen? Ray knew he could trust him as no one else. Could it have been the Messiah –– who at his last Passover supper asked the Father to send the Spirit of truth to prepare a way for his coming? [See John 14 and 15:26.]

As the wondrous light passed over Globe, the spiritual messengers of God arrived to bring good news of great joy which will be to all people.

“We give this message from our Father. We are not great; we are but messengers. We are here to prepare a way,” they announced, September 21, 1970.

The comet shone brilliantly in the heavens April 3, 1970, and throughout the month. Some say it was the most glorious light in the heavens in the 20th century.

The spiritual messengers of God arrived to give their loving message to the world from a town named, Globe. Yet, their message is for all who wish to receive.

Their words were recorded from April 3, 1970, to August 30, 1989, as they spoke through Ray’s unconscious body. The spiritual messengers of God call their message and the gift they bring, the Book with wings. It is a gift in preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

And so, they ask us to give their “words wings and let them go unto the world.”

In the first months of their arrival in 1970, they told those gathered in Ray’s living room to hear them speak, Permanent records must be kept!

For more than 40 years, volunteers have given freely of their time and love to bring this gift to you.

At last, all of the recorded teachings, parables, prophecies and guidance that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, gave from 1970 to 1989 are transcribed and published for you. This blessing is given to you in love from God.

He sends His spiritual messengers in this time, today, to speak to you in words that you can hear! Here is their message, a new Book with wings!

They give this message freely in love for all.

You can read the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke. We’ve put it where you can easily find it, on an Author Page.


You might begin with the parables. This form of teaching has been the most popular. Sit at the angels’ feet. Enjoy reading all 300 parables. Let angels tell them to you in their own words.

The parables are written in two series: Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Books 1–5) in ebooks or paperbacks, or Angels Tell Parables for Today (ebooks 1–17). These share the same parables, but are presented in either five books, or one year at a time for each year they were spoken.

See this series of five books that have all the parables spoken from 1973 to 1989: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HMN007K/ref=series_rw_dp_sw

Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul, is a series that gathers all the parables the angels spoke into five books: “The Dawn of Awakening,” “Whispering Words Long Awaited,” “Writing New Words upon the Heart,” “New Words Shall Be Written upon the Sky,” and “Building New Heaven and a New Earth upon Earth.”

In 1982, the parables were first published in Parables for Today, a beautiful writing of transcribed from words that were spoken directly by spiritual messengers of God. This sold-out paperback held 142 parables the angels spoke from 1972 to 1982. They were given to bring each person closer to God––each in his or her own way. Nothing has changed. But now, these parables are being made available once again, this time with beautiful illustrations to make each parable even more meaningful. And there’s more–– the parables from 1983 to 1989 that have never been published in a collection. They can be purchased separately by year in Angels Tell Parables for Today, or in Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul, Volumes 4 and 5.

You’ll see as each parable tells you a story of love, hope and faith, as only God’s spiritual messengers could. And as you read, you will learn through the angels’ eyes.

The spiritual messengers of God speak of what they know and see.

Or if you’d prefer to read a shorter e-book, with one year of the parables at a time, choose all 17 e-books, from 1973 to 1989, in the series, Angels Tell Parables for Today. These are also gathered in love for you.

You can enjoy the same parables in a series of 17 shorter ebooks; there’s one for each year from 1973 to 1989.

Whichever series you choose, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul or Angels Tell Parables for Today, remember to continue reading your next parables in books in the same series, since both series contain the same parables. (This second series only has shorter ebooks, so it has more of them.)

You can listen to the actual, recorded voice of the angels speaking through Ray. Hear them tell two of the parables in these books, “Parable of the Gift of the World,” and “Parable of the Young Lad” on the Author’s Page.

The BOOK with Wings

March 5, 1971, the spiritual messengers of God said: “You should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings; separate the life readings from the medical readings; but combine all three into one writing, yet make yet three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

Forty-five years later, in 2016, we completed this task. Their words were published in ebooks for you to read. Then in 2017, they were also published in paperback. The last book was added in 2018.

