pick my mind

2 monks and 1 beautiful woman!

This beautiful story will make you stop and rethink your life

2 min readOct 5, 2022
beautiful image of buddha
image from pexels

A senior monk and a young monk were on their way.

They came across a river with a heavy stream at one point.

As the monks prepared to cross the river, they noticed a young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross.

The young lady requested if they might assist her in crossing to the other side.

Because they had taken vows not to touch a woman, the two monks exchanged glances.

The older monk then scooped up the woman, carried her across the river, deposited her gently on the other side, and continued his trek.

What had just transpired shocked the younger monk.

He remained dumbfounded after rejoining his partner, and an hour passed without him saying anything.

After two hours, three hours, and ultimately four hours, the younger monk couldn’t take it any longer and shouted out, “As monks, we are not permitted to touch a woman; how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”

“Brother, I put her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?” said the older monk.

We all go through periods in our lives when we should leave things “on the other side of the river,” but we continue to carry them and only punish ourselves.

Those things could include

the money you lost in the stock market

guilt about something you have done or have not done

bad career decisions

bad investment decisions

Ask yourself

“What are you still holding on to, that you should let go?”

life is beautiful
image made in canva

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