Impatiently trying to be patient!

Part 9 — Designing and building a DIY home recording studio

Alexander Jenkins
2 min readApr 3, 2018
Relying on others for help during construction projects can be difficult. Especially when schedules don’t match. I’m trying to be patient, but I’m chomping at the bit and I just want things to keep moving.

The Waiting Game

Delays and setbacks are so predictable and such a consistent part of progress, I should actually start including them in my project planning. That way when they occur I can feel like I’m still right on schedule.

Right now I’m very impatiently trying to be patient. The person I selected to help me with my framing has had to reschedule on me three times, due to circumstances beyond their control, so studio construction is at a complete standstill right now. Normally I would have bailed at this point and just moved on to new help to keep things moving, but in this case this person is very much worth waiting for. So I wait.

As luck would have it, I’m in the middle of working on music and sound for a new ride film project so I’m staying completely busy and not just sitting around worrying about the framing being delayed. But, because the whole point of building this studio is to accommodate these film projects, it’s a bummer to have construction shut down these past few weeks. But, such is the life of DIY.

The good news is we now have a day scheduled (coming right up), that should get everything back on track. But for now, back to work on the film!