Now all of the words and teachings that we transcribed from the recorded words of the spiritual messengers of God, who lovingly spoke them, are collected for you in the BOOK with Wings series.

Just as the angels asked, their words are being given wings to go unto the world.

Please share them.

(1) The PHILOSOPHY — What is the meaning of universal philosophy?

Universal Philosophy: Spoken by Angels is the largest collection of the transcribed words of the spiritual messengers of God, which is termed, the philosophy. It is the body of the teachings, spiritual guidance and prophecies that the spiritual messengers of God gave from 1970 to 1989. All but the personal health readings or past lives from which individuals are learning is included as philosophy, for spiritual guidance comes from a philosophical understanding or knowledge.

Universal Philosophy can be read in one long ebook, or in two paperbacks below.

If you like paperbacks, Universal Philosophy was printed as two books because there is so much philosophy to share.

The philosophy fills two paperbacks when it’s printed. See Universal Philosophy (Book 1) and Universal Philosophy (Book 2) on amazon.com. Be sure to also read the second half of the phoilosophy in Book 2.

The e-book, Universal Philosophy — Spoken by Angels, and the two paperback books, Universal Philosophy (Part 1 of 2) and Universal Philosophy (Part 2 0f 2), contain the same transcribed philosophy written just as the spiritual messengers of God spoke it. By publishing the words as we heard them, we were careful that the meaning was not changed.

The philosophy also includes the parables (which were separately published as parables above). The philosophy consists of many prophecies, guidance and teachings for mankind, as well as answers to individuals that may be informative for you too. In this, the spiritual messengers of God answer questions of a general nature from which all might benefit, and give guidance to individual souls.

All that they said is but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, they say. “New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

Take your time to read Universal Philosophy. Study what is said. You can grow spiritually from discussions with that which is infinite and in all there is.

“We have come not to change the Laws or the prophecies, but to show man their fulfillment for this time.”

The philosophy was spoken from 1970 to 1989, yet it is also spoken for us now.

The spiritual messengers of God initially called their work, the spiritual philosophy of God. But as more people of different faiths came to them for counsel and healing, they respectfully changed the name to universal philosophy.

They asked the organization, that they formed to keep these permanent records you now can read, be called the Association of Universal Philosophy. It’s quite interesting when you look up the meaning of these words in the dictionary; they seem to literally describe what this is. Universal is defined as existing in all there is, an entity. Philosophy comes from two words, meaning loving wisdom. How better to describe a gift our Father sends His spiritual messengers to give to prepare a way within our hearts and minds for the Messiah’s coming — and a thousand years of peace on Earth, as God counts.

May you gain this knowledge as you read their words. Let their peace and love enter your hearts, for they will accompany their words if you are in accord with God’s will and their coming.

“Open your door that we may enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming.”

Accept this gift from God given freely in love; find a place for it in your heart. You will receive much knowledge from the spiritual messengers of God — as a Rose without thorns.

(2) The LIFE READINGS — Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time.

Want to travel through time? In, Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time, you can, as you look through angels eyes.

The spiritual messengers of God looked into and saw the akashic records, made in light and sound through all time, when individuals asked them for a life reading. The angels tell about their past lives to guide their paths today.

It is said, “If you know where you have been you will know where you are going.” The spiritual messengers of God seek to remind each person of our Creator, whom we have known since we began. As they bring the past to mind, they are respectful of each person’s ways of knowing God — for they are many and some spiritual messengers of God have lived many lives too.

Readers wll get a fascinating glimpse of the actual history of mankind since our beginning on Earth, and even before! Questions scientists ponder are often answered in these glimpses of our past. The author was simply amazed to verify things the angels said about the times and places people lived, while searching for illustrations. As you’ll see by the date each reading was spoken, these histories were told many years before the internet was available and scientific advances have come over the last 40 years. It is as though the spiritual messengers of God knew we would be making these discoveries in the future. So they were already talking to us in words we can only now understand.

