Important: Reddit’s community points / loot tokens are currently on the Rinkeby test network. You’ll need to switch your wallet to the test network to see them.

If you are using a separate instance of MetaMask in your Brave Browser you can follow the instructions for connecting your Reddit Vault to MetaMask here:

Otherwise, to start you’ll need to have created your wallet via the Reddit App. You can find the step-by-step guide for that here:

Once you’ve created your Reddit Vault, you’ll see a section that outlines “Manual Backup” and provides you with 12 random words:

In cryptocurrency, we call those 12 random words a “seed phrase” — they are a set of random words that can be used to regenerate your public and private key pair if you ever lose access to your wallet (or Reddit Vault)

On the Brave Browser navigate to “brave://settings” and click on “Crypto Wallets” — if you’ve never set this up before select Local Wallets as your provider.

Once you’ve done that, you should see a page like the one above.

You’ll click on “Import using account seed phrase” and from there you’ll be able to enter your 12 word seed phrase.

Now your Reddit Vault is the same wallet as your Brave Browser wallet.



Adam Cochran

Partner@Cinneamhain Ventures, Privacy Advocate, Adjunct Professor, and Growth&CorpDev Strategy at