Writers Like Speculative Fiction

Vincent Apunike
4 min readMay 26, 2022


Speculative Fiction includes many subgenres: fantasy, science fiction, horror, utopian, dystopian, apocalyptic, science fantasy, alternate reality, and superhero genres. This broad genre uses real human beings, animals, then blending the plots with elements that are not in existence.

Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter franchises are the two highest-grossing series of all time. Harry Potter for instance uses magical elements. It takes a suspension of disbelief to enjoy such works. Invariably, it is an easy thing to do with classics and well-written projects.

Speculative fiction is not only for kids. There are adults who believe in the strength of Thor. Superhero films inculcate a deep belief of triumph over life challenges into their audiences. This helps individuals overcome adversity.

The question people ask comic geeks, those who like fables or horror is, how do you enjoy books or films like this? Myself, I have watched some animations but they are not my go-to. I remember asking my friends who spent all their spare time enjoying Naruto, how and why they do it. I guess it comes down to the need to escape reality. Momentarily, you may need something to ease your mind and get you through the day. Speculative fiction provides a portal for that.

I believe one of the reasons writers like speculative fiction is because of the opportunities to create unique worlds. It allows our imaginations to run free. Creativity is how most innovations come about. It takes courage to attempt handling bigger concepts. Nonfiction writers may not understand this. There is always a need to poke at the edges and see what gives. Some of the ideas wouldn’t be practical as written, but pure science itself involves experiments. These ideas and theories can be gathered and worked upon all the while creating enticing stories for excited readers.

Horror stories make your blood boil. It works in different ways. There is excitement that comes from reading scary books or watching a scary film. Normally, why should anybody indulge in such a form of entertainment? Maybe to enjoy the thrill that comes from humans’ darkest traits without acting them out? Some creatives take it to another level. They milk the storyline for every jolt of ecstasy possible. My first time in a 5D cinema, given all the options to choose from, I picked a horror clip because the combined experience of the immersive virtual reality appeared more fun to me.

Since writers try to mirror life with their works, tell stories about the past, or speculate about the future, this genre provides an avenue to do that without using real-life elements as they are. Evidently, readers also love to go on the same journies. They trust their favorite writers to deliver such entertaining works within the boundaries they have created. And this is a big task, but the challenge spurs writers to push the boundaries.

Today, fantasy, Science Fiction, and other genres make the big bucks. It’s almost as if people think that since they already experience reality as it Is, they need something different. In terms of movies, producing such blockbusters is not cheap. Manufacturing settings, costumes, and the like require a huge commitment. On the flip side, merchandising, live shows and other income avenues can be built from these characters and the stories they tell. Again, the themes stay long with the audience.

Classics like Songs of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martins birthed the popular film series, Game of Thrones. From some perspectives, the audience gets fresh insights into a different kind of world-building. They also peek into how different empires function. The themes teach loads of moral lessons and values while also depicting the ugly sides of human nature. I always like to watch clips that involve animals. Maybe dragons spitting fire is a stretch, but whenever possible, placing humans and animals side by side depicts similarities you don’t see every day. Animals are special sometimes I wish they could talk.

Some ideas cannot be easily portrayed by human beings which led to the increased use of CGI and other high-tech equipment. James Cameron’s Avatar which is the highest-grossing film of all time is amazing. He used specialized cameras for production. For writers, there is nothing wrong with creating such worlds, there are always readers who enjoy them. In this way, you can tell stories with certain freedom knowing someone always relates, as a lot of people do.