They remind us, “For where we dwell there is no time, and where we dwell there is no form. We came upon the Earth, this you should call of your home, in the beginning.”

Here is the new, complete illustrated version combined into one book––Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time.

In 2018, all the past-life readings were combined into one new book, Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time, in which each person’s past-life reading is illustrated. The two books with babies below were combined into this one longer book.

Before this edition, Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time (Books 1 and 2), was loving made. In this series are the same life readings as are combined into one book above. But you just might reading shorter books or e-books.

This two-book series, Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time (Parts 1 and 2) illustrates one life from each person’s past-life reading. Click on link.

Angels Give a Glimpse through All Time is a most amazing account of man’s history, viewed from the past of many people who lived it. See this through the eyes of angels who tell individuals about some of their past lives, to guide a person to remember lessons he or she has learned, or to realize what this one has yet to learn.

You will also see a glimpse of Earth’s history through all time––from the beginning. The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, reveal man’s ancient past in times archaeologists and anthropologists have yet to uncover. They bring to light some questions scientists ponder about man’s ancient times on Earth, and our origins. The illustrations hopefully add to our understanding, since they confirm things we know of man’s history.

(3) The HEALTH READINGS — Angels “See our Needs:” the Health Readings.

Some have heard of medical intuitive readings. When angels see our needs, they give this and much more in very great love, to help or heal a person.

As the spiritual messengers of God would arrive to speak through Ray’s unconscious body in trance, they would begin by saying, “Yes, we see your need, and we shall answer in this manner.” Then they would guide men and women who asked them for help with their personal health needs, as one might expect angels to do.

The angels would look into an individual’s body and mind to see his or her conditions, which they call a health reading. Then they would recommend ways to help or heal the person.

In Angels “See Our Needs” a counsel of spiritual messengers of God who have done this work before would look to see the needs for healing of individuals who requested help.

This book contains transcripts of the health readings the spiritual messengers of God gave while Ray was in trance between 1970 and 1989.

When people began to hear of the help that was being given by a voice that spoke through an unconscious man, many people came to ask for help. By 1973, more and more people were coming to Ray Elkins’s front door asking for healing or guidance. This healing was becoming widely known throughout the Southwest U.S. after a full page article about it in the Phoenix Arizona Republic and several TV and radio appearances in Tucson and Phoenix. People just arrived at his front door in Globe, Arizona.

Ray’s body could not withstand spending that much time in trance because of the tremendous difference in the angels powerful energies and the human body.

So God provided another way to help all those who came, in answer to Ray’s prayers. Seeing their needs, the spiritual messengers of God taught Ray how to allow them to give healing to people by working with or through him in his waking state, which was less taxing. The spiritual messengers of God would stand beside Ray in his waking state and provide guidance and assistance, sometimes reaching through him to give healing to another. This did not tire Ray as much so he was able to give healing to the many people who came to his house, asking for his help.

Thousands continued to come to Ray’s house, then to his healing clinic next door, to seek and receive healing. Many were healed who had not been able to find help elsewhere; some had searched the world over.

The health readings you will read in Angels “See Our Needs” are but a few of the thousands that actually took place while Aka and Ray healed most of the people in person–– or even many from a distance––who asked for help during the next 25 years.

That is why the author titled this book, Angels “See Our Needs”.

The reader must understand this guidance given in the transcribed health readings when Ray was in trance should not be applied to oneself or to others. It was meant for one person.

We were cautioned not to apply one person’s health reading to another person’s condition. The spiritual messengers of God tell us each person is unique and had individual needs. You might think of another pattern in nature, snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. This is true with people too. Each body and each soul is individual with different health needs. What may be healing to one man might be poison to another. So please, only read Angels “See Our Needs” for general interest, to see an holistic approach.

At times, were we guided toward medical breakthroughs before this knowledge was publicly known? Once were beyond the medical understanding, their knowledge now rings true as we hear of it in today in medical research or in holistic practices.

