Install ChatGPT locally On Windows 11: Here’s a step-by-step guide

8 min readMar 1, 2023


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MAKE BETTER PROMPTS FAST :An innovative platform that allows you to generate custom Ai prompts that can be used with any AI generator, such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Disco Diffusion, DALL-E, and more.

ChatGPT is a powerful OpenAI language model that can be used for various text generation tasks, including conversational agents, summarization, and more. In this article, we will walk you through how to use ChatGPT on your Windows 11 machine locally.

Before we begin, you need to ensure that you have two prerequisites installed: Python 3.7 or later and Git. Follow the instructions below to download and install Python and Git on your machine.

Instructions to install Python:

  1. Go to and click on the latest version of Python available for Windows.
  2. Download and run the Python installer file.
  3. Instructions To Install Python Here:

Instructions to install Git:

  1. Go to and download the Git installer for Windows.
  2. Run the Git installer file.
  3. Instructions To Install Github Here:

Once you have Python and Git installed on your machine, it’s time to open a Command Prompt or PowerShell. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard or click the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner of your screen to open the Start menu.
  2. Type “Command Prompt” or “PowerShell” in the search bar.
  3. Select either “Command Prompt” or “PowerShell” from the list of search results.

Alternatively, you can also use the keyboard shortcut to open the Command Prompt or PowerShell by pressing the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box, type “cmd” or “powershell” and hit Enter.

Once you have opened the Command Prompt or PowerShell, you can start installing pip and virtualenv. These are essential tools for managing Python packages and creating isolated Python environments. Use the following commands to install pip and virtualenv:

python -m ensurepip --default-pip
pip install virtualenv

Make sure to run these commands one at a time and wait for each command to finish before entering the next one.

To check if Python is already installed on your machine, type the following command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell:

python — version

If Python is not installed, you’ll need to download and install it from the official website before running any Python-related commands.

Ok we are ready to begin!

STEP 1: Clone the OpenAI API repository

Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell and clone the OpenAI API repository to your local machine by running the following command:

git clone

Once the repository is cloned, navigate to the api directory using the cd command:

cd api

STEP 2: Create and activate a virtual environment

Create a virtual environment by running the following command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell:

python -m venv env

Activate the virtual environment by running the following command:


STEP 3: Install dependencies

In the activated virtual environment, install the required dependencies using the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the required dependencies for the OpenAI API.

STEP 4: Set up API key

To use ChatGPT, you need to sign up on the OpenAI website to get access to set up an API key. Follow the instructions provided in our previous article to create an OpenAI account and set up your API key.

Once you have your API key, we need to create a new file in the api directory called .env and add the following line, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API key:

To create a new file in the api directory and add your API key, follow these instructions:

Open the File Explorer on your Windows 11 computer.

Navigate to the directory where you cloned the ChatGPT repository.

Locate the “api” folder and open it.

Right-click anywhere in the folder and select “New” from the context menu.

Click on “Text Document” to create a new text file.

Rename the file to “.env” (without the quotes) and press Enter to confirm the new name. Note: Windows may display a warning message stating that changing the file extension may make the file unusable. You can safely ignore this message and click “Yes” to proceed.

Open the newly created .env file in a text editor like Notepad or Visual Studio Code.

Add the following line to the file, replacing “YOUR_API_KEY” with your actual OpenAI API key:


Finally save the changes to the file.

That’s it! You have now created the .env file in the api directory and added your OpenAI API key to it.

STEP 5: Test the OpenAI API

To test the OpenAI API, run the following command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell

python examples/ "Hello, I'm ChatGPT. How can I help you today?"

This will generate a response from ChatGPT to the prompt and print it to the console.

STEP 6: Use ChatGPT locally

You can now use ChatGPT locally on your machine by modifying the examples/ file with your desired prompt and arguments.

For example, suppose you want to generate a response to the prompt “What is the meaning of life?”. You could modify the examples/ file as follows:

import openai

openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

prompt = "What is the meaning of life?"

response = openai.Completion.create(


This will generate a response from ChatGPT to the prompt and print it to the console in the command prompt.

Want to customize even more?

  • Customize the openai.Completion.create() method even further for your requirements
  • max_tokens: determines the maximum number of tokens (words or characters) the API should generate in response to the prompt. Increasing the value of this parameter can lead to longer, more detailed responses.
  • temperature: controls the randomness of the generated text. A lower value makes the response more predictable and conservative, while a higher value makes it more creative and unpredictable.
  • n: specifies the number of different responses the API should generate in response to the prompt.
  • stop: allows you to specify a string or list of strings that the API should stop generating text at. This is useful if you want to generate text that ends with a specific phrase or word.
  • frequency_penalty: encourages the API to generate more diverse responses by reducing the likelihood of repeating the same phrases or concepts.
  • presence_penalty: encourages the API to include specific keywords or concepts in its responses by increasing the likelihood of generating text that includes them.

If you can’t find the examples/ file to modify keep reading below:

The default location for the file depends on where you cloned or downloaded the OpenAI API repository. By default, the examples directory (where the file is located) should be in the root directory of the repository.

For example, if you cloned the OpenAI API repository into your home directory on Linux or macOS, the path to the file would be:


On Windows, if you cloned the OpenAI API repository into your user directory, the path to the file would be:


If you’re not sure where the repository is located on your machine, you can use the cd command in the Command Prompt or PowerShell to navigate to your user directory and search for the repository.

In conclusion, using ChatGPT locally on Windows 11 is a powerful way to generate text without relying on an internet connection. By following these instructions, you can set up ChatGPT on your machine and start using it for your text generation tasks.

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This article was sponsored by:

MAKE BETTER PROMPTS FAST :An innovative platform that allows you to generate custom Ai prompts that can be used with any AI art generator, such as Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Disco Diffusion, DALL-E, and more.

With just a few clicks, you can generate high-quality Ai prompts that are perfect for use in various industries, including art, design, marketing, and more.

The prompt builder allows you to create prompts from scratch, giving you more control over the images you create. You can tailor the prompts to your specific needs, resulting in images that are more unique and perfect for your project.

In summary, is a fantastic platform for generating custom prompts that can be used with any AI art generator. It offers a simple and effective way to generate high-quality prompts that are tailored to your needs, all while giving you more control over the process. Whether you’re an artist, designer, marketer, or anyone in need of high-quality images, is the perfect tool to help you unleash your creativity and achieve your goals with ease.




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