Day #6 — Ignore ‘Em

Adam Dukes
4 min readMay 25, 2017


This is a LIVE case study where I am documenting my journey to becoming a highly paid marketing consultant by blogging everyday for 50 consecutive days. It’s called “50 Days to Freedom: My Journey to 5 Figures in 50 Days“. At the end of the post, you will find links to all the previous days.

I am not good with working on the weekends, and I know for this challenge, that is going to have to change.

I work in a loft upstairs, and with 3 kids home on the weekends, it is not easy.

Excuses be damned, and I will find a way!

Is This Holding YOU Back?

It’s something that has held me back for years, and just recently, I got caught up in it…again.

What I am talking about….

…is listening to the opinions of others.

A couple weeks ago I read a post in a Facebook group about a Dad that was using Instagram live videos & photos of his day as a Dadprenuer, and then using an app (Quik app — quickly becoming one of my absolute favorite apps) to create a slideshow of his day.

He went on to explain that he shared this “slideshow video” to Instagram, Facebook stories and his personal Facebook profile at the end of the day.

In 30 days, he picked up some client work and booked a speaking gig.

A lot of your Facebook friends probably don’t know what you do, I know a lot of my friends have no idea what I do, as I don’t talk about it much.

So, I decided to follow this Dad’s lead and experiment with doing the same. At first, I mixed in photos of the kids with videos of myself working/thoughts of the day/lessons learned/etc.


I started listening to the opinions of others.

My Mom told me I looked “extremely stressed” in the videos.

She also told me that my sister said that I looked “old & tired”.

That stung, I am not going to lie, but glad they told me. I prefer the truth, as oppose to some bullshit lie, even though the truth can hurt. Not nearly as bad as a lie though.

Today, I posted episode #11, but have not been doing videos of myself, because of what my Mom shared with me.

Since I started doing these slideshow videos, I have had 3 people reach out about needing help with marketing their busienss and/or putting together a marketing strategy for a new business.

I changed my strategy because I listened to the opinions of others.


You cannot let anyone’s opinion (yes, even family) change what you are doing. You have to be committed to getting your message out there. There are people out there that NEED your help.

And if you’re not sharing your message…

You’re being selfish.

And I have been selfish by listening to my Mom & sister.

So I just did an Instagram video about writing this email, so I am trying to put their opinions to the side (easier said than done).

Also, I have made a couple health changes over the last couple weeks, because of what they told me.

  • I am now juicing daily — 3 servings of fruits, 3 servings of vegetables, flaxseed, almond milk & chia seeds.
  • I now wake up at 5:15 am (about an hour earlier than normal) and immediately take a walk around the neighborhood.
  • I am trying to get to bed by 10, so that I get 7 hours of sleep each night.

So I made a mistake by letting their opinions influence my message to the Universe. However, I also used their opinions to better myself.

Be careful of the opinions of others.

Whether that be from family, your spouse, your neighbor or the person you went to high school with 15 years ago.

I am looking at it as I went off course for a bit, but am getting back on track starting today.

Progress, not perfection is something my sister told me when she was in rehab in 2009, some of the best advice I ever done heard.

Day #6 Breakdown

Today, I didn’t do much busienss wise towards the challenge.

Day #6 Numbers

Emails Sent: 0

Sales Calls: 0

Facebook Posts: 1

Leads Generated: 2

Revenue Generated: $0

If you’re getting value from any of these posts, please share with a friend.

If you have comments and/or suggestions, please leave a comment below!

Last, but certainly not least: Thank you so much for reading, it means more than you know!

Follow along: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5



Adam Dukes

A stay-at-home-Dadpreneur, a marketing strategist, a cheeseburger connoisseur and a wastebucket full of useless sports knowledge.