The health readings are offered for the knowledge they contain. Perhaps health care providers or others seeking new ways to help people might benefit by the health readings.

These health readings do not have medical commentary or illustrations yet. Hopefully, one day, Dr. Elizabeth Grady, a Naturopathic M.D., (whose stepfather, Dr. William McGarey who wrote all of Edgar Cayce’s books on health readings) will complete this book, as she offered to do when she first heard some of the health readings. Then the health readings will be complete with informative naturopathic, medical and holistic information and commentaries. But just for now, we have made these health readings available for you to see as transcripts without medical interpretation yet.

They are simply as we were asked to do; these permanent records have been kept.

(4) Finally, some things said we just didn’t know into what category to place them. So we added this book, Miscellaneous Questions and Answers.

It contains all that was left unpublished, just to be sure you can see all the words that were transcribed that the spiritual messengers of God spoke.

Here are simply the Miscellaneous Questions and Answers asked of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka. It’s available as an e-book or a paperback.

Prophecy on Earth Changes —

In 2019, another book was published, Your Earth Is Shifting on Its Axis.

“The great Sword is here.

“It is a cutting sword of land and masses. The earth’s axis is changing. Where it was hot — where it was hot it shall become colder. Where it was dry it shall become wetter. Where there no water flows, water shall flow, because water is the spirit.”

“On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. Its whole form shall change. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. On the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. Those who should not heed God’s word, this Sword will cut from the earth.”

“You have questions within your mind of the book of Revelations and the timing we have given unto you,” the spiritual messengers of God, said December 15, 1971.

“We should repeat again, for the wise to hear, that only our Father knows of the last days. But the beginning has already begun. Your Father has promised unto you a new heaven and a new earth, and this promise shall become complete within each person, within each soul that dwells and becomes part of our Father’s love for all.

”With great love, the spiritual messengers of God said, September 25, 1975: “Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

”This book contains prophecies and knowledge to guide us through the times ahead. It is written to help us prepare a way within our hearts for the Messiah’s coming upon the Earth, and to build a new heaven and new earth upon Earth. Hopefully, their words will add to our understanding.

“For now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

“And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.“Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing.

“And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

“And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

“And thy ask unto thyselves, ‘Why do they talk in riddles?’ Yet we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

“But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 21, 1972)

The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star

Told by Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Those of you who have been to the valley will love to read this book or the series (of individual chapters published as separate books).

It’s about how the angels, Aka, guided Ray Elkins to follow a Christmas Star and led him to a place that would be safe in troubled times — a promised land. The promise is for you too, if you wish.

From the valley of the Lord that lies within — to a vision of a valley — to a promised land — and then to step into the new world, the spiritual messengers of God guided their flock of people to a safe place where they prepare within their hearts for the coming of the Messiah.

See The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star about the valley to which spiritual messengers of God led a flock of people on a route called Christmas Star.

The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star Series

If you prefer, you can read this instead in a five-part series. It still tells how a peaceful valley of the Lord within, became a real place on Earth one day.

Volume 1, The Valley and the Lord’s People, begins with a vision of a valley, where Ray Elkins rested while he was returning down the ladder from God. Ray would gather strength in the valley before he entered back into his body. But while he stood with God, Aka, spiritual messengers of God, spoke many parables through his unconscious body. Soon, a valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, where each of us can go.

Volume 2, A Vision of a Valley, the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley. And the vision became real. A place was being prepared in hearts, and upon the land, for the coming of the Messiah. A church was built within the soul, and in the valley, and was dedicated to God.

Volume 3 on The Valley, A Promised Land, is given. Amazing blessings unfold. A sacred healing springs awakens to life. The words Ray heard when he was returning from his journey to God into a valley take on even greater meaning. They become a promise of the future — the gift of a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

Volume 4, some who come to the valley take A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, bring into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway is opened into the new world. Those who enter become the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

Volume 5, Aka says, The Land of the ‘7’ Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place. In the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies, Aka, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood. They became one of the People, March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, and stepped into this new world — a new heaven and earth upon Earth. The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of this ancient time in the world preceding this one — before earth changes brought a migration to this land. Soon will be time for another migration.

Yet, the new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul at any time.

A firsthand account of finding this –

Judy’s Story: The Greatest Secret the Universe Knows.

A young woman looks up into the stars. She sees countless galaxies and wonders, “What is the greatest secret that the universe knows?’ Then one day, the universe answers her back.

See Judy’s Story: The Greatest Secret the Universe Knows.

And in 1972, her life was miraculously saved in a wreck. So she gave her life to God to lead as He chose. Judy was guided by rainbows and signs from God, and asked to write these words on people’s hearts.

But her story of only one of thousands of people who came, and who asked God and His spiritual messengers, Aka, for help and guidance.

The spiritual messengers of God bring –

Good Tidings of Great Joy: which will be to all people today

See Good Tidings of Great Joy: which will be to all people today

In this collection is gathered for you all the parables the spiritual messengers of God tell us about the preparation for and the coming of the Messiah. We’ve included some about Jesus, John the Baptist, and shepherds too that tell of a time when he came before.

Here are our latest books for you to help you prepare a way in your heart.

“We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within”

Part of the preparation for the coming of the Messiah is preparing a way within onesself first, and then, others.

Yet, scriptures tell us of a battle for the hearts and minds.

See “We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within”

“If the children of God deny the mark of the beast…your thousand years of peace shall reign”

The mark of the beast is interpreted differently across the four main views of Christian theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.

The spiritual messengers of God share their knowledge from the Father about the mark of the beast in messages gathered here for you to read, from their first to the last. Their guidance can add to your understanding of what scriptures say.

You’ll find many teachings about the mark and many examples.

As you study their words, what the mark is will hopefully become clear.

On August 18, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, answered this question: “Could you tell me what the mark of the beast is?”

“The mark of the beast shall be that that you shall write upon your soul.

“If thy should give unto evil unto your fellow man, this mark shall show.

“If thy should give unto greed unto your fellow man, this mark shall show.

“If thy should trespass upon another, this mark shall show.

“All things of your lives shall show upon your soul, one by one, where you have built them.” [See The Revelation 12:17, 13:1–18]

“Yet, we say unto you, in one moment all this could be taken away. But within that moment, if thy should take a backward step, they shall be stamped again.”

The spiritual messengers of God give these messages in love, so that the mark of the beast may not be written upon your soul.

A biography (paperback) –

About the man, the instrument, through whom the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke: The Psychic Light (before the Dawn).

This book is about the life, times and psychic or spiritual gifts of Ammie Ray Elkins. But within its covers are lessons on astral projection or out-of-body experiences, channeling, hypnosis, past-life regressions, far memory, physical, emotional and spiritual healing, and insight into how to develop most of the psychic or spiritual gifts.

Whether you are advanced or a beginner, there’s sure to be a world of knowledge within it to learn. Or if you prefer, The Psychic Light can bring you a greater understanding of what we call psychic or spiritual gifts, or simply the knowledge of the soul.

The Psychic Light (before the Dawn)

Ammie Ray Elkins was a very gifted man, whose knowledge and abilities surpass that of most others, for in him shone the stars and galaxies and universes — what he called “the psychic light before the dawn” — the dawn of this knowledge within mankind.

His book is given to teach you to know this light within.

The first book (a paperback) –

A Rose without Thorns.

“Therefore, we give unto you a Rose without thorns, yet the thorns you place there yourself.”

Some say “a Rose without thorns” spiritually means “the coming of the Messiah.”

The words of this book are spoken directly by spiritual messengers of God (angels) to prepare a way within your hearts for the Messiah’s coming — and give you A Rose without Thorns.

They were spoken from 1970 to 1989 through a man, Ray Elkins, in a town appropriately called Globe, Arizona. He lovingly gave up his body for the spiritual messengers of God to enter and speak in words that you may hear, and come to know them. Their messages were recorded. Selected teachings and spiritual guidance were placed in this book, A Rose without Thorns, that you may read their words just as they were spoken.

“We come, not to place fear in front of you, but glad tidings. For we have come but for one purpose, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. He is born upon your earth and now we shall prepare a way for him.” (Spoken by Aka, spiritual messengers of God, January 4, 1974)

“We come as the peacemakers. Fear not that you should feel our presence. Open your hearts that we may enter, and your days of anguish shall be over, for we shall fill your cup, and therefore, a Rose shall grow without thorns.” (Messengers of God, May 4, 1973)

Although they are words on pages, they are also more than this — for they come in spirit from messengers God sends. Their hope is that you will read the words and receive their purpose in coming — this beautiful gift of love from God offered unto your soul — a Rose without thorns!

A Rose without Thorns

“Now, once again, your Lord has seen fit to offer unto the earth a Rose without thorns for all to share, for all to see….For the blind shall see, and the deaf shall hear, for nothing shall be left uncovered, and nothing shall be hidden. Yet, there will be those who cannot see, though they can see with their eyes, and yet, those who cannot hear, though they can hear with their ears. (Sspiritual messengers of God, July 8, 1974)

“But we say unto thee, hark! For those who may hear, we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah…..”

“This choice has been given to the earth this day, this time. If man shuns these words, this Rose without thorns, then man shall perish in a polluted land, and no Rose at all shall grow….”

“We say also unto you, of that that came forth upon the earth — we hand upon the earth at this time the Rose without Thorns. If it is grasped, then your earth shall grow into a paradise of peace…”

“We come forth with the love of our Father, with the Rose without thorns for your earth. Pick it up.” (Words spoken by spiritual messengers of God, July 8, 1974)

Learn more and see all the books at the two Author Pages, Aka, spiritual messengers of God, and A. Ray Elkins.

The fourth video on the Author’s Page is of the spiritual messengers of God the first times the voice was recorded. At the end, Ray tells Rod what it was like to just go to heaven! Listen.

In this video, you will be able to hear the difference in the voice of spiritual messengers of God speaking through his unconscious body and his own voice when he awakens. You’ll hear Ray describe what it was like to have just been to Heaven. The emotion in his voice is unmistakable.

If you enjoyed listening to Aka tell who they are in the videos, or learn from their techings in parables, there are more recorded messages to hear! Listen to to the feeling and emotions of angels as they speak. The resounding quality of the voice is actual, as it speaks from universal consciousness, close to God. It has not been edited or altered in any way.

When events happen suddenly, they don’t have a chance to be recorded by professionals or in a studio. They are just quickly captured by whoever is present with whatever recording equipment that was available. On April 3, 1970, Ray Elkins’s wife grabbed the hand-held tape recorder she’d borrowed her mother after a voice had begun to whisper through her unconscious husband once before. She held the little mike in her hand, sometimes fumbling, as a voice that was not her husband’s began to speak through him.

Without knowing it, she was recording spiritual messengers of God speaking through him.

Hear the recorded words as Ray walks up a ladder into heaven and describes it when he returns. The voice that speaks on his journey is not his own, as his wife soon heard.

Days before, Ray had died, gone to heaven, and then returned back to life.

He said he had gone before someone and been given a gift by one with more love in his eyes than anyone he had ever seen. Ray said, “Words were not used; words were not needed.” Ray was also given the choice to remain there with all the people gathered around this one, or to return back to his body. He didn’t know what the gift was. He only knew that he could trust this one as none other. He was told that if he chose to return, he should give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love that it was given to him, asking nothing in return. When he returned to his body, nothing would have changed; he would still have the pain. Yet, Ray chose to return.

For a long time, Ray didn’t know what the gift was. But a voice began to speak through his unconscious body. When this happened, Ray’s pain was alleviated. And his friends and relatives who came to hear were blessed, and their needs were seen to also.

We are fortunate to to able to share these first recordings of the spiritual messengers of God from April 1970 with you. The sound quality you’ll hear from the little hand-held recorder is not professional — because it is real! (The pictures were added later, for it to be uploaded to YouTube so that you can hear.)

You can read more of Ray’s account of what happened to him in “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.”

Or see the Author Page on Amazon.com to read the words that were spoken through Ray Elkins in trance. (A priest called this a “profound meditation.”)

What Was It Like to Listen?”

You can hear many of the words that were actually recorded when the spiritual messengers of God spoke at www.YouTube.com/AUniversalPhilosophy.

Here is a photo of the spiritual messengers of God. Look closely at the man (Ray) in the reclining chair. See the light streaming down upon him (of spiritual messengers sent from God who speak)?

Can you see the spiritual messengers of God in this photo? Rays of infinite light stream down from above into the unconscious body of Ray Elkins in Globe, as the spiritual messengers of God hover and enter into it to speak to man. They were recorded speaking in this manner through their instrument, Ray, from 1970 to 1989.

In 1973, I (the photographer) sat in Ray’s dimly lit living room, as I had many times before, listening to the spiritual messengers of God speaking. This time I brought my Nikormat camera with me. With permission, while I sat at their feet I photographed the spiritual messengers of God, Aka. Look closely at the photo of Ray in the recliner (with microphones taped to a stand in front of his face). This is not Ray you see. The continence on the face is that of the spiritual messengers of God who were speaking through his body. See the rays of light streaming down from above his head, surrounding and entering into Ray’s unconscious body? These are rays or spirit flowing, like a river, from God through universes, galaxies and worlds beyond worlds — entering into this time and place — to speak to us. I didn’t recognize this in the photograph for years. I thought it was just a poor photograph. How many times I tried to have the photocopy store adjust it darker, trying to remove those streaks of light. I was mistaken. The rays of light you see as faint streaks entering from above his head around and into his body are visible and invisible energies, or beings — God’s spiritual messengers! This is their actual photograph.

At the time this photo was taken, “Soul Ray” had already departed his body and walked up a “stairway” through the stars to heaven to stand with God, so that the spiritual messengers might come from the Father and enter into time to hover above his body and enter, to speak to man. It happened just as you see in the picture that was taken while they were speaking.

Read how it began. See “We Are Here to Prepare a Way for the Coming of the Messiah.”

A new BOOK with wings is now here for you at amazon.com/author/assoc.universal.philosophy

If you’d like to know more — Read “A Stairway to Heaven.

Ask how to join the Association the angels guided us to form at AUP@earthlink.net. Read “What is the Association of Universal Philosophy?”

“This organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy,” Ray Elkins said one evening before he left his body and went to stand with God, so the spiritual messengers of God could come and speak.

Will you join us?

The spiritual messengers of God told us, April 15, 1970: “This I shall repeat again, there can never be any gain, material gain, from these readings, or from my work, only the gain that your souls shall receive from God’s word.”

To honor this request, all money will be donated to further the work of the spiritual messengers of God, and to continue the non-profit Association of Universal Philosophy that the spiritual messengers of God formed in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

The instrument through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke freely spent 19 years of his life, from 1970 to 1989, giving the trance readings contained in these books. You can read more about him at www.amazon.com/author/a.ray.elkins.

The readings are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins, of Globe, Arizona. All right are reserved. U.S. Library of Congress Registration A 624240. Ray Elkins requested that these books be written and granted copyright privileges for this, because it was important to him (and God) that this work go on. God has provided all the way for this to be given.

The spiritual messengers of God asked, “Give our words wings and let them go unto the world.”

Here are their words! May you write them in your hearts and prepare a place within you for the coming of the Messiah, so that new words shall be written upon the sky!

“I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (Jeremiah 31:33)

“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 1, 1972)

These are words from heaven to you!



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